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Anxiety ridden fingers surround Taehyung's own, pinching and prodding absentmindedly at them as Jimin's nerves show on the surface of his skin.

The olders mind spins in circles, his thoughts tumbling like clothes in a washing machine. He can't catch one, he can't latch on to a way to begin what remains a stagnant offer that only does well to continue their silence. Will he have to say this awful thing twice? Once for Taehyung, and another for his other friends. He couldn't possibly ask Jungkook to do it for him, though he's positive the man would. Jimin parts his lips as if to speak, but his words fizzle out before they even reach the tip of his tongue.

"It's something bad, right? Something really bad?" Taehyung takes the initiative to spark Jimin's depleting flame with a loaded question. He quickly, ungracefully, gets back up to his feet and drags his chair close to Jimin's, lowering himself into its unwelcoming embrace. The tall boy leans forward in his seat, nodding as if he can read all of Jimin's secrets through the glossy look in his eyes.

Jimin thins his lips, expression deflating. He looks away from Taehyung's stare, mostly to avoid the tears that may threaten to fall. His heart grows more sensitive under the caring stare of a close friend. It's unavoidable really. Jimin knows already that he can't look away, he can't escape the incomparable feeling the love of another human being does with your heart. It tears it wide open and stuffs it full of a warmth so touching, hot tears fill your eyes with the kind of pent up emotion only love and kindness can filter out. "It's really bad." Jimin mumbles with a shake in his voice.

In the nature of regret for his harsh behavior, Taehyung hangs his head. He can feel a cloud of depression hovering between their bodies. "I'm not very good at imagining you being sad when I can't see you, but I feel really bad now for getting so mad at you for leaving, Jiminie."

Jimin smiles, but his heart squeezes painfully in his chest. It's hard to receive an apology for something you've helped create, especially if the hurt someone has caused you is carried on by hurt of their own, made worse by your actions. "You shouldn't feel bad. I shouldn't have left the way that I did." It's confession time, Jimin supposes. He might as well let it all out while his strength lasts.

"Maybe not, but you did have to leave, right?" Taehyung nods, empathetically. Empathetic to a situation he can only estimate for. With a guess in mind, a silent conclusion he's created inside of his own head, the younger calculates his degrees of emotion to portray. He doesn't want to come off as pushy, desperate for answers. He doesn't want to step on Jimin's toes or make him cry once more. Taehyung wants to make the small boy feel less alone within his head, that's all. He wants to relate to him. "Sometimes I feel like leaving." He says now, chuckling softly after his words. With the commotion of his life, his brothers illness, his parents exclusion of his own emotions, it's not a lie for him to admit to a desire of getting away.

It's quiet again for a while, Taehyung's confession thick in the silence. Maybe out of their close group of friends, Taehyung is the most sensitive to change. Change alters his mind in a way he finds it difficult to manage positively, especially when the change upholds itself in negative light. Taehyung's younger brother is special and the thought of losing him to something that can't be noticed by the boys physical health breaks the man apart. Jimin knows how selfish it was for him to leave his friend, for him to leave Taehyung considering the fragility of his mind. "Don't leave, though. It's not worth it." He whispers, finally interrupting a long pause in conversation. "I regret leaving, to be honest. I made you guys worried, but you know, I'm the most sorry for leaving you the way that I did."

Taehyung raises an eyebrow, half confused, half curious. "Me?" He points to his chest. "Not Jungkook?"

"Well, Jungkook is.." Jimin begins, shrugging when he can't find a good collection of words to explain the way that his heart feels.

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