Dance for me

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"It's so quiet out there." Jimin whispers into Jungkook's neck. He presses a short kiss to the skin there and pulls away to look at the others face. "Sleeping, baby?"

Jungkook squints his eyes open. "Of course not. How can I sleep when I'm still waiting to see you dance for me?"

"Do I really have to do that? I mean, is today the best day to embarrass myself in front of you?" Jimin juts out his bottom lip into a small pout and lowers his head.

A smile comes to Jungkook's lips and he lifts his fingers to pinch Jimin's pouting lip between his fingers. "Mochi, practice your bravery and show me how you dance when you're all alone. You said you would."

"You made me."

"Doesn't matter, deal is a deal."

Jimin rolls his eyes. "Fine, but don't be mean, okay? I've never had any training before, so I only know what comes naturally to me."

"Noted. Do you need music, love?"

Jimin nods. "Pick something pretty."

Jungkook grabs his phone and scrolls through a wide selection of different songs he enjoys listening to. They manage to come to an agreement and Jungkook pulls himself up in his bed and presses his back against the headboard. "Here," he says, holding his phone out for Jimin to take it. "I want to see you dance now."

Jimin takes in a sharp breath, but it does nothing to calm his nerves. He's never danced before in front of anybody, not in a way that they'd been watching him. It's the most vulnerable he's felt in a long time as Jungkook's eyes are already scanning his body. Jimin closes his eyes to collect his thoughts, to bring himself down from the hype of everything currently going on in his life. He works to detach himself from where he is, who he's with, the situation he's put himself in today. His mind must be free for the music to move him.

He blinks his eyes open again to set Jungkook's phone down to press play and the music starts. It's only just loud enough for him to hear it. Jimin keeps his stare averted from Jungkook and he listens, waits until something hooks him and then his legs are moving.

With a clear mind and no train of thought, the music in control of his limbs, he disappears from Jungkook's bedroom and it feels like nobody is watching him when his eyes are closed. Before he needs it to, before his body is tired, the song comes to an end and Jimin stops. He hadn't watched himself, but he'd felt it and it was a good representation of how much effort he could put into a dance. "That's it." He mutters and bows his head, his breathing faster than before.

"You've never had training before?" Jungkook's jaw is lower than he means for it to be. He snaps his mouth closed and hums. "That's unbelievable."

"What?" Jimin creases his brows together as he looks up. It's starting to feel hot in the room, his energy high must be coming down.

"You're incredible, Jimin." Jungkook moves to get up from his bed and he goes to Jimin, placing his hands on his boyfriends hips. "I was expecting it to be sexy, and it was, but it was also really beautiful. You have so much talent, my love. Why haven't you shown me this already?"

"You're just saying that because you love me." Jimin leans into Jungkook's arms, lifting his own to loosely hang around the others neck. His cheeks feel red as the embarrassment starts setting in.

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