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It must have just started to rain just before Jungkook pulled into the driveway. Jimin can tell by the droplets of water on the mans leather jacket, the mist in his jet black strands of hair. He appears on his front porch as that same puppy he's always been, wet and bright-eyed with a big goofy grin on his face.

His wavy bangs are falling into his eyes, blurring away anything that isn't Jimin. The smallers skin is riddled with goosebumps by the chill in the air. It was cold rain, and the thought of this gives Jungkook's hands a mind of their own. They reach out to lend their warmth to Jimin's exposed forearms, sliding down to envelope small hands that fit snuggly into his. Puzzle pieces fitting together. His mind offers, and it makes him smile. He hasn't felt this complete in a long time.

"You're gonna catch a cold. Come in." Jimin says, noticing the others' damp hair. Couldn't wait to take a hair dryer to it before stepping out into the cold? He clicks his tongue in minor annoyance, wondering if a human heater could even catch a cold that easily, but he'd rather not chance the consequences.

Jungkook doesn't argue, letting Jimin take him by the hands and lead him inside. The cold breeze feels nice on his skin, but he'd much rather be hot under Jimin's touch, fingers aching to entangling themselves with the others. The door closes behind them, his stare not once leaving the little crease of concern between Jimin's eyes, his own smile as lifted as a puppy with a treat. He can't help it. Jimin's presence alone is uplifting. His attention is like a drug.

Jimin asked before if they were going to be as intense the second time around. Every cell inside of Jungkook's body feels electrified, on fire. He considers this as evidence to back up his response that yes, they will be.

Cold hands are rather normal for Jimin. He can sweater paw them all he wants to, tuck them between his thighs, or cling to a hot cup of tea. The cold comes back every time as if it belongs to him. Jungkook's hands offer a different kind of warmth. It doesn't feel as temporary, perfect like the ray of sunshine that streams through an open window on a frigid day, denying the bitter cold of its right to stake its claim. Just like a cat, Jimin is drawn to it. He weaves his fingers between Jungkook's, knowing that holding hands is only enough for the moment. The rest of him craves the sun just as desperately, wanting to curl up beneath its glow.

"You're beautiful." Jungkook whispers, wanting to give some context to his inability to take his eyes off of the other. "Insanely beautiful."

Heated cheeks weren't what Jimin was asking for. He can feel them blossoming pink, and he's swiftly developing the urge to cover them, Jungkook's stare unwavering, and he's still too shy to meet it. Jimin's in too deep now, hands firmly taken hostage by the other man. Rather than pulling away, he takes a step closer, burying his tinted cheeks into the nape of Jungkook's neck, their joined hands now pressed against his belly. "Shh, don't say that." He reprimands, but it's not very convincing.

Jungkook chuckles lowly.

Jimin can feel the vibration of Jungkook's laugh on his lips.

"Too beautiful not to say it."

"Mm." Jimin grumbles, letting out a sigh before breathing in the perfume of the tallers' skin. He smells enticing, sweet florals and spices. "You're bad at listening."

The breathy tone of Jimin's voice and the whisp of his words against his neck are enough to make him weak in the knees. Jungkook takes it all in, every bit of what he's missed so much, moments of tender closeness accompanied by soft bickering. Nothing in the world could compare to this. Nobody else could make his heart constrict so painfully sweet, knowing that loving Jimin is all it's ever been meant to do. He panics for a second, not knowing what to do or what to say to express the way he's feeling right now without making a mess somehow, but he remembers what Jimin said. As long as he's here and he doesn't leave, as long as Jimin doesn't tell him to go, they're made for this moment. Jimin wants him here right now. "I might be bad at listening, but I think you like it."

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