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"Okay. I got it. Listen up, alright?" Yoongi glances around the circle to make sure he has everyone's attention before he shares his ideas. They look up slowly from their own discussions, but he knows he has the perfect solution already. "I know exactly how we should turn this into a drinking game. It's perfect."

Namjoon raises a competitive brow, watching the other man cautiously. "Share you ideas. We're all ears." He says a bit mockingly, a set of rules racking his own brain.

Yoongi shrugs, a bit of a cocky smirk settling on his lips. "These are the rules of the game." He clears his throat and sits up straighter to portray his confidence. His rules come out fast, but well thought out. "You drink if you refuse a dare. Simple. You drink if you fail to complete a dare as accepted. You can't choose truth instead of dare more than two consecutive times, meaning if you've already chosen truth the last two times you were asked truth or dare, you must now choose dare or you can take two shots to completely skip your turn. If you skip your turn, you can't ask anybody else truth or dare, whomever asked you can chose another victim. You guys following?"

Jimin's eyebrows furrow together with confusion as he tries to keep up. "Wait, hyung. But, wouldn't that mean that refusing a dare is the same as skipping your turn?"

"Not exactly." Yoongi holds up his pointer finger to silence to younger, his excitement growing. He always did enjoy a more challenging game. "If you refuse a dare, but can still answer a truth if you haven't chosen truth twice already, you'll answer another truth question, but you will still have to take a shot for choosing dare and then refusing the dare you were given. If you simply fail to complete it, or chicken out of it, you take one shot and have to then answer a truth. It's only if you pass on a complete turn or run out of 'safety truths' that you have to take two shots. Do you get it?"

"So, we're only going to be penalized for failing dares?" Taehyung asks, incredibly intrigued by the works of Yoongi's mind. He's come up with this so quickly, as if he were preparing for this his whole life.

Yoongi shakes his head. "No. I'm getting there, let me finish." He sighs, excitement deflating a little from having to explain so many rules all at once. He's not much of a talker and it's exhausting. "There is a way to fail while answering a truth question. We're going to vote on your answer to the question asked, voting yes or no for if we believe it to really be a truthful answer. If it's believable, you pass. If we think you're lying, you take a shot."

"Honestly, this is starting to sound like we're all going to be hospitalized after this." Hoseok comments, looking a little appalled by Yoongi's set of rules. They sound pretty harsh on his ears and his gut is already twisting itself into knots as he thinks about how many shots he may have to inevitably take for missed dares. He's never been good at completing dares, and his friends tend to be pretty relentless.

"Just play smart you guys and nobody is going to need an ambulance. Do we need a referee for a game of truth or dare?" Jungkook peers quizzically around his group of friends, their expressions varying dramatically. Hoseok looks terrified, Namjoon more than a bit concerned. Taehyung looks equally as excited as Yoongi does, but Jungkook is positive that it's for completely different reasons. Jimin is watching his hands, but even by his side profile his expression screams determination. Jungkook sighs as his eyes fall on Seokjin, who still just looks sad.

"No. Everybody needs to play, and it's not like we really have that much alcohol anyway, so don't lie too much and be a man and take on some dares." Yoongi smiles big. "Lets play."


A/N: Hey guys! I'm really sorry for not uploading lately, on here and on YouTube. I've been so so incredibly busy and I really am sorry! I know this is really short, but I wanted to post this now so that you can give me some feedback about this. I'd appreciate knowing how you all feel about these rules and if they are okay and if they sound fun! I don't have much experience in drinking games and I tried to mix up your suggestions a bit and add some parts of what I thought could be interesting, but please tell me if you want me to come back to this and revise it to add more rules or less or whatever you'd like! Thank you for reading and I'm sorry that this AN is so damn long, I just feel like I've been away for so long and I'm rambling.. I love you! ❤️

Also MIC Drop Remix was so LIT ajhcjwuaidnchhwja

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