Ice cream

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"I know why we don't go to see movies together now." Jimin mumbles sheepishly, bumping his shoulder against Jungkook's. He laughs softly as he looks down at the ground.

"You didn't like the movie?" Jungkook asks. "It wasn't scary."

Jimin shakes his head. "No, it was okay. It just feels kind of impersonal. That's what I mean." He lifts his head up to shoot a crinkle eyed smile at his boyfriend and hums. "I'd rather just talk with you."

Jungkook chuckles, clasping Jimin's smaller hand in his. He leans over to kiss the shorter boys temple as they walk without a destination in mind. There's still some day left and it's warm enough for a frozen dessert. "Do you want to just talk with me over ice cream, love? I'll pay."

"But you paid for the movie."

"And I'll pay for the ice cream, too." Jungkook smiles. He swings their hands together between them, feeling giddy about their day together and looking forward to cooling off with a delicious treat. It's something he should be beating himself up about, not taking Jimin out more often for a date every now and then. It's a good feeling to spoil the love his life, to see the pretty smile that melts his heart. Yet, Jungkook can't regret the bond they've formed while alternating who's bedroom they would stay at for the night. He misses sleeping beside the other, holding him at night and sneaking feather kisses to his slumbering parted lips.

"Can we share an ice cream, baby?" Jimin looks to Jungkook again and his cheeks are tinted red.

The taller can't tell if Jimin is blushing or if he's still a bit sun kissed from the day before. Jungkook smirks before he retreats the expression back down into a small smile. "Mm, do you want to share a spoon, too?"

"Mhm, it's cute." Jimin lets a pout settle on his lips, staring up at Jungkook from under his eyelashes. He whines a little when the other doesn't answer immediately. "I like cute things."

Jungkook sticks out his own bottom lip, mocking his boyfriends pout. "You're a cute thing." He coos back at him.

"Stop, I want to share."

Jungkook lets another glimpse of a smirk paint his lips and he groans when Jimin's puffy lips form into a straight line. Jimin's eyes are watching him closely. "Mochi, we can share." Jungkook says quickly. "You're being too cute, today."

"You say that all the time, baby."

"It's always true."

When they reach the small shop, the sweet fragrance of freshly made waffle cones blessing their noses, Jimin is smiling like a fool. He can't help but fall in love with the kind of attention Jungkook is showering him with. His frequent butterfly kisses, the way that he stares, Jimin can't help but feel a little guilty about being so hard on the man. Jungkook's love for him is obvious and his patience and willpower are unstoppable. Somehow, it feels less painful to think about losing the bet when his boyfriend is sickeningly sweet. He finds himself wondering why he loves it so much.

Jungkook pulls the door open and follows the other inside, into the safety of glorious air conditioning. He sighs in relief before pulling Jimin to him to look over his dampened cheeks. "I hope the sun didn't burn you again."

"It was a short walk, bunny."

"But you're so soft. The sun is relentless."

"I'm okay. Ice cream."

"Right." Jungkook loops his arm around Jimin's waist and takes him to the counter.

Their eyes scan the menu for a while until Jimin decides what he wants, knowing that he can convince Jungkook to agree with his choice easily. "Something simple, like French vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles."

"Anything you want, love."

Jimin grins. "We'll get that." He sends the woman behind the counter a smile and a nod and she turns away from them to prepare it. Jimin takes this moment to lean himself into Jungkook's side, happy when the arm around his waist tightens and holds him closer. He looks beside him to find the same, admiring eyes on him and his heart lurches. "Are you staring at me again?"

"You're pretty."

"I never approved staring." He teases, his small fingers reaching to rest on Jungkook's arm around him. He's starting to feel like a puddle in the others arms.

Jungkook resists the urge to roll his eyes at the snappy tone in Jimin's voice and closes them instead. "Better?" He asks, sarcastically.

Jimin scoffs. Maybe it comes naturally for Jungkook to be so good at making him feel frustrated and vulnerable. He clears his throat and instinctively his shoulders rise as he fakes a spurt of confidence. "Well, now I miss it."

"Mm, yeah? You miss it?" Jungkook raises his eyebrows, but keeps his eyes closed anyway.

"I miss it a little."

"Just tell me what you want, mochi."

"Look at me."

Jungkook blinks a couple times before smiling when he sees the intensity of Jimin's own stare. "Are you messing with me?"

"No, baby." Jimin brings a hand to cover the lift in his lips, feeling a little excited to be holding an upper hand in their conversation for once. He feels a little bad to be taking advantage of the sweet day Jungkook is trying to create, but convinces himself over again to erase the guilty thoughts from his mind. It was Jungkook after all who told him to be this way, flirtatious and seductive. He can't make it too obvious what his real intentions are becoming. Jimin composes his expression and laughs, turning to the woman who's sliding their dessert onto the counter. "I'll pick a table." He leaves his boyfriend there to pay and grabs the most secluded table in the far corner of the shop, overlooking the busy sidewalk outside. The sun will set fairly soon, but he can think about their means of getting home later.

Jungkook follows his lead soon and sits across from him at the small corner table. "Why are you so smiley?" He asks, quirking an eyebrow. He's not ignorant to the change in Jimin's demeanor, but he won't complain. If Jimin's happy, he can do whatever he wants to do. Even if it makes Jungkook struggle even more than he's been.

"You just make me happy, bunny. That's all." Jimin lifts the spoon from the ice cream and brings it to his lips. It's sweet on his tongue and he laughs as he eats it. He picks up another bite on the spoon. "Try it, its yummy."

Jungkook opens his mouth to let Jimin feed him. It's so cute, he could die watching the attentive way Jimin holds his hand under the spoon in case it drips. The way Jimin watches him, a hint of a smirk lifting the edges of his lips. The ice cream is good, so sweet, but never as sweet as Jimin's gentle fingers swiping away the creamy residue from his lips.

Jimin leans back in his chair and Jungkook's eyes are on him. Just the way he wants it, eye contact as he casually licks the melted cream from his fingertips he's gathered from the others lips. "Is it good, baby?"

Jungkook is taken back for a moment, a little dumbfounded. He hadn't expected for Jimin to push past his own limitations so suddenly and he's witnessing the others confidence grow bigger. He feels mixed emotions; happiness for the breakthrough he can see taking place and a decent amount of concern for his chances of winning. Subtle seduction, what a good play. Jungkook won't tell Jimin that, but Jimin already knows by the look on his face. "It's good." He mumbles.

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