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His hands instinctively raise to catch him if he may fall, his sense of hearing growing increasingly more sensitive with every step that he takes. The cars whiz past so fast on the busy street, are they at an intersection? Somebody blows their horn and Jimin's skin bubbles with goosebumps. His heart is pounding in his chest when Hoseok speaks to him through a chuckle once again.

Wishing somebody else were present to catch the moment for Jimin to watch later when he could appreciate the comedy of his actions, Hoseok clarifies his intensions. He can see how on guard Jimin is becoming, how twitchy. "Relax, I got you." The brunette snickers, one hand guiding the other from the center of his lower back and the other taking Jimin's frantic hand to still it. "Calm down."

"I don't understand why I have to walk all the way there blindfolded, Hobi. This is ridiculous. I look ridiculous." Jimin rants back, grabbing onto the support of Hoseok's hand. "Seriously, I know Jungkook is trying to make it all mysterious and fun, but this part actually sucks."

Making a face that Jimin can't see, Hoseok hums with sparked curiosity. "More than all of the shitty memories he made you return to?"

Nodding immediately as if he's already come to this exact conclusion in his head, Jimin stops walking. He grabs the others hand tighter and his lips transform into the most pitiful of pouts, a huff passing them for emphasis before his whine tumbles after. "Lets cheat a little. You can blindfold me again when we're almost there."

"No." Hoseok's expression draws flat, lips a straight line. No, this is exactly what he prepared himself for. He collapses his arm across Jimin's when a small hand moves up to reach for the blindfold to remove it. They aren't close enough to the destination to really spoil anything yet, but even so, Jimin's defiance of the rules Jungkook so clearly laid out before him causes Hoseok's anxiety to pitter patter beneath his skin. "I know you hate this, we all know you hate this, but do it for Jungkook."

Jimin glares under the black of his blindfold, but his heart grows warm at the thought of the boy. Jungkook is working hard for whatever this is and he's not actively trying to ruin it, no of course he's not. Being cast into darkness, relying on Hoseok and Hoseok alone to guide him through the busy streets and the judgmental stares he can feel as strangers pass them by, winds up a knot in the pit of his stomach. It's nothing close to lack of trust in his friend, but blossoms in the black and scary recesses of his mind and where it goes when he loses something essential for self defense. Jimin is afraid, and as silly as it feels to even himself, the only one that could possibly comfort him if he were to lose his sight would be Jungkook. "How far?" He whispers now, licking his dry lips and taking a preventative deep breath, hoping to avoid any further meltdowns.

Hoseok sighs. "Just a little bit longer, I promise."


3:23 pm

Late. They're late. It doesn't matter, but Jungkook watches the time anyway, heart ticking along to the repetitive hands on the clock, steadying his breathing, calming his thoughts. What is this feeling? It wriggles beneath his skin, hitches his breath, restricts his airways. His heart years to be near its keeper, but he's late. So late.

Jungkook whispers with stale breath, "It's okay.". His words swirl his head, reaching the walls that surround him in the silence of the space. Like bodyguards, he appointed the others to stand guard outside, to warn him when it's time, when they show. But, how long should he wait before late turns his anxiety into detrimental distress? What is this feeling? 

The door clatters open from the far end of the room and a face of mixed emotion, of high energy announces from behind it. "They stopped at the stairs, but they're here, Kook."

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