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It must be the excitement in the room that fogs his brain, making it impossible to understand the small item displayed inside the pretty black box. He picks it up gently, aware of what it is, but completely lost on its purpose. Pouting his lips in the midst of his haze, confusion rings heavy in his question. "A key?" Somebody laughs, presumably at how little he's comprehending, and Jimin can hear the others follow suit behind him. Their voices are light and refreshing, dispelling the nagging frustration that tags along with the unknown. Jimin finds his lips curling up as Jungkook smiles at him. Something about the sparkle in the man's eyes makes him concerned, but more than anything he's curious. "What does it open?"

Chuckling with a tone much lower than his voice tends to venture, Jungkook leans gently against the table beside him. The soft smile he wears turns into scrunched lips, because the way Jimin is watching him makes his heart beat faster. He's nervous again, because Jimin might not want to accept this one, and truthfully that's what scares him the most. Lifting his hand slowly, Jungkook points at the ceiling of the room, holding his breath. "It opens this place, Mochi." The expression before him morphs into surprise, and somehow that's comforting to him. Surprise slowly trickles into understanding and the expression on Jimin's face becomes unreadable. "I- It's my gift to you."

The man must be joking around, and Jimin convinces himself of this for a moment. His eyes drift again around the room, its yellow walls chipping paint, wooden floors scratched and scraped beyond repair. Yet, even in such a state, it's way too much. It's a bit beautiful in its timed out attire, charming. He wouldn't call it an extravagant space, but it's free of clutter and the room feels massive around himself and his gaggle of friends. "Why, baby?" Jimin's eyebrows furrow. Everything that surrounds him feels like a never ending mystery.

"To dance." The corners of Jungkook's lips lift to their highest extreme, the edges of his eyes wrinkling with the width of his smile. With bunny teeth on full display, hands reaching out for Jimin, Jungkook bounces on his heels like a child excited for a day at the zoo. "I want you to dance, like you've always wanted to. In a place that's yours, Jimin. All yours."

Give me a second to catch my breath. Jimin would say if he could. His cold fingers grip Jungkook's wrist extended towards him and he steps into waiting arms. His waist is captured by the length of them winding around his frame and warm breath tickles the nape of his neck as the man chuckles close to it. Jimin's voice remains trapped in his throat as his eyes wander the room once more, latching onto small details of the place. His mind is still processing Jungkook's words as he ponders simultaneously about the history of the floor he stands on. Splatters of paint, pinks and blues and reds and greens, stain the wooden planks, leading Jimin to believe it was once inhabited by an artist. It's beautiful, absolutely. "Jungkook, what are you doing?" Jimin's rebellion begins to surface, because he can't say thank you and accept something like this without knowing where it came from, why it's his, what Jungkook had to do to obtain it. "How did you-"

"Let me explain." Jungkook pulls his arms away, grabbing the other by the shoulders gently and turning his twisted frame to face him again. Jimin's eyes are filled with questions when they meet his own, his stance wary. The boys eyebrows furrow inwards with heavy concern, but this is nothing Jungkook hadn't expected. "I know it might be overwhelming, but I've wanted to do this for a long time, and it really just lined up perfectly in time for me to ask you to marry me. So, this happened." It must be anxiety that courses through his veins, suddenly raising the hair on the back of his neck. Jungkook swallows hard, licking his dry lips before smiling almost apologetically. The expression on Jimin's face tells him that maybe it was too much to put him through, because even good things can be detrimental in heavy doses.

"That d-doesn't really explain anything." Jimin says amidst the tension that builds between them, his voice emitting the sound of his frazzled nerves through the absence of depth it carries. Really, he's stunned. He's bewildered and full of what ifs and when's and where's, but more than anything his heart feels warm. Jungkook's hands at his elbows holding him near to his body calm him, as the man's touch always does. The nervous smile that sits on his lips makes Jimin feel a bit guilty.

Jungkook sighs lightly, biting his lip to hold back a shaky laugh that pleads to surpass his lips. Even if he's afraid of Jimin's defiance to accept what he's trying to offer, even if Jimin still doesn't find himself worthy of it, Jungkook will always find happiness in giving to him what he deserves. He already promised Jimin the world and this is on the first piece. "My Mom helped me out, with this place. She bought it."

"She bought it?"

Nodding, Jungkook's hands slid down the others arms, stopping to close around Jimin's smaller own. He smiles warmly now, pleased by the pout that comes to play on Jimin's lips, his stare softened. "She owns it, for now. But, it's still yours."

"Jungkook-" Jimin doesn't mean to argue, but before he gets a chance to ask his next question, it's interrupted and answered, well rehearsed from Jungkook's lips.

"I'm going to pay her back, and when we graduate, she'll make it officially yours. We made a deal." The taller nods at his own declaration affirmatively. He raises his shoulders to brace himself for the response, rubbing soft circles into Jimin's soft palms.

"I-" Jimin's softened stare blinks away from eye contact again, feeling a range of emotions that bring unwanted moisture to his eyes. Knowing that Jungkook hasn't done something crazy in his own is only slightly comforting, but it does ease his heart. Jungkook's dedication to him is dangerous sometimes. "Baby, I don't get it. How will you pay her back?"

This too is something to be afraid of, because, until now, there haven't been many priorities to separate them aside from school. Jungkook leans forward and places a slow, long kiss to the top of Jimin's head, waiting for his eyes to return. His heart lurches when he finds tears inside of them and Jungkook reaches up to swipe them away. "A job, Mochi." He says regretfully, hoping his words don't cause more crying than his previous own. "Her best friend owns the pet store near town center and she offered me a position taking care of the puppies in the back."

Jimin's pouting lips part, eyes that held his concerns and his guilt and his insecurities suddenly full of peaked interest. One eyebrow quirks up. "P-puppies?"

Finally, a bit of laughter creeps into the fold once again. Jimin's tone isn't arming up for battle anymore, not reluctant or defensive or lacking excitement. Jungkook rests his forehead against Jimin's, touching their noses together to increase the growing intimacy he's craving desperately. "Yeah, puppies." Jungkook whispers. "And the kittens, but only on Tuesdays."

Left without much to say, nothing to ask and hot tears in his eyes, Jimin nods. He knows how much Jungkook tries for him, he knows how much this means to him. He loves it. "I love puppies." Jimin whispers, sniffling. "And the kittens."

Jungkook chuckles. "I know."

"I love this place, baby." Jimin's hands climb Jungkook's chest to reach his neck. He cups Jungkook's cheek, lips almost touching as they breathe together. How gross their displays of affection must be becoming to the others that watch them, but they couldn't care any less. "I love it."


A/N: I really love puppies ohmygosh~

I'm sorry this took me so long. I hope this is fluffy and cute, I'm trying so hard. I love these babies and they deserve so much fluff~ I also love you guys so much and you deserve so many updates~

Please always be well, my loves! ❤️ Thank you for being here!

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