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With warmed hands protected from the bite of frosty winds, Jimin's cheeks still feel hot beneath Jungkook's fingertips. He pulls the boy closer to his face until their labored breaths mingle, hot, between them. His actions are plenty loud as he finds the smaller caught off guard. Jungkook sinks his body weight onto his rear, pulling his legs in from the side of the bed. One arm winds around a small waist to pull Jimin nearly into his flattened lap. He can feel every quiver of the others breath on his lips and Jungkook decides not to waste anymore time.

Jimin doesn't expect to be kissed. He doesn't intend to react to the way Jungkook's thinner lips glide skillfully against his own, sucking softly before retracting with tiny, short pecks of affection. He whines into the mouth attached to his, rebellious hands meant to push away the man's actions giving in to find brown strands of hair to entangle themselves in. Jungkook's hand braces his weight with a firm grasp around his middle.

"Just, use me." Jungkook groans. He's not into the idea of waiting for an answer. His emotions have already been beaten into the ground and waiting for any kind of denial of his words hasn't done him a bit of good thus far. He lifts one of Jimin's flexible legs to hook it over his hip and with his embrace around the boys waist, he manages the smaller to his back on the bed. Jungkook stops moving, so close to Jimin with his arm trapped around his torso. He can free himself easily, but he stays for just one moment. Just one moment to hold onto the love of his life before he pulls away to hover. Jimin's eyes stare up at him, wet and curious, but frightened above all. "I want to make you feel better. I need to."

Jimin wants to deny it. His moral compass cries out, screaming that it's wrong and it's selfish to accept the offer Jungkook is forcing upon his jittery limbs. The worst part of being trapped inside his self loathing thoughts is the confusion that clouds them, because only days ago, Jungkook walked away from him for this. Jungkook felt betrayed by the idea of being used and lied to, but he's begging for it now with desperation in his eyes. Jimin is so tired of thinking, overthinking, working through his thoughts and the meaning behind every single one of Jungkook's backwards actions. Every word he says meant to crush the youngers stubborn nature backfires, digging him deeper into a dark pit of incomprehension. Jimin doesn't dare to speak his mind this time. He's beginning to confuse himself, when before today he was sure of his decision. Before this moment, his dreary future was set in stone.

Stone crumbles, just like Jimin.

"I can't fuck you," Jungkook whispers, lifting his weight on one arm and using his opposite hand to tend to the wet trails at the corners of Jimin's eyes. "But, I can make love to you."

He will do it. Jimin's mind yells to him, but he already knows. He knows Jungkook better than he's ever known anybody in his whole life. He's studied the man, deciphered his actions and his words and twisted them into formations easiest for himself to digest. Jungkook is always sweet and kind. His words and actions should always be easy to take, without an alteration to be made, but Jimin never finds complete satisfaction in any kindness. Everything changes, is prone to sudden change at any moment in time. Jimin should always feel warm and loved, but instead he can't stop waiting for the day Jungkook will wake up from the delusion of falling in love with him. He can't help but to fear it, to feel guilty for holding Jungkook back. Even now, when he's gathered the courage to let him go, it's so easy to fall back inside of those same, adoring eyes that claw their way under his skin. Jimin can feel his blood in his veins, rushing with heightened adrenaline. "Make love?" He mutters incoherently, barely able to feel his question on his lips.

"Mm," Jungkook hums. He can see confusion settling in Jimin's stare and he's not sure what to make of its presence. Is it good to confuse the other, or should he avoid hanging onto any hope for a revelation in the boys broken heart? A broken heart. Jimin has a broken heart, and his own head is making its cracks deeper. Jungkook huffs softly in his shambled thoughts of his own and he moves away from Jimin, only to prop himself up at the smallers side. The biggest truth he's found in this entire endeavor has been Jimin's most recent admission.

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