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"Sit down. Sit. Don't open your eyes, I really worked hard on this and I swear, if you ruin it-"

Jungkook laughs, shoulders shaking as his fingers curl around the hand covering his eyes.

"Jungkook, I mean it!"

"Oh, I know." The taller nods. He tightens his lips to keep from smiling, but their corners won't cooperate and he can hear Jimin sighing over his amusement. "I'm not looking. I promise." He tries, earning a grumble of annoyance from the other as he's guided down into a wooden kitchen chair.

Jimin takes his hand away. He watches Jungkook's eyelids with narrowed vision, humming when he catches his boyfriend lifting an eyebrow, the act paired with another twitch of his lips. "Don't peek." He warns and he turns away, stealing wary glances behind him to make sure the other is keeping to his word.

"It smells great, Mochi." Jungkook inhales again, catching wafts of something familiar. "Homemade cookies." He grins, pointing down at the sound of porcelain clinking against the table top in front of him. His eyes are closed, but his smile is open. He can tell by the offended scoff next to his ear that he's gotten it right and then there's weight on his lap and the warmth of sweater arms circling his neck.

Jimin touches the soft pad of his right pointer finger to the bridge of Jungkook's nose, trailing it slowly down until it reaches the tip. He hears Jungkook chuckle and feels a hand rest on top of his thigh, holding him steady against him. "You're lucky that this isn't what I want to surprise you with the most, but you weren't supposed to guess what I made." Jimin rolls his eyes. He takes his arm from the others neck and tucks it back to his side, leaning his head softly on Jungkook's shoulder and welcoming the arms that surround him with a full heart.

"I'm sorry." The younger lowers his voice to whisper sincerely. Feeling Jimin curl into his chest, like the softest koala bear, makes him gush. His hold on the other encases the smaller boy closer in his arms until he can smell Jimin's shampoo. "What else did you make me, hmm?" He's tempted to open his eyes when he feels something plush pressed against his upper arm intentionally. Jungkook hears a mischievous giggle and his cheeks hurt from grinning.

"Give me your hand, but don't open your eyes yet." Jimin sits up straighter, leaning his weight back to open a space between their chests again and allowing Jungkook's arms to fall loose around him. A hand is presented, as by instructions given and he lowers his gift into Jungkook's waiting palm. It's small and soft, imperfect to his own eyes, but a sense of pride still lifts his shoulders. Jimin nods, taking his bottom lip between his teeth, a little nervous. "Okay. Now you can look."

Jungkook takes his time opening his eyes again, mostly to exaggerate the moment. The mere act of his boyfriend doing something specifically for him is priceless. Being given something for him to keep, made by the small chubby fingers he loves to hold, is the best kind of present he can imagine. It's light in his hand, silky and smooth. His vision clears as he blinks a couple of times and he finds the object perched carefully on his open palm. "A pillow." Jungkook states his sudden guess, confusion sweeping away any other logic of what it is that he's looking at. His gaze lifts briefly, curiously searching the others eyes, but he looks back at his gift, absorbing the details of it more carefully than before. Small, stiff, shapely stripes of fabric poke out from the top of it, resembling the cutest pair of rabbit ears Jungkook has ever seen. On a pristine white canvas of silky white, a face is formed; beady eyes, cotton candy pink nose, a comical set of long teeth. He caresses the raised fabric that forms on the objects front and is bewildered to find them sewn to it. Black, pointy whiskers stem from the sides of its rounded face. "It's a bunny."

"It's you." Jimin whispers. "And it's not a pillow. It's a plushie head."

"A plushie head?" Jungkook chuckles. "Mochi, it's so cute." He can't help feeling surprised as he catches every small detail, carefully executed in the creation of it. "You made this for me? I didn't know you could make cute little things like this!"

Jimin shrugs. "I didn't either. I know it's kind of stupid, but-"

"It's not stupid!" Jungkook snaps his head up, tone slightly offended. It's the cutest thing he's ever seen, aside from Jimin. His hand closes around the tiny bunny. "No, it's beautiful. You did so well, I can't believe you made this."

The smaller boy giggles again. His cheeks tint slightly from the compliment and his heart swells. "You really like it? I just wanted to make something for you, so I tried really hard. I guess it came out better than I thought it would."

"It's perfect." Jungkook sighs, still in awe. "I love it."

Jimin hums softly, pleased with his boyfriends reaction. He didn't expect for his small, handmade gift to be taken so seriously, but Jungkook's appreciation always surprises him. He wraps his fingers around the man's wrist, pushing it down softly so that he can lean forward to steal a kiss. It's meant to be sweet, quick and loving and taken off guard, but Jungkook tightens his arm around his waist and their lips mesh, parting after a moment for soft tongues to clash.

Jungkook finds himself wondering, as cool fingers slide around one side of his neck and end up tangled in his hair, how somebody as beautiful and loving as Park Jimin became his to keep. How much more can his heart grow with adoration before it bursts? He doesn't understand how he can fall in love with the same person time and time again, loving them deeper in his soul every time his heart skips a beat. He doesn't understand love in it's entirety, but now he knows what it means to want to give more than you get. He understands what it means to want to give somebody the world. Jungkook smiles against Jimin's lips. That's what he's going to do. He's going to give Jimin the world, whatever that means.


A/N: Some fluff for you, my loves ❤️

Also, full credits to whomever created the beautiful fan art I attached at the top of this chapter. It's lovely~ it's perfect! I love it so much~

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