A cold morning

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"Wanna take a shower with me?" Jungkook sighs with his question after stretching out his limbs on his bed. He overslept and he can feel his eyes still straining to keep shut. He gently takes his arm from beneath Jimin's head and massages the stiff joint with his opposite hand, smiling beside him towards the other. "You told Hobi you were staying over, right?"

Jimin softly hums his response. His eyes stay closed as he nuzzles further into the blankets surrounding him, warm with their body heat. Mornings are cold and he feels too lazy to get up.

"I know you're awake." The younger chuckles. He turns in the bed, propping his head up with one of his arms. Jimin looks sweet, beautiful wrapped up in the same blanket draping loosely around his own waist. He smooths his fingers over the fabric covering the shape of his boyfriends hip. He could stare at Jimin sleeping like this for the rest of his life and he wouldn't feel as if he'd wasted a moment of it.

Jimin huffs at the words spoken and the bits of fringe splayed across his forehead fling in different directions with his breath. The other man is rubbing him slowly through he blanket, small circles with his fingertips, around and around again. Jimin can feel the pressure from it on his skin. He peers through one eye to catch Jungkook looking away from him, his gaze fixated on his lower half instead of his face. He smirks. "Pervert." Jimin whispers, amused when the others eyes dart towards the sound of his voice.

A raised eyebrow follows his immediate pout and Jungkook pairs it with a small shake of his head and a low chuckle. "You're really pretty, Mochi. I wasn't thinking anything else."

Jimin scoffs as if he finds the remark absurd. "Yeah right. Why are you staring at my ass, then?"

"Your ass is pretty, too." Jungkook shrugs. He leans closer and his arm winds around Jimin's waist to bring him closer. The cold morning won't get to them with the barrier of their body heat mingling in the covers. "You have a great ass."

Jimin pulls in his lips to hide his smile. He sinks his face back into the space beside Jungkook's arm on the bed and a giggle presses passed his tight lined lips. Jungkook is never lacking in the compliments department and he can't find any fault in that. "I know you love my ass."

"Mhm." Jungkook agrees. He can feel the lack of clothing against Jimin's legs through the blanket and he lifts an edge of it to peek beneath its constraints. "Oh." He shoots his stare back to Jimin's hooded eyes and his eyebrows wiggle suggestively. "That's fun."

"Did you expect me to sleep in skinny jeans?"

"You could've helped yourself to something of mine."

"Mm, it was easier to just take them off and sleep like this. I didn't think you'd mind."

Jungkook grins. "Trust me, I don't."

The older laughs as his boyfriend comes closer to his face. He can feel cool breath tickling his nose before a butterfly kiss softens his cheeks and trails down to his lips. He pulls away only to let himself back into Jungkook's arms, pressing the tip of his nose against the bare skin of the others neck.

Jungkook tenses slightly from the action. "Why are you so cold?" He mutters and relaxes back into the boy against him.

"Why is it so cold in your room?"

"I left the window open from yesterday, so we could listen to the rain while we cuddled."

Jimin smiles into Jungkook's hot skin. He loves it that the other feels uncomfortable sleeping with a shirt on. "Idiot." He mutters. "Now it's freezing in here."

The younger sighs. His chin comes down to rest atop the ruffled locks of Jimin's hair and his fingers graze the others back through his shirt, soothing away any ill feelings and shivers. "Sorry, love."

"Mm. No. It's pretty great to stay with you in a warm bed, just you and me, when the cold is trying to get us." Jimin pauses to drop a couple of fluttering kisses to Jungkook's bare chest and he looks up. "It's losing anyway, because I'm warm."

"Your nose isn't." Jungkook counters, letting himself fall into the squinted eyes staring back at him. Every day he sees these eyes, but he finds something new inside of them each time that he does. They flutter closed and Jungkook bites his lip to keep his thoughts from traveling places that he doesn't have time for them to go. "God, you're beautiful."

Jimin blinks up again. He can feel the blush creeping up his neck. The silky tone of Jungkook's voice, the content in his expression makes Jimin's heart sprout wings. They've been laying in bed so long, he's not even sure if his body remembers how to move from a horizontal position, but he chooses to respond to his boyfriends adoring words by flicking his shoulder. "You know, we'll be late if you keep saying things like that."

After feigning a serious injury and earning a nice roll of Jimin's eyes, Jungkook chuckles. "Why? Are they making you excited? I'm just speaking my mind."

"Shut up." Jimin scoffs again. "Your mind is as dangerous as your body."

"Oh, my body?" Jungkook's eyebrow shoots up again and his expression turns playful. "You wanna talk about bodies, now?"

"Baby, stop. We should go take that shower."

"Mhm, now you're just trying to get me naked."

"Jeon Jungkook."


A/N: Okay everything is well now, for now! Thank you for your lovely patience and concern you guys! That really means a lot to me~ The only things I've lost are some shingles from my roof and my canopy (RIP beautiful canopy, you were loved and will be forever missed) but aside from that, my house is still standing! Please enjoy this fluff of a chapter while I bring my mind back to the plot of this story as a whole. And again, thank you thank you thank you for everything! <3

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