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Misaki's PoV

It was another art class, I finish our assigned project on the spot within a quarter of an hour. And as usual, the teacher praises me in front of the whole class.

We were assigned to paint something around the theme 'summer', which in my opinion, is stupid. I drew a cartoon, with a fridge in the background open with watermelon, ice cream etc flying out. Honestly it was only supposed to be a warm-up.

But I guess I can just hand this one in, then.

The bell rings signalling lunch, I step out of the classroom, welcoming what's always awaiting me:

"Hey Miu! Can you have lunch with me, please? I hand-made a bento for you!"
"Miu, do you have time tomorrow afternoon? It's a Saturday and maybe we can--"
"Today after school, I can walk you home! It's far, isn't it?"

"Sorry, guys," I say gently with a cute smile and wink at them, "Maybe another day."

"O-okay...." they ogle while I walk lightly away.

Hi, there! This is Misaki Kisaki~ though I prefer to be called 'Miu'. I'm seventeen years old and am currently studying at an exclusive Arts High school, just a year before college. I take drama and art. You can say that I'm a teen celebrity, for my arts and I do teen modelling. I have wavy dirty blonde hair that reaches to my waist, and light honey-colored eyes.

Mom always say I remind her of dad a lot, I guess I look like him.

After school, I walk to the station. My house is very far from the school, I only go back home on weekends. I scan through my phone while on the train. A news block popped up:

Ota Kisaki-genius artist-newest creation
I tapped into it. It was a painting of a man and a woman separating; the woman flowed away as the man tried to reach for her, both of them reaching our their arms, but they have to split apart. I've checked all of Ota Kisaki's creations, it didn't used to be about sad stories. Ever since fifteen years ago, he started painting of heart breaking scenes. I wonder why, did something happen to him in life?

"Miu!" when I opened the door to the house, mom hugged me in the doorway, I hug her back and smile.
When she pulled back, her necklace swung out. She told me about it before, that necklace was made by dad and has quite a story. Dad called it a 'collar'; the red gemstone inside turns blue under direct bright light.
Mom had never taken that necklace off. She'd tuck it inside her shirt.

I never rest during the weekends either! I have my modelling job all afternoon on Saturday and then I'll need to finish up loads of homework on Sunday.

The next Monday, I walk down the hallway to my classroom fifteen minutes before the bell is supposed to ring. Then, I spot some guy walk down the hall at me to the opposite direction I'm heading to with four girls tailing behind him swarming him with questions. He had a slightly irritated feel, but he remained all smiles.

I've heard about this guy before, he's in my grade, and he's really handsome/good-looking so people call him 'ladies man'. But I never got to meet him since he's in another department. What was his name? Eh, whatevs. I've got a class to attend.

After school, I walked around the place before going back to the dorms. I always like to take a stroll by the waters before calling it a day. It settles my mind and stress levels.

While I walk along the boardwalk, my eyes lock on the hotel in front of me, I've read that Ota Kisaki stays there in one of the top suites. What does it feel like to live there?

Never thought I'd actually start living there.

Just as I'm leaning on the fence gazing at the fancy hotel Tres Spades, my phone beeped twice in signal of two texts, they were from two guys. I have no idea how they managed to get my phone number. One of them I ate lunch with two times under his urge; and the other one I think we took the same art class once. Both of them were confession texts and asking me out on dates. I snorted mentally, why not? I'm bored outta my mind. As I respond to both:

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