Mamoru - eleven

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*sees previous chapter*

*smh at the no. of votes*

And you wonder why I feel less and less motivated on this book.

I'm gonna make up a lot of stuff in this chap cuz i forgot everything haha


Kyoko's PoV

"Kyoko, do you like him? Romantically?" Taku popped out the question out of nowhere. I swallowed. He is a detective, after all.

"I don't understand your sudden question, of course I don't." I answer calmly while looking up straight ahead.

A small laugh escaped his lips, "When you lie, you look straight forward to avoid eye contact."

I felt a pang at my chest. Takumori knows me so well, I've never gotten away with lying to him before. That's why I always have this feeling at the back of my head that sooner or later he's going to find out about the auctions.

"...You caught me."

Jayden's PoV

"Hey, hey, hey look!" Yoshiro jumped up and down like a monkey then pointed his thumb backwards. I follow his thumb and see Takumori walking with Kyoko.

"Those two are childhood friends, you know, they've known each other since they were in diapers!" Yoshiro says to everyone around who's curious.

Childhood friend turned lovers are pretty nice. I mean, look at how comfortable Kyoko is around him.

I wonder what they're talking about. I thought as the others were busily chatting about them. I let my camera hang around my neck and looked ahead.

But my short-lived attention was soon dragged away by the primitive forest that came up. There might even be animals in there. I took up my camera again and zoomed in on a spot to see if I can see any.

Instead, I saw a human.

In camouflage.

Holding a rifle.

Aiming at...

I follow the mouth of his rifle and looked back. He's aiming directly at Kyoko...!

Without second thought, I sprinted towards her, "watch out!"

"Jayden, what're you--?" Before anyone could ask, I leapt up and pushed her down. The path was dusty, but I'm sure she'd rather have that than a bullet wound. Takumori immediately understood my drill and squatted down.


The lake beside us rippled suddenly, showing that the bullet passed air and landed into the water.

I glance back up, the sniper's just picking up his gun, attempting to flee. Our professors at the front of the group fired a few times to scare him off. He fled, and it's too dangerous to follow him.

"We gotta move, fast." Takumori says as he gets back up after double-checking our surroundings.

As soon as my senses relax, I realize my position. In a rush, I had pulled Kyoko's head into my chest and turned my back towards the sniper. Realization kicks in fast as my heart rate sped up.

"Uh...are you alright?" I ask, a little embarrassed. 

Kyoko's PoV

I was about to tell Taku the truth when Jayden yelled and came running towards me. My guard was down and it didn't occur to me until my back collided with the path and a gun shot was heard.

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