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Yui's PoV

"I'm sorry." I say quietly. Daryl and I were standing aside while the Ice Dragons cleared out the Golden Phoenix's head quarters building. When the body of the leader was carried out, I can see his eyebrows twitch even though he's one of the culprits of his death.

He squeezed my hand and looked away from him, "it's alright. He's long forgotten the real duties of a father."

When he reopened his eyes, it was as if a wave washed over his last bit of emotion for the former leader. His grey eyes were sharp and the yellow rings around the iris were clear.

Compared to my right hand that is tightly held in his, my left hand seemed cold. The conduction of heat seems to be traveling from his warm hand to mine.

Logic tells me that I can't completely trust him yet. Well, of course not. Even if he's helped my family get out of immediate danger, he's a big part of the cause of the entire incident.

"I should be the one apologizing the most." Just then, I was pulled into a warm embrace. I can feel his chin resting on my head. I know for a fact that I'm not short, he's just taller. "And I mean each and everyone of them, Yui, really. I'm sorry."

My hand gripped on his shoulders. That's right, I just can't hold anything against him when he's speaking in that tone. Maybe another ten percent of me still questions this, but the remaining ninety percent has already gave up on fighting.

Slowly, I felt my arms slip down from his shoulders to around his waist. A gesture that I accept that apology.

I can feel him smile, he then let out a little sigh. By then I knew his usual self was back.

"I have a feeling that this is gonna be a loooong day." He scratched his head slightly after pulling away.

It sure isn't going to be easy.

"What do you say we deal with those stuff tomorrow?" I suggest, dragging his attention back on me as I slipped my hand into his again.

He smiled while interlocking our fingers, "Yeah, you deserve a break from all this trouble I've caused you."

"You too, you need a break from all your life."

Arian's PoV

I stood by Soryu's side while they cleared out the building. Until in the corner of my eye I see Yui and that boy in an embrace. I honestly felt happy for her. Aww even my baby girl is growing up..!

When I direct my gaze to Soryu beside me, his eyes were also on Yui, except that he's glaring. I giggle a little upon noticing the natural protectiveness of a father to his daughter.

He noticed my laugh, then averted his gaze with a slight tint of colour on his face.

"You feel like a father now?" I ask, taking another side step closer to him.

He nodded twice, before saying, "that aside, Arian. I... I really miss you."

A warm fuzzy feeling spread through me as I locked my hand in his, "m-me too."

"You... do you want to spend the day together?" he asked rather straight forwardly.

A light blush of joy flushed over me when I realized he just asked me out on a date.


I reply quickly. A small smile formed on his lips and his facial features were gentle. I was enjoying our brief moment of this comfortable silence until Yui's voice rang, "Mom?"

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (Daughters) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now