Epilogue - Kyoko

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The above media is when she's around 12 (when she actually listened to her mom LOL) she went to this kid photography thing that makes u pose in costumes and they think it's cute but it really isn't thing.

Jayden's PoV

I anxiously rocked on my heels while the government worker in front of me stamped on my passport and did whatever the heck else she was supposed to do. 

The noisy environment of the airport made me glance around, hoping for time to go by faster.

It's my first summer back in Japan, and first time seeing Kyoko in person again since I first went back to America for College.

I told her I'd be arriving today, I just can't wait another minute to see her. I hurried past the security check right after retrieving my passport and then waited for my luggage to spin out. I had to cancel my sim card in Japan, which means I have no way to contact her unless via social media.

Frantically scanning the crowd again and again, I spun around several times to get a 360-degree view, but I still don't see that mop of familiar grey hair that I remember so well. I haven't seen her physical appearance in two months, I could only go with what I remembered.

I froze when a petite figure snuggled into my back and slipped her arms around my waist. I was still so familiar with her presence, a smile made its way onto my face without even looking at her.

"You've gotten taller, dammit." As soon as she muttered that through a muffled voice, I turned around and tucked her head under my chin.

"You're still pretty little. Why's that?"

"The reason? It's in my genes." She sighed a little, then forced her chin up to look at me.

A smirk grew on my face as I pulled away and looked in her jeans' pockets, "In your jeans? Where?"

I narrowly dodged a playful slap to my face and a look on her face that clearly showed she wasn't impressed. She huffed when I grinned at her, then looked away and bashfully admitted, "You corny bastard... I missed you."

I leaned down and placed my forehead against hers when I was reminded by her small gesture how contrasting our personalities were. I pecked her on the lips before saying, "Be the tsun to my dere~"

I was scheduled a temporary stay in a VIP room in Tres Spades by Kyoko's dad. I held the front door open for her as we walked into the lobby because that's what I do.

"Here it is, home at last!" I tossed my luggage bag onto the queen sized bed, then plopped down onto it. Kyoko said she went to go change, so I laid there staring up at the ceiling while I lamely waited. I had not made any plans at all since I came back only for Kyoko.

About twenty minutes later, I heard the door open. I sat up a little too quickly, then see her close the door behind her. My jaw almost dropped. She was wearing a knee-high skirt, it was maroon but still.

"First time ever asking anyone this but, how do I look?" She turned to me and put her hands on her waist. I blinked again and again from her hot messy grey hair to the black flats that finished her look. 

I could tell she was starting to self-conscious from all my staring so I quickly blurted out my answer, "Amazing. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Totally awesome!"

She smiled in relief and let her arms dangle to her sides, then put them both on my shoulders, "Alright, Jaydie, I shall be your personal tour guide for the next three weeks."

It saddens me when I think that I can only stay for three weeks, but her random nickname didn't go unnoticed.

"What did you just cal--"

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