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Miki's PoV

I thought Nolan and I bonded over something yesterday. It actually felt nice to have spent time with him, but guess what I found in my shoes this morning?


Thank god I'm smart enough to dump them before putting them on.

I thought he stopped with his immature pranks by now? Besides, that message he posted on the bulletin board is still there, so I assume it wasn't him this time.

But who else in the school would be stupid enough now to come after me and risk getting on Nolan's bad side?


I jumped to Hanazawa's ghostly voice from beside me, he was fiddling with something in his hand. "This was attached on your locker." He shows me what he had in hand.

I was horrified by the words written all over a piece of red cardboard paper that had my name printed on it.

"'Bitch...whore...attention-seeking slut'...? Who the hell did this?"

"Looks like you got a hater." He simply ripped the paper in quarters and tossed it in the nearest trash bin, "don't worry about it, though. With Nolan on your side, it means all three of us are."

His words were weirdly comforting despite his monotone. Sometimes I wonder why Asher, Nolan, and Hanazawa are such good friends with all their personality differences.

I passed an uneventful morning, it didn't seem like anyone knew about anything. Though, at lunch, I meet Satomi on the rooftop again.

"H-H-He called m-me hideous! W-What kind of g-guy just--" Satomi cried on my shoulder as I patted her back. She was always sensitive about those comments since like me, she was out of place in this school. But I've never thought-- wait, never mind, Nolan is totally capable of doing something like that.

Anyone would be upset if someone just randomly said that and turned away in disgust.

"Shhh, it's okay. Don't bother with that jerk." I say to her in an attempt to comfort her, but deep in my heart I knew he was already past the middle line to my good side, especially after how he was yesterday night.

"Thanks for being...hic...were with me, Miki. Hic, thank you." She wiped her tears away as she smiled a little at me. I smile back.

"That's it! Don't let him get to you. I'll head back to class now, you should soon too."

She waved at me in a cheery manner. I head down the stairs not seeing or noticing her glare at my back.

By the time school ended, I was about to change my shoes. I open it to see a plain white envelope.

The pictures and notes inside were so terrifying my breath hitched in my throat the second I saw them. They were all about me. This isn't just any hate note anymore.

"The heck is this...." In a blink of an eye, it was snatched out of my hands. Asher frowned after going through some of the pictures, "don't listen to any of this bull crap, got it? We're getting to the bottom of this."

It's the first time I've heard him swear and be demanding. His expression was indescribably petrifying as he sped out the front gates. Though this time, he got in a familiar-looking limousine. It was Nolan's.

Oh gosh I cannot imagine what he might do to whoever is writing these hate messages.

Nolan's PoV

I was already plenty irritated when Hanazawa told me about the threat note on Miki's locker this morning, but I nearly shredded the entire thing when Asher showed me the envelope.

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