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O.O okay i'm getting closer to the last chapter and i'm happens next?

oh and btw on my last update, some of u said u shed tears...O.o is that for real??? honoured if so ^_^ tho i promise i wasn't writing sad plot on purpose xP //sure....//

Soryu's PoV

My... daughter...? Yui?

While I was still trying to let things sink in, which they clearly have not, Arian was standing beside me, doing all sorts of gestures indicating that she's nervous as hell.

Biting on her lip, her fingers were twisted together and she was rocking on her feet.

Flashback of all those times that the guys were just randomly rambling around about how Yui looked so much like me actually made perfect sense now. Even a passerby can see that we're related in a way or another, how come I wasn't able to?

The thought of Arian being pregnant just never occurred to me, I guess.

Dead silent went on for minutes, and I still wasn't able to comprehend my situation.

"S-So... s-she's my..." I couldn't go on.

"Yui's your flesh and blood, Soryu. She's our daughter." Arian murmured, finally able to look me in the eyes.

"Ah shoot!" I suddenly remembered something, "and I've just let her run off!"

As if it's just occurred to her too, she gasped and started dashing towards the door.

On our way through the crowd, Arian told me their story.

"Four months ago... almost five now, she suddenly didn't come home one day two hours after school was supposed to end. I made sure there weren't any special occasions or festivals whatsoever at their school before calling her." Arian started as we both looked around anxiously for Yui.

" showed that...her number didn't exist.... So I tried phoning the school, and all I knew was that the principal saying 'Yui Oh graduated early in straight A's'. And they had my signature on a guardian acknowledge form! I had no idea how Yui managed to do that but she did. Without a single word, she disappeared. At first all that came to me was panic, the first thing that came to mind was that she got kidnapped or something. But then I found that note in her room." She was breathing a bit rapidly now, I rubbed her back to calm her down.

"She told me not to look for her, and her trademark line, 'I know what I'm doing'. She said she's afraid that they'll find me." She frowned a bit. Who the heck are 'they'?

"That was all.... But of course I can't just sit there and do nothing... I needed help...."

She stopped there. And I understood what she meant. To not alarm the police, she asked Kishi for help in private. Didn't she trust me for that...?

She can be a klutz at times, and this was the stupidest thing she could ever do.

But when I turn to her, the fire just dies down completely. I can never stay mad at her....

I pull her into an embrace, "don't ever do that again." I whispered, "You know you can always rely on me, right?"

"Yes... I'm so, so sorry...." She returned the hug immediately, burying her face into my chest.

"But right now," I slowly let go of her, "we need to find Yui."

She nodded quickly, before we can even continue our mini search party, the crowd opened for two people running through and... it's Mei Ling and Li Yan. What're they doing--hold on, I wasn't even informed that they were out!

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (Daughters) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant