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Misaki's PoV
Aw geez. Why now?

"Mr. Kisaki?" He said as he slide opened the shrine door. Then, he saw me. We both froze. I look at him in his casual clothes. He's wearing a white T-shirt with a...a...a picture of a banana (?)on it with a pair of baggy jeans. His blonde chestnut hair was slicked back, revealing his forehead. temperature. rising. is it getting hot in here..? No I'm still outside......

"Beau?!" I shouted. His mouth opened, I can tell he's about to call me 'Misaki'. But I can't have Ota hear that! I jumped to him and covered his mouth and whispered, "don't go calling my real name here."

For some reason, I always get mad at people when they call me by my real name. But it didn't seem that bad out of Beau's mouth. And he doesn't call me by the nick name everybody calls me by.

"So you two know each other? Perfect, we can skip the introductions." Ota smiled as he stepped into the shrine. I follow.

"I'm going to the backyard. Miu, ya come with?" he asked. umm...no. I really need to talk to Beau.... I shook my head and he headed off to the garden by himself.

"....Care to explain?" after three seconds of silence, Beau asked. I fix my attention back on him. His hands in his jeans pockets, he looked messily hot.

"Sure. Let's get one thing straight first," I say, "I don't do explaining. You say something."

"Well, my grandfather was Mr. Kisaki's mentor..."

"What!!!??" I yell by accident. He snickered once at my reaction, then led me to a hallway, where paintings are hung on both sides of the walls.

"These are all either my grandfather's or Mr. Kisaki's creations." he said while walking down the hall, "though born in a family of visual and aboriginal art, my passion is in music."

"Why's that?" I ask without a thought. I love these paintings. They're all abstract, but clearly shows what it represents. Hmm...I feel a tingle inside me itching for a pencil and my sketchbook....

Beau paused, looking at me, then sighed, saying, "Okay. Are you interested in the whole story? It's long." I nodded desperately. I want to know more about him.

"You have been warned." he gave a playful smile before becoming serious, "I was actually born in Paris, France. My dad travelled there and met my mom. He fell in love with her for her liveliness and how she's open-minded. She was a typical romantic France woman. But she's too...unstable. She had so many lovers all at once.

"Dad and her were never married. They kept on going slow since she'd always say getting married was chaining her down, taking her freedom. After she had me, she gave me to father and just disappeared with only a 'let's break up'. Dad raised me as a single parent, but for reasons we stayed in France until I was about eleven, then we moved to Japan, my father's home country.

"Dad openly talked about my mother to me. I've never met her, but seen many, and I mean MANY pictures of her. He never hated her, he truly loved her, he just didn't get that piece of love back from her. She...was a very beautiful woman, she was curly blonde and had light green eyes. And dad has black eyes, which is probably why I resulted in these." He motion to his dark emerald eyes and gave a forced, wry smile. This is breaking my heart....

"She was a singer. A really amazing one. She wrote and sang her own songs and she was an expert in many instruments. I probably got it from her. Y'know, they always say daughters are like their fathers and sons like their mothers. I've studied trombone, guitar, flute, clarinet, violin, and mostly piano. Dad and I have lived in this shrine for six years already." He concluded (kinda badly but who cares)and gently caressed the wall.

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