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Daryl's PoV

Yui fell asleep almost instantly despite her stubborn attitude.


Silently and carefully, I lifted her up onto the bed. Her hands were still bind, but it'll definitely be better than sleeping on the floor.

Her long eyelashes can cast a shadow and her rosy lips were slightly part. Those lips that I keep on wanting to kiss....

She may look more peaceful and less fierce in her sleep, but it's far from vulnerable. It's like she's ready to wake up any second. That must be exhausting.

Is it because of... us? That she's so insecure?

Shaking it off, I left the room. I can easily pull all-nighters due to my works.

As I passed dad's office, I heard voices. I intended to just walk by until I heard:

"If you dislike him that much, why is Daryl still here, sir?"

That was definitely Darren. I came to a halt, straining my ears and listening to their conversation. I was trained professionally to eavesdrop. I can even read lips.

"I hate to say it, but he does make contributions, which is extremely annoying. It doesn't give me an excuse to get rid of him...." Father spoke. I didn't feel surprised in any way. I already know he hates me for absolutely no reason, but as a group leader, he should consider the members before himself. I do make a lot of our profits.

"Uncle, don't you believe that I can do much better if you make me in charge?" Darren says. And I know he's probably pushing his arm muscles now.

"Of course I do! You'll rule just as good as I am now!"

That hit me. Father at least knew how to make war plans, Darren doesn't even have two brain cells in that empty head of his, he's only going to lead us to doom.

"But as long as Daryl is here--" Darren started, and I knew what he is going to say. They can't explain to the public why his nephew took his place instead of his son.

"I know," father says, I can sense him smiling in arrogance, "we can just simply... get rid of him."

This time, my eyebrows furrowed. I knew he never liked me, but he wants me... dead?

"We've already got the Ice Dragons' heir in our hands, what could possibly go wrong now that we still need that piece?" he chuckled darkly. A shiver went through me as my reflexes quickly came to me.

"Uncle... you're saying that, we'll find a time to...?" Darren pushed further, just to clarify.

No.... No, he can't be.... No matter how much he hates me... he won't—

"...kill him."

Yui's PoV

When I woke up, it was still dark. I don't think I slept for long.

Shuffling around a bit, I realize that I'm in comfortable bed sheets even though my arms are bind.

"Well, even my own father wants me dead now."

I quickly froze and closed my eyes again when someone walked in through the door while muttering. That's... Daryl? What's he talking about?

"You're lucky you at least have a complete family, Yui." He murmured, probably thinking that I'm still asleep. He must've lifted me onto the bed. He left it for me after all.

I decided to keep on the act.

I heard his footsteps retreat to the windows, I'm guessing he's gazing out of them.

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