Mamoru - twelve

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Jayden's PoV

Ultimately, I was still half-hearted. I don't want to lose her, but I also can't get into a relationship now. I mean, I'm only visiting Japan. 

That thought led to a whole other problem. I could be forced to go back to America since my purpose of coming is gone.

I kicked a pebble as I walk down the street. It's almost been a week, and Kyoko is only getting more and more distant. Well, the weekend's coming up, so I'll have two entire days to make my final decision.

I looked ahead. It was the sidewalk where she sat with me until late into the night, the day Hoshimi had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me. 

I remember Kyoko's irritated but also concerned expression as she pat my back. 

"I'll get in trouble if you get drunk and die on the sidewalk!" I remember her lame excuse for not leaving. 

As far as I remember, she muttered through gritted teeth something about she hates having other people over at her apartment. Though she brought me there anyway. I must've been a real force to reckon with.

During lunch, the only thing I can focus on is that Kyoko never appears in the cafeteria anymore. Yoshiro doesn't know and doesn't really care, and Taku won't spill a word. 

I played with the pasta in my plate.

At first, she just seemed like a kuudere tomboy who really didn't care about much. But gradually, it's not hard to realize she's much more than that. She just doesn't care about appearances much.

Images of her cleaned up nicely flashed through my mind. All else aside, she's really pretty.

"Jaaaaaydeeeen." Yoshiro chopped me on the head all of a sudden, "I kinda thought you were an air-head, but I didn't know you spaced out this much! Are you thinking about that girl again?"

I told them about how Hoshimi ended up as, but he assumes I'm still infatuated.

"You know you still got that look of missing somebody in your life." Yoshiro continues, explaining his 'theory' on why he thinks I'm still in love with someone. 

"Though it's a little different." That statement caught me by surprise, "It's as if it's someone else now... wow, moving on already?"

Yoshiro has a rather high EQ, if he thinks there's this look of missing someone in my eyes, and that it's a new person....

The loud ringing of the bell cut through my thoughts. 

"Attention, attention, attention. We are under lockdown. This is not a drill. I repeat..."

Mamoru's PoV

"Police! Put your hands up in the air!" I shout with forces behind me and point my gun around to...


It took a while for research to come in, but this dim room is indeed supposed to be the secret hideout of the remaining AIDs members. But it's utterly empty except a large table and a dim light hanging over it. And a pin board on the side with several pieces of papers pinned on it.

I waved my hand, signalling them to search the area. The troop of 40 armed soldiers spread out the room while a remaining 10 stood guard outside in case we get ambushed.

Nothing seemed peculiar until we moved to the pin board.

There was a picture of me, Arian and Kyoko connected in red marker. The analyzation by my picture says I have an entire police station behind me and I'm a trained officer, it'll be hard to take me down by force. 

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