Epilogue - Akemi

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I surfed through Google and found this image that somehow resembles my imagination of Akemi ⬆️

Ayden's PoV

I leaned against a wall with my hands in my pockets in a relaxed manner while watching all the staff of the hotel ran around the place, making preparations. 

Then there's Akemi, sitting on the guest couch at the side of the lobby making and answering phone call after phone call, tapping and scrolling through her laptop, and taking a sip of her overly sweet coffee once in a while.

This is the true life of a multimillionaire's only daughter. 

So far, all the staff of the hotel are aware of her identity. They are preparing for the press conference that will be held in the hotel's giant conference room. And of course, the main purpose of it is announcing Akemi Ichinomiya to the world.

"Do you think questions should be permitted?" Akemi puts her phone to her collar for a second to ask the opinion of her father, who was also on a laptop, sitting beside her.

"What do you think?" He asked instead. Even I was surprised, everybody glanced at them for a second. Eisuke Ichinomiya never asked others to make important business decisions that involved him.

She let out a small breath in thought, then held up her phone again, "Questions will not be permitted."

"She makes decisions just like her dad."

I turn my head over to see Akemi's mother, watching over her daughter just like I am. 

"I don't have any idea what they're talking about, but I can see that Akemi made the final decision herself without confronting Eisuke." She adds. I nod back in agreement.

"Why don't they permit questions though...?" She murmurs in wonder. 

I couldn't help myself and answered as much as I thought, "A news of a illegitimate child may very well lead to complications such as the mother, why weren't they married, and if the child grew up in loneliness or even hatred for not knowing their true identity for so long. The media likes to exaggerate things, and if they do not give a clear answer while questions are permitted, they're going to make stuff up. It's basic business and political knowledge to--"

I stopped myself before I rambled on some more to someone who wouldn't understand since she's not in the field. She looked at me in pure surprise and slight fascination. I returned a nervous smile, "I mean, I'm just guessing, Akemi probably thought about more complex things."

She nodded slowly, buying my explanation. I turn my attention back to Akemi to change the topic, "She's really concentrated."

That distracted her mother, fast, "Right? I can already imagine Eisuke's shadow in her!"

A few minutes later, I made my way towards the conference room that I've been in so many times to supposedly find something 'illegal'. Turns out, uncle's intuition was right, there indeed is something illegal going on in Tres Spades, but he doesn't need to know that. 

A hotel maid bowed to me while making her way out of the room. I take a step into the spacious room that resembled the length of a wide hall. Creamy white chairs were set neatly in the room without a flaw, all facing the front, where a lectern stood. The wide surface obviously waiting for numerous microphones to be set on it.

Very soon, Akemi would be standing up there, in front of hundreds of people and thousands more in front of their televisions. I can't imagine her feeling nervous, but maybe just a little? 

Now that I've thought about her, my thoughts led to the fact that I haven't really told her much about myself. Why I'm not in school although I'm eighteen and supposed to be. Why I obliged to my uncle's wishes and practically acted like a spy for a long time. Why I've never mentioned anything about my parents to her other than they are divorced.

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