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Usual warning: use of swear words, I'm sorry, Nolan's character is supposed to swear a lot, so. Read at your own risk :D

Miki's PoV

"Just remember, if there's anything at all that's troubling you, abort mission right away. Understood?"

Nolan must've said that to me at least two hundred times that evening.

I'm dressed in all black; my hair was clipped back with pins, I wore a leather jacket over a shirt, finger-cut gloves, black leggings, and long boots.

"Yup." I say dismissively as I did the past two hundred times.

I refused to let him go with me. I clenched my fists when I thought about the culprit. They were disgusting scumbags who not only stole from anyone, but also kidnapped children. No one ever knew what happened to those children.

I didn't think I should be wrapped up in their business until now.

"...their location is impossible to find!" I heard a voice from around the corner, it sounded familiar enough for me to recognize it right away.

"I did all the research I could, but there's nothing on them... believe me, I really do want to rescue those children, too."

I peeked around the corner to see Ayase on the phone. After a while of listening in, I know we both have the same target.

"Aya!" I called out to him as if an old friend soon as he hung up.

"Who-M-Miki?!" he blinked numerous times before fumbling around his belt, probably trying to fish out his hand cuffs.

"I have a good deal for you." I held up a finger to him, and I know he could tell I was serious since I wasn't smiling, "We both are looking for the group of scums who're stealing and kidnapping children, correct?"

He looked mildly shocked, but he nodded.

"I know their location, I can help the police force this time since I wanna get rid of them as well. In exchange, don't attempt to arrest me until we get there."

Police forces have more people and they're better armed. After I get the necklace they can bust their entire hideout. It's a win-win.

He thought for a long while. Then finally said, "Hmm... fine. You got yourself a deal!"

He held out a hand. I walked over. He's too much of an honest person to go back on a single word. Gotta give him credit for that personality.

"So, Aya, how's your love life coming along?" I skip along the road while asking him. I've known him for years, we're not strangers. Of course, that means he ceased to capture me for those many years as well.

He scratched his head bashfully, "I...I'm getting married."

"Whoa, congrats!" I clapped my hands together. In my heart I felt a twinge, I hope his child won't grow up like me, not knowing who my father was until it suddenly struck upon me with no warning.

I shook my head. This is no time or place to think about those affairs, I've got a mission on my hands.

"This is it." I pointed up to an old abandoned factory. It was so old any modern records wouldn't even have any recordings of it. I only found this place through hundred-year-old library books.

"So, what's your plan?" he took out some things that I couldn't identify.

"I need to retrieve something. You go on and do whatever it is you gotta do." I pull up my gloves again and made sure my hair pins were in place, "oh, and by the way, feel free to arrest me now..."

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