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That morning, I woke up extra early. I took a shower, combed my hair exactly two hudred times and tied it into a cute messy bun. Hmm...I feel nice today...even though I'm gonna humiliate myself by singing outta tune this night. Still, enjoy the day time of the weekend.

Heading down to the lounge, I notice none of them are up right now, so I went to the kitchen. Technically...I need to thank these guys for NOT killing me. Cuz y'know, they totally could've and it was my fault in the first place for breaking whatever it is that I broke.

A bowl, flour, eggs, milk. I started the recipe for a cake. I called room service and was delivered with everything else I needed. Including icing. After the sponge is half-cooked, still in the oven, Ota and Baba came walking into the lounge, sniffing.

"Something smells really good." Baba says as he adjusts his tie.

"Miu? You're baking?" Ota peeks around the kitchen door.

When he said that, I was just mixing the dough for cookies. I nod without looking up and made a gesture to shoo them away. I need to concentrate.

After the cake was out of the oven and I started decorating it with icing, Eisuke and Soryu came out.

"I smell sweets." Eisuke commented.

By the time even Mamoru was out of his room, I just slipped the shaped cookies into the oven and carried out the cake.

"Try it." I say with a big smile and laid out paper plates and tableware.

"Jeez, who's birthday is it?" Mamoru said, but he cut out a slice.

"No one's! I just wanna thank you guys." I say and cut a slice for myself as well. Soryu and Eisuke exchanged glances and don't touch their plates, on the other hand, Baba and Ota are already stuffing their faces and complimenting the texture.

"Tis ish amashing! Ham some bosh!" Baba said through a full mouth. Eisuke scooped some with his fork and brought it to his mouth, he didn't show any sign of enjoyment but he pretty soon finished the whole plate. As did Soryu, even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't like sweets.

I mean, Yeah. I'm amazing like that~

When I took out the cookie tray, it was all gone in a blink of an eye.

"Hey! I didn't even have any!" I set the tray down on the table and grabbed one out of Ota's hands. He already took a bite out of it but too bad! I want one!

"Hey...I already bit that...." Ota said as he watched me gobble it down. I cock my head at all the shocked looks around me, "and?"

"That's...like an indirect kiss." Baba added.

I blink twice, "your point is?" and head back to the kitchen to tidy up. He mumbled a 'never mind' and looked away.


So this is how it works: there are many picnic tables as audience chairs, in front is a large stage, the entire thing is outdoor but the tech stuff are all set and complete. Every class in the music department has to perform something, y'know, music-related. My class had a short play presentation. We aced it, but it was honestly kind of boring. Those low levels of acting doesn't interest me anymore.

No, no, nononononono.... Was all I could hear ringing in my head when the announcement rang, "and now, students. What everybody was looking forward to--our karaoke night!"

At least I'm supposed to go last. I looked around, Beau was nowhere in sight, he was just at the table nearest to the stage before.

Most singers were girls. Some of them dedicating the song to their boyfriend and sang a slow love song; or dressed in goth and sang a low dark song dedicated to their enemies; or dress in hip-hop and sang a fast up-beat song dedicated to their friends. I walked backstage. I'm up next....

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (Daughters) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now