{Spin-off} High School Story: Kyoko

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There were quite a few requests for Kyoko's high school story! so here :D




"Shit, you found me."

"You didn't even try to hide this time." Takumori removed the magazine from my face. "You're literally lying on a bench at the back of the school."

"It was too sunny on the rooftop."

"Class started five minutes ago. Come on, you're making both of us late," Takumori said.

I peeked open one eye and looked at him. "It's the last week of school. Nobody cares."

"Get up," he insisted.

"Why do you even bother with me, Takumori? Just let me rot and die here."

"Don't joke about that," he mumbled. "Come on, get up."

"I don't wanna."

He sighed, then seated himself on the ground beside the bench. "I'll wait until you do, then."

"What the heck?" 

The both of us fell silent until I asked, "Seriously, Takumori, why do you even bother with me? We're just childhood friends. You're not responsible for me."

"Our second last year of high school is about to end, yet you still have no motivation to do anything. Didn't you say you wanted to apply to that prestigious investigators' academy?"

"Yeah, but... Can't I start working hard next year?"

"Do you think C's turn into A's overnight?"

"Okay, okay! I'll go! The teacher will probably make us carry around boxes all period, jeez."

Takumori walked beside me as we made our way up the school building and into our classroom. Honestly, this guy was too good for me. I didn't deserve a friend as good as him.


"I'm home," I muttered. Right away, I heard a short but obvious gasp, some shuffling noises, then mom peeked her head out from the kitchen. 

"Welcome home!" she exclaimed. "Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes, okay?"


I crashed on the sofa and began scrolling through my phone, gradually getting tired. It didn't take five minutes for me to fall asleep.

I could almost smell the smoke in my dream. I've never smoked, neither did mom. Where did this come from?

I peeked open one eye and was met by the ceiling of my living room. What the heck was that?

Mom's face appeared in my vision, smiling. I got up and glanced around, noticing that my phone was now on the table. Whatever, she probably put it there so it wouldn't fall on the ground. I soon completely forgot about that short dream.

Dinner was awkward. Ever since a year ago, when I first mustered up the courage and seriously asked her for information regarding my father, since I had the right to know, she didn't take me seriously. She treated me like a child who couldn't handle a simple truth. She brushed my questions off like a little kid asking where the tooth fairy lived.

I always acted like I didn't care about anything, but I didn't plan on applying to an investigators' academy on a whim. I recently looked up some common interrogation techniques. Now's the time to try them out.

"Mm, the fish tastes really good today," I started, earning a beam from my mother.

"Really? I'm so glad! I tried a new recipe!"

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