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*Media of various blushing Mamoru ^.^*

Mamoru's PoV

Director Sakai is the second uncle of Minami, on his mother's side. And since he was also in the detectives' field, we met eventually. He quit being a soldier and took on the place of director at that Academy after he retired.

As an excuse to go see how Kyoko was doing, I head over to the main school building to see Sakai.

"Kishi!" he says awkwardly as soon as he saw me, it was as if my surname reminded him of someone, "glad you came by! Did you need something?"

"Actually...." We exchange a pat on the shoulder before I got down to business, "I need a favor."

He raised his eyebrows a little. I never asked him for help before.

"It's about my daughter." I blurted out.

His mouth opened, then closed. Then opened again.

"Yeah, yeah, it's surprising." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Was it... Kyoko Kishi?" He clearly remembered the name the first time he saw it. "She's out on a special mission today."

I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed, but at the same time curious on what her mission was.

I cracked the smallest smile, "Do me a favor, and double her training menu, yea?"

Jayden's PoV

"Eh...but Kyoko's the only girl in our year." Yoshiro says. I told them my story as we drove to the hotel, "What did you say her appearance was like again?"

I frowned a little in thought, "Straight, jet-black hair. At that time it was to her waist. She almost always wore skirts. She seemed quite high-class and elegant, now that I analyze."

Yoshiro laughed, "that is definitely the exact opposite of our Kyoko. I'm sure if she had a choice, she'd wear track pants every day."

"I see." I murmured. So then...can she be older than me?

No matter, I'm going to find her.

"By the way, where is she?" I asked. The suits they made me wear was getting uncomfortable.

"She said there was no way in hell she'd ever wear a dress again, so she's hiding inside somewhere, somehow."

From what I've heard so far, this Kyoko girl really sounds like a tomboy. The three of us split up as we head into the hotel lobby. Takumori covers the ground floor, Yoshiro will travel around the floors, and I will head straight up to the VIP floor.

When the double doors opened, the first thing I did was slip through the opening and crotch down behind a large pot plant. Hey, it's what they do in movies!

The hotel staff around were all too busy preparing to notice me anyway.

Takumori told me Kyoko would probably meet me up here, but I don't see her anywhere. She must be a good investigator if she's this good at hiding.

Um...what do I do now?

Let's see...if they want the entrance to be hidden... it's only logic that they locate it at the back of the room, furthest away from the elevator.

My heart rate increased slightly from the nerves, but I tugged on my suit collar to smooth out any possible creases. Alright, my entire life experience builds up to this point.

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