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Kara held the microphone tightly. "Well, Jamie and I have multiple goals in mind. The first, and our main concern, is student equality. For example, I am a lesbian, and Jamie is non-binary. Our best friends, Marina Fowler and Arabella Newton, are bisexual and pansexual, respectively." Kara paused, looking to the crowd. "I'd like to invite them up to state events from last year that were unacceptable."

Sue groaned as the confused pair stood to the stage. "Bella," Kara addressed the blonde, "What was one thing that happened last year that was not tolerable?"

Arabella gripped the microphone. "Santana Lopez, the icon herself, was outed to all of Ohio. There was this one boy who tried to 'straighten her out'. All of the girls from the New Directions ganged together and sang Katy Perry's I kissed a girl." She explained. She then handed the microphone to Marina.

"One thing that happened last year wasn't in this school, but the message is just as powerful. A boy I knew was gay, and the boys at his school were so horrible he felt as if he needed to end it all. Thankfully, he was okay, but I made sure to beat the hell out of that homophobe." The pair then left the stage as Kara held the microphone once more.

"And that is why the Edwards-Sanders presidential team will make this school safe for everyone!" She exclaimed.

Sue nodded as a scattered applause occurred. "And finally, Sam Evans, your response?"

"I wasn't really listening. Whatever Artie and Kara said, I agree with that." Sam said nervously, gesturing to the pair beside him.

"Our next question is from the Twitter. @HungrySouthMouth asks Sam Evans, 'Rumour has it you were a stripper. Aren't you ashamed?'" Sam sighed at Sue's words.

"No, I'm not. In fact..." Sam moved forward, loosening his tie and then yanking his shirt off. Many cheered at his action.

"Students at this school have every right to be angry. Last year's student council, led by my opponent, was the most ineffectual in a generation. Brittany S. Pierce, in her last term, accomplished absolutely nothing, except plan a dinosaur-themed prom and ban the use of hair gel. Ladies and gentlemen, telling anyone what they can or cannot put into their hair is disgusting. It's the first step towards tyranny, my friends. Next thing you know, they'll start burning books. And then they'll probably start burning people, too." Blaine stated. He, Brittany, and Jamie all stood on stage.

"That's a lie." Brittany immediately responded.

"It's probably not." Jamie muttered into the microphone.

"This tyranny all ends today, McKinley. I want to offer you a change. And I am that change. Let's make history, Titans. And vote Anderson-Evans. Thank you." Blaine finished.

"Jamie, your words?" Sue asked.

"Regarding what Kara said previously, I stand by her words. I want this school to be an open-minded, safe environment for everyone, and you won't get that from Brittany. Blaine himself is biased against Brittany because of her banning of hair gel at last year's prom. So, if you vote Edwards-Sanders, I promise that this school will be the best it's ever been." There was scattered applause, the loudest coming from Marina and Arabella.

"Sweet, simple Brittany. What say you?" Sue asked Brittany, who looked to the crowd.

"Uh... I love you. I love you so much, McKinley High School. Simple as that. In fact, I think that everyone should love this school as much as I do. If you elect me as president, I promise to outlaw summer vacation, so we'll have school all year round. That means we'll spend every day of every summer indoors with all our friends, in McKinley High School's award-winning air conditioning. Also, I promise to end McKinley High School's policy of having weekends. If you make me your president, Saturday and Sunday will be illegal, so that Monday will come right after Friday, which is the funnest day anyways. Vote Brittany and Artie. Thank you so much." Brittany spoke, multiple people walking out mid-speech.

"We just lost the election." Artie nodded when Brittany walked off the stage.

After that, everyone went to vote. Marina and Arabella both voted for Jamie and Kara, hoping the pair would win. Sue eventually spoke over the pa. "Attention, students: Your record-low election votes have been tallied, and we have a winner. Becky, can I get a xylophone flourish?" Nothing happened.

"No? Not feeling it? Okay. This year's Student Council President is.... Blaine Anderson!" Artie and Brittany looked disappointed, Kara and Jamie seemed happy the boys won, and Sam and Blaine jumped out of their seats, doing one of those classic bro hugs.

The group had all been invited to Breadstix, as Sam and Blaine were hosting a mini-party type of thing. Marina had texted the boys she and the trio would be late, telling them to not break anything. At Breadstix, a banner was up, confetti raining from the ceiling.

Sugar was excitingly yelling about how she knew Blaine, Tina doing the same. Blaine was going around and hugging the people he knew, Kara and Jamie congratulating him for winning. They were all having fun and joking around, but Marina overheard some of Sam and Blaine's conversation, sneakily pulling out her phone and recording the boys' words.

When everyone was beginning to leave, Marina's phone rang. She looked at the called ID, seeing that it was Thad. "Don't tell me." Marina immediately said, a knowing tone in her voice.

"We're all outside in the minivan." He laughed as Marina gathered Arabella, Jamie, and Kara, the four going into the parking lot.

"I see it." Marina simply responded before hanging up, the four walking to the minivan. This time Nick and Jeff were in the front seats, the rest of the group sitting around them. Marina was stuck between Hunter and Sebastian.

"So, Reenie, I was thinking." Sebastian began.

Hunter cut him off, grinning. "That's a first." Marina had to quickly lean back as her best friend mockingly punched Hunter.

"I was thinking we have one of our movie nights. Hunter, Jamie, and Kara haven't experienced them yet." Sebastian said.

Marina gasped, nudging Hunter. "They're so fun! And since we all sing, we usually watch musicals or Disney movies. You'll love it!"

When they were all back at Dalton, Marina pulled Hunter away, showing him the video. He smirked knowingly. Marina knew it would all be useful in the end, and anyway, once a Warbler, always a Warbler, right?

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