Soul of the Lonely Mountain - Part 1 - Thorin x Reader

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"Thorin. I think ya better come and see what they just found." Dwalin called out as he entered Thorin's rooms. The King under the Mountain, Fili, and Kili all turning to look at the gruff warrior that had just entered.

"Why. What have they found?" Kili asked, before either his brother or uncle got the chance to enquire.

"They think they found tha soul." Dwalin replied. The three Durin jumping from their seats. The four dwarves almost running to get to the mines.

Since Thorin's company had reclaimed their home, dwarves had begun to return to Erebor from the Blue Mountains. Many of the miners going back to the depths of the Lonely Mountain, to once again retrieve the gold and precious stones from the rock.

All dwarves had heard of the legend of the soul of the mountain. And every dwarf that had ever mined, had dreamed of finding her.

The legend spoke of a time before the first age, when the Lonely mountain did not exist. The land that it now occupied having been a kingdom that was ruled over by a great dwarven king by the name of Thrar. And Thrar was said to have fallen in love with the most beauteous creature in Middle Earth. An elleth called (Y/n).

(Y/n) was the daughter of the moon and the sun, of the day and the night. She was said to be a being of pure light, of complete perfection, loved by all that met her. And she in turn loved the great dwarf king. But her father, the sun, did not approve of the union between his daughter and the dwarf, and had instead promised (Y/n) to the stars. But the dwarf, and the elleth, had loved each other too much to be denied, and had gone against the wishes of the sun, the pair marrying in secret. No one knowing, except from (Y/n)'s mother, the moon.

When her father had discovered that they had wed, the sun had been outraged that his child would go against his wishes. That her actions would bring shame to her family, and her people. And in a fit of rage, he had taken his child's life. The Valar cursing him for his actions, by sending him to the sky, never to be allowed to return to this world or see his wife ever again. Thrar, and the moon had mourned the death of (Y/n). Thrar asking her mother to help him join his bride. But the moon could not see the dwarves be deprived of their king, or their home, instead turning Thrar into the Lonely Mountain. The rock of his new body protecting his people, as well as the body of (Y/n). The elleth's heart becoming the Arkenstone, her body and soul becoming part of the great mountain. The two lovers together forever. Always protecting the dwarves of Erebor. But it was said, that if (Y/n)'s soul was ever found, she could be awaken by the kiss of the dwarf that she loved.

"Well?" Thorin enquired, as he and the others came to a stop in front of the miners. The King under the Mountain waiting impatiently for an answer.

"We found her. We found the soul." One of the dwarven miners uttered quietly, as he and the others separated to reveal the figure of an elleth, which appeared to have been carved from pure silima. Thorin striding over to the effigy, as he stared at her in disbelief.

He had expected the soul to be like the Arkenstone. Just a simple, perfect stone. But here she was, the soul of the mountain in her original form. Her figure shimmering and glistening like the stars in the darkness of the surrounds.

"Where did you find her?" Thorin asked, as his rough fingers touched the cold crystalline face of the elleth.

"We found a fissure in tha rock. It was only a small crack ta begin with, but we could see that there were somethin beneath it. It's taken us some time ta break through, but when we did, we found tha soul." Another one of the miners informed the king. Thorin only half listening to the explanation as he found himself lost in the look of the figure.

"What do we do with er?" Dwalin asked, as he, Fili and Kili can up behind Thorin. The three of them seeming to get as caught up in the appearance of the soul as Thorin was.

"She is the spirit of our home. The soul of the Lonely Mountain. We should treat her with the respect and devotion that she deserves. We will find her a place of honour. She was the love of our ancestor and we will show her the deference she ought to have." Thorin told the others as he continued to look down at the soul.


It had been moons since the soul had been found, and now her crystalline form lay near Thorin's throne. In part he had done it to show her reverence, but in truth he had done it so that she was never far from his sight. He knew that it was insane, that if anyone found out they would believe that he had lost his mind, but he had fallen in love with the effigy. He would make his way back to her in the middle of the night so that he could sit by her side and speak with her. He would tell her about his line. About the company taking back the mountain from the great dragon. About the battle of the five armies. About Azog the defiler, and his near death at the hand of the feared white orc. All the time wishing that she was real. That she could reply and return his love.

"Thorin. Is everything alright?" Balin asked, as the elder dwarf finally came up behind his king, after listening to him speak for some time to the soul.

"Yes. I........I was just leaving." Thorin replied, as he got to his feet, and made his way through the door. The King under the Mountain stopping as he heard Balin's voice.

"I can understand why you come here and speak with her." Balin began. Thorin turning to look at his old friend who had moved to take the place that he had just vacated.

"My mother used to tell me the story of Thrar and (Y/n). The first to try and bring the dwarves and elves together. The first to show that love can overcome all our differences. She would always say that it was something that we should strive for. That the legend should show us the way. She would also say, that one day (Y/n) would return to protect the mountain that protected her. All that she needed was the right dwarf to bring her back to life. As a young dwarf, I would dream of finding the lady (Y/n). Of being the dwarf to bring back the soul of the Lonely Mountain. I know that your grandfather, and father thought the same. Though they were never lucky enough to find the resting place of the lady. She is more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. And I can see why the great Thrar loved her." Balin said quietly, as he looked down on the silima form.

"Maybe you should wish the soul goodnight. You look like you need the rest." Balin continued, as he rose from his seat and passed Thorin. The Lord of Moria patting the king on the arm as he left.

"Balin is right. We both need our rest. I bid you goodnight, my lady." Thorin told the effigy, as he leant down and kissed the lips of the figure, before turning and leaving the room. The King under the Mountain failing to notice the suddenly bright light that was beginning to emit from the throne room.

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings one shots and ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang