Smelly, ugly halfwit - Part 1 - Dwalin x Reader

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(Y/n) had listened from the shadows as the dwarves had sat around the fire and sang their song. Even though she didn't know what it spoke of, it saddened her to the core, nonetheless. It seemed to speak of loss, but also of hope. And she couldn't help but let a lone tear trickle down her cheek.

As soon as the first dwarves had entered Bag End. Bilbo had hidden her away, not sure what the rambunctious creatures' intentions were. Yet as more and more had arrived, (Y/n) had become more and more intrigued by them. The little hobbit covering her mouth to conceal her laughter as they had raided the larder. As they had sung about her brother and his complaints concerning their mother's plates. But when she heard the dwarves talk about her brother going on an adventure. About him becoming a burglar that would be facing a fire breathing dragon. (Y/n) could stay in her hiding place no longer.

"And what do we have ere?" A growling voice enquired, as (Y/n) felt a large hand grab the back of her collar and pull her into the light.

"Get off me! GET OFF ME!" (Y/n) protested, as she was dragged unceremoniously in front of her brother and the dwarves.

"Looks like we have ourselves a spy." The large, angry looking dwarf grunted as he dropped her to the floor.

"I'm not a spy, you smelly, ugly halfwit! This is my house." (Y/n) huffed, as she turned around and kicked the dwarf in the shins.

"And if you dare ever handle me in such a fashion again, you scruffy dwarf. It won't only be your shins that I kick." (Y/n) continued. Turning back around and glaring at the others as they laughed.

"That goes for all of you." (Y/n) declared. The dwarves getting the sense that they better do as they were told. Felling that despite her small stature, the little hobbit meant every word.

"Well, if it isn't little (Y/n) Baggins. I had wondered where Bilbo had been hiding you. Still as spirited as ever I see." Gandalf chuckled, as he looked the beautifully defiant hobbit up and down.

"I remember you from when Bilbo and I were small. You're the wizard with all the fireworks. And yes, I am (Y/n) Baggins. Though I will have you know that I am not little. I am actually quite tall for a hobbit. And yes, I am as spirited as ever. So, given that, if Bilbo is going on an adventure, I'm going too. I'm not afraid of a dragon." (Y/n) informed the softy chuckling wizard. Her arms crossed over her chest as she gave out an indignant huff.

"Oh, I like her. Can we keep her?" A dwarf in a funny hat chortled. His amusement ceasing as (Y/n) turned her attention to him.

"Keep me? I will have you know that I am not a pet cat! I am a Baggins of Bag End. And I am my own hobbit." (Y/n) declared, before sticking her tongue out at the dwarf.

"There's no way that this one could be a burglar. She talks too much." The big dwarf that had grabbed her, grumbled.

"And you smell too much. So, your point is? A dragon would be able to sniff you out before it even got chance to hear me. Anyway, wherever one Baggins goes. The other goes too." (Y/n) informed them, as the dwarf that she had heard the others calling Thorin, looked between her and another elderly looking dwarf with a long white beard.

"Ya prepared ta sign a contract ta that affect, lass?" The elder dwarf enquired. (Y/n) pulling the long scroll from her brother's hands and putting her name to it.

"I am. So now you have at least one burglar. But keep the big nasty one away from me. Or you might have one less in your company." (Y/n) told the white haired dwarf, as she pushed the contract back into her brother's hand.


"Bilbo! Will you please shut up about your handkerchief? There are worse things in the world to be without." (Y/n) groaned, as her brother said that he had to return to Bag End. They had barely got going, and already he was carrying on. It was bad enough that he hadn't signed the dwarves' contract until the very last moment. But now he was going on about how a small square of fabric was that important, that they had to go back for it. (Y/n) feeling that Bilbo was not making the name of Baggins, look very good in front of the company of dwarves.

"Feisty little thing, isn't she? Gandalf told me that she has always been like that. Always been unlike any other hobbit he has ever met." Balin chuckled to his younger brother, as the two sons of Fundin rode along behind (Y/n) and Bilbo.

"She's trouble if ya ask me. I don't understand why we need both of em." Dwalin grumbled. Doing his best to control his temper as Fili and Kili continued to laugh at (Y/n) having called him a smelly, ugly halfwit, the night before.

"I'm sure that Gandalf had his reasons for recommending that both of tha hobbits come along. At tha moment she seems better prepared for tha journey than her brother. But until she forgives ya for grabbing her. I'd suggest that ya keep ya distance. I think that Mistress Baggins will certainly see through with her threat of kicking ya somewhere other than ya shins." Balin chuckled, as Dwalin grumbled under his breath. The seasoned warrior not too sure whether he wanted to currently kill or kiss the beautiful doe eyed hobbit.

As soon as he had pushed her into the light of the warm glow of the fire. As soon as he had seen her exquisite features. Dwalin had forgotten how to breath for a moment. His heart skipping a beat as he had seen a fire in the little hobbits eyes that was brighter that the one in the hearth. A feeling that had only ended when she had kicked him in the shins. His gruff demeanour returning as he glared at her.

He had to admit that he was not very good when it came to the fairer sex. He wasn't the softest of dwarves and had never really had the time to let his eye fall on anyone. Living in exile in the towns of men. Trying to make ends meet as he had tried to find his way in world, had never really lent itself to finding someone to court. And now that they were making their way back to Erebor to reclaim their home from a giant fire breathing dragon, Dwalin knew that it was definitely not the time. But he had to admit, that despite everything, (Y/n) Baggins was certainly making his mind drift to such things.


"Are you still mad at him?" Bilbo suddenly asked. His strange question bringing (Y/n) back from her thoughts. Thoughts that had begun to wander to all the possibilities of what may lay ahead of them.

"Angry at whom?" (Y/n) replied, shifting in the saddle as she tried to move in time with her pony.

"The big one. Dwalin." Bilbo continued. (Y/n) furrowing her brows for a moment.

"Oh. You mean the smelly, ugly halfwit. Maybe. I haven't decided yet. Balin told me that he isn't very good at dealing with hobbits like me. Or anyone in fact. We will just have to see what happens as our little adventure unfolds. Though, if he keeps looking at me in that strange way. I think that I will be permanently mad at him." (Y/n) informed her brother. Bilbo shaking his head as his sister rode on ahead.

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings one shots and ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon