Dragon Clan - Part 3 - Bilbo x Reader

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For MargaretMidthum.

"I would listen to the little one if I were you.........." A voice came. The three trolls looking over to see a female sat on top of a rock. Using her dagger to clean her long nails. The Dragon Child smiling to herself as she caught a glimpse of Gandalf make his way to the other side of the large boulders. Knowing that all she had to do was what Bilbo was doing and help him give the Ishtar a little more time. (Y/n) jumping to her feet as one of the huge idiotic creatures reached for a club.

"Please.........there is no need for that. I am no threat to three great and incredibly handsome Mountain-Trolls such as yourself. I am merely here to offer my assistance............."

"Help.........we don't need no help......." One troll said, as he went back to turning the dwarf covered spit.

"She a funny lookin thing. She might taste good............"

"I think that you would find that I wouldn't cook on your fire. And my skin would be a little too tough to try and eat me. What will the scales and all. And of course, I can help. You see.........what the little er.........flurga burbura hobbit tells you is true........." (Y/n) continued, as she jumped down from the rock and made her way over to her little friend and the dwarves. Looking down disdainfully on Thorin and the others that lay trussed up in bags on the ground.

"You see, each and every one of them is infected with the most awful, wiggly, squiggly parasites and worms in their tubes that you could imagine. It is really quite disgusting. And I won't even mention the scabs and sores. But what else would you expect of their sort. And as the little one also said, I really wouldn't risk it if I were you. I could only imagine how sick they would make you. In fact, they are that infected, if you eat them, you just might die............." (Y/n) continued, as she moved to stand by Bilbo's side. The troll turning the spit enquiring as to what they should then do with the dwarves..........let them go.........? Then rudely calling Bilbo a ferret. The Hobbit and Dragon Child more than a little relieved to finally see Gandalf take his place on top of the boulder, before bringing down his staff and letting the sun through. The Trolls almost instantly turning to Stone.


"As he said thank you yet...........?" (Y/n) enquired, as once again she and Bilbo sat away from the dwarves. Bilbo simply shaking his head in reply, as the two of them looked over at Thorin.

"You know.........if it weren't for you, they would have all been eaten. And all this..........you leaving your nice warm hole and me, the safety of my solitude, would have been for nothing............."

"If it wasn't for you, you mean..................."

"Oh, no, Bilbo. Their safety is all due to you. I was just there to assist. If these dwarves were half as intelligent as you, I think that we would have a lot less problems." (Y/n) interjected. Placing her hand on Bilbo's arm and giving it a reassuring squeeze. The Dragon Child smiling as the hobbit looked at the sword that Gandalf had given him from the troll hoard that they had found.

As always, the troll's cave had stunk. (Y/n) shaking her head as the eyes of the dwarves had lit up at the sight of the gold. The last of the Dragon Clan sure that despite what they might think, dwarves and dragons were not so different when it came to the shiny metal. (Y/n) quite happy that her kind was not plagued by the obsession with gold.

"It is one of the most beautiful elven blades that I have ever seen. If you like, I could help you learn to use that." (Y/n) continued, a broad smile spreading across her lips, as Bilbo looked up at her.


"Of course. We could begin now if you like. I mean, its either that or we sit here and listen to these dwarves' burp, fart and snore all night again." (Y/n) chuckled, as she got to her feet and offered Bilbo her hand. The hobbit gratefully taking it and allowing (Y/n) to lead him away from the group, so that they could find somewhere to practice.


Balin reached up and stopped Thorin as he got to his feet. The would be King under the Mountain just having watched their burglar being led into the darkness by the only female in the company.

"Ya don't need to worry, laddie." The elderly dwarf said, as he pulled Thorin back to the floor. The prince looking quizzically at his old friend.

"She would never hurt the lad. I think you'll find that she's just gonna show him how ta protect himself with that new sword of his." Balin continued, as he did his best to get a little more comfortable on the bumpy ground.

"You mean that you trust her..................?" Thorin enquired with an air of disbelief. The prince still not liking the idea of what she was or how she appeared. Often grumbling about how she would betray them once she got to the dragon.

"Aye laddie. Truth be told, she hasn't given me a reason not to. Nor you, or any of the others, for that matter. She helped our little burglar with the trolls, and there was no real reason for her ta do that given the way she's been treated. Perhaps we should all take a leaf out of Bilbo's book and get to know her a little better." Balin continued, giving Thorin a soft smile, before he turned over on his bed roll. Thorin leaning back against the rock and mussing for a moment over his friend's words. The prince reluctantly having to agree that Balin was right. That despite the fact that they had all kept away from her, the Dragon Child had assisted as much as she could during their journey so far. And she had certainly been keeping an eye on the hobbit. So perhaps it might just pay to learn something more about the strange female. Thorin slowly getting to his feet and making his way to find her and the hobbit. The prince not seeing the smile that Balin and Gandalf sent one another.

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