Old friends - Part 6 - Thranduil x Legolas x Reader

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All night, Legolas had been able to do nothing but watch, as (Y/n) and his father spent every moment together. It obvious that the king had no intention of allowing the envoy from Lothlórien to leave his side. The prince and all the other guests at the celebration looking on, as Thranduil and the beautiful elleth moved around the floor once more, as the great room was filled with the softest of music.

He found himself furrowing his brows, as he looked at his father. Legolas couldn't help but think that he, well, that he looked.........happy. A soft smile gracing the features of the king, as he held (Y/n) close. As he and the envoy danced alone, to the sounds of the harps and lyres. Everyone else looking on, whispering to one another, as Thranduil and the young elleth stared into each other's eyes.

Legolas hadn't seen his father like this for years, since the loss of his mother to be precise. There was an air about him, an air of peace, of happiness that the prince believed that he would never see again. The only thing concerning him, was that this change in the king, seemed to have been brought about, by the arrival of (Y/n). The pale haired prince feeling his heart drop, as his father slowly pulled the exquisite elleth, even closer. Nothing now between the pair, as they slowly swayed.

When he and (Y/n) had been younger, Legolas had come to believe that his best friend, was the elleth that was meant to be his one. The love of his life, that his mother had told him that he would one day find. And the more time that he had spent with (Y/n), the more that he was sure that that was the case. The more that he was sure that he had found the love that his mother and father shared. But then she was gone. Because of his actions, his betrayal, she was sent away. It having been more than several mortal lifetimes since they had seen one another last. Yet instead of being able to speak to her, instead of him being able to apologise, and ask if she could ever forgive him for what he had done; (Y/n) was dancing with his father. Seemingly as lost in the arms of the king, as the king was in hers.

Legolas knew that it was possible; that if an elf lost their one in a way that his father had lost his mother, then there might be another. One that could fill the hole that had been left in the heart. But that elleth for his father could not be (Y/n); not his (Y/n)...................

Finally, the music stopped, Thranduil reluctantly releasing his grip on the elleth in his arms, as she fanned herself. Speaking quietly to the king, before making her way out onto the balcony. Legolas deciding to take his chance, as the king made his way back to his seat. The prince pushing his way through the crowd; stopping in his tracks, as he got to the balcony. His heart beginning to beat a little quicker, as he found (Y/n) sitting on a small stone bench, looking out over his father's kingdom.


(Y/n) found that she could barely breath; but it was not due to the number of other elves in the large room, that made the air heavy; no, it was because of the ellon that held her close. The handsome king causing in her, feelings that she never believed that she would feel after she had closed off her heart. It as if she had found the missing part of herself, as she looked up into those perfect blue eyes. The feel of his hand against her; of his flesh against hers, making her mind race. The smiles that he would give her, making her forget that it wasn't just her and the king in the room.

"If my king will allow, I need a little air............." (Y/n) said, fanning herself, as the music stopped. Thranduil nodding as he reluctantly let her go.

"Return to me soon.............." He simply replied. (Y/n) nodding, before leaving the king's side, and making her way out onto the balcony; taking a seat on a small stone bench, and looking out over Mirkwood, that had been lit by a thousand small lights.

In truth, she didn't know what to think. Thranduil, the king, her king; she was............she was finding herself having feelings for the older ellon that she never though that she would have for him. But they were there; they were definitely there. (Y/n) finding it harder and harder to deny that what she was feeling for the elegant ellon, was in fact...........love............

"(Y/n)..............." A voice suddenly came, interrupting her thoughts. The envoy turning to see Legolas slowly make his way over to her. The lady rising and curtsying.

"Prince Legolas................"

"I was hoping that we might speak.............."

"You are the prince of Mirkwood. Who am I to say no............" (Y/n) continued, as she retook her seat. Her eyes cold as she looked up at him.

"I..............I have missed you.............." Legolas began, as he moved a little closer. (Y/n)'s gaze not warming any, as he came to her side.

"Why would you miss me, prince...............?"

"You were my best friend, (Y/n). You were the only one that saw me, as me. The one that cared for me, and whom I cared for............"

"Cared for!" The elleth exclaimed, as she suddenly got to her feet.

"Once, I may have believed that to be true. Once, I thought that I would love you until the day that we both journeyed to the Undying lands. But then........then you destroyed everything. You changed my life. You broke my heart...................."

"(Y/n), what if did was wrong. I did not mean................"

"Legolas.................." A voice interrupted, as Legolas moved to place his hand on (Y/n)'s face. The prince and the elleth turning to see the king making his way out onto the balcony; Thranduil walking over to (Y/n) and taking her into his arms. Brushing away the tear that was making its way down her cheek.

"Father I................"

"Leave us, Legolas................" The king ordered. Never moving his gaze from (Y/n).


"I wish to speak to (Y/n) alone................" Thranduil continue. Making it obvious that he was not interested in listening to anything else that his son had to say. Legolas giving the elleth one last look, before nodding and leaving the pair.

"My king...................." (Y/n) finally said. Smiling again, as she looked up at the monarch of Mirkwood. Not sure what else the king could want to say, since they had been speaking all evening.

"I have realised that you are yet to give me my gift............" Thranduil replied. His small smile getting a little broader, as her brow furrowed slightly.

"Your gift.................?"

"Yes........this.............." The king said, as he leant down, and placed his lips to hers. 

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