Blacksmith - Part 2 - Thorin x Reader

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(Y/n) knew that it was rude, but she couldn't help but stare. I mean, it was really impossible not to. Thorin was beautiful. Just the sight of him, bare chested. The sight of his muscles, taught and strained from all the exertion of striking molten metal, at once making her mouth dry and then her palms sweat. Up until this moment, she had only been able to imagine what lay under his dower clothes and heavy leather apron. Her mother often catching her daydreaming about this very image, when she should be working. Reya just shaking her head and rolling her eyes, as (Y/n) would let out a dreamy hum. Not seeming to hear anything as her mind filled with thoughts of the town's best blacksmith.

Her mother and father had done their best to educate her as she had grown. But there were no words in any language that she knew, that were good enough to describe the sight before her. That could describe how she was feeling at this moment. (Y/n) not caring whether her mother would disapprove of her continuing to stare. Only caring that Thorin had just reached for a cloth, had dampened it, and was now rubbing it across his sweaty brow and torso.

"Ahem.............." Came a cough. (Y/n) almost jumping out of her skin again, as Master Dwalin reminded her that he was there.

"Can we help ya, lass.............?" Dwalin enquired. (Y/n) shaking the thoughts from her mind. The large dwarf holding back an uncharacteristic chuckle, as the young dwarrodam let out an annoyed huff, as Thorin reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head.

"Oh, er..........yes. I am sorry, Master Dwalin. I didn't know that you were here. Master Balin said that I could come in and wait for Thorin to finish. I er..............I have payment from my mother, for the work that he did in the tavern the other day." (Y/n) explained. A large smile spreading across her lips, as Thorin came to join is friend. Her heart fit to burst, as a small, gentle smile graced the blacksmith's lips.

"I told Reya that I didn't need payment. When your father passed, we all promised to watch over the pair of you. And I only nailed down some of the lose floorboards. It was nothing................." Thorin said, as the beautiful female looked at him. Her eyes reminding him of the jewel that lay at the heart of the Lonely Mountain. Reminding him of the sparkling stars in the night sky, and the soft shimmer of the moon.

Most dwarves that called his place home, had known and respected (Y/n)'s father. Most had known (Y/n) since she was born. But no one had really expected that the little dwarrodam, that would get herself into all manner of scrapes, would bloom into such a glorious creature. It obvious to all that she attracted not only the attention of many a dwarf, but also many a man too. Dwalin quite happy to make it obvious to anyone that the dwarves deemed unsuitable, that they were not welcome, and that (Y/n) did not need their attention. Some of the older dwarves even doing their best to shield her away like they would with the other females. Yet (Y/n) had always been as stubborn as her father and as strong minded as her mother. And even though she and Reya appreciated their intentions, (Y/n) had always refused to hide away while her mother toiled away in the tavern all by herself. Simply stating that her mother was not getting any younger, and she would not want to let the business that her father had built up from nothing, fail no that he had passed. A sentiment that even the most old fashioned of dwarves had to appreciate.

"I know, Thorin. But you know my mother.........she doesn't like to feel indebted. She likes to pay a fair price for a fair job. And as she says, you have to live too. You have to eat. To keep this place going. So................" (Y/n) explained, as she handed the son of Thráin the small purse of coins. Her breath catching in her throat, as her fingers accidentally brushed across his rough skin. Even that slight touch sending a wonderful shiver down her spine, and a blush to her cheeks.

"I.............I should go. But thank you for your help Thorin. I, and I know my mother really do appreciate all that you and the others do for us." (Y/n) managed to say, before giving the two dwarves a small curtsy then turning to go back to the door.

"But if you don't want the money, you could always come and spend it at the tavern one night. Then it's a fair exchange." The dwarrodam added. Giving Thorin another smile before heading out of the door.


Dwalin shook his head, as he watched his old friend just stare at the door through which (Y/n) had just left. The large dwarf making his way back to his seat in the corner of the smithy, and landing in the chair with a thump.

"Ya should tell her.............." Dwalin sniffed, as he picked up Grasper and used his thumb to check how sharp the edge of the blade was.

"What...............? Tell who.................."

"Ya should tell tha lass that ya like her." Dwalin interrupted, as he placed down Grasper and picked up Keeper. Repeating the same action as before. Grumbling to himself as he found the axe a little blunt for his liking.

"I.............I don't. I.............mean..........I do.......but..........but she is still just a child....................." Thorin retorted. Shaking the thoughts of the beautiful female from his mind, as had went about cleaning the shop.

"Aye, she might be young for a dwarf, but only her father was a dwarf. For a daughter of man, she's a grown woman and all that lot out there know that. If ya ask me, she's a good girl. Takes care of her mother, she makes sure that we are all well fed and watered when we go ta tha inn. She's pretty too. Got good bones. And I bet she would make a good mother...........I'd even say that she would make a fine queen..........." Dwalin absentmindedly continued, as he got up and searched for a sharpening stone. Having found one, returning to his seat before beginning to hone the blade of his axe.

Thorin stopped. He had to admit that the gruff warrior did have point. Though it was slightly odd to be taking advice on matters of the heart from Dwalin. It was true that (Y/n) was of more than an age to find love amongst her mother's people. But that said, Thorin had promised her father on his deathbed that he would help find her a good dwarf that would look after her. So, what better dwarf than him? The blacksmith tired of just watching from afar. Wondering what might be if he could tell her how he felt.

"Hurry up!" Thorin suddenly exclaimed, as he rushed around the smithy cleaning everything up, as best and as quickly as he could.

"Why...............?" Dwalin enquired, as he looked up from his labours.

"Because we are going to the inn....................!"     

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