The ghost of Mirkwood - Legolas x Thranduil x Reader

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Any elf that had ever ventured into Taur-e-Ndaedelos had come back with stories of the bewitched forest. Of the horrors that lurked behind every cobweb strewn tree. The shadow of the Dark Lord Sauron, bringing with it all manner of wicked and savage creatures. Yet even though many feared coming face to face with the spiders, the Orcs, Olog-hai, and Nazgûl that called the dense and extensive woods home, many more feared coming face to face with its ghost. Face to face with the apparition of a beautiful elleth, that wandered through the trees, all alone. The spectre having been seen from Dol Guldur all the way up to the foot of the Grey Mountains.

All elflings told one another the story. All elves knew of the legend that when Oropher was just a young king, and Mirkwood was still known to man as Greenwood the Great, there had been an elleth of unparalleled beauty and grace that had been named (Y/n); an elleth that had loved the king and had believed loved her in return. Yet this love was denied. Oropher choosing instead to marry another, the one that would become the mother of Thranduil. (Y/n) so devastated by the loss and betrayal of the ellon that she loved that she had travelled alone to Dol Guldur. Throwing herself from the jagged cliffs. The Dark Lord bringing back the spirit of the tormented and heart broken elleth. Sending the vengeful soul back to the north, to haunt Oropher and his descendants, as his powers descended over the woods. It said that if anyone were to meet (Y/n)'s ghost. To speak to her, that their life would be forfeit to the spirit. And if ever Thranduil or the prince were to be the ones to come in contact with her, then the Woodland Realm itself would fall. Thranduil always taking heed of the legend, yet Legolas being Legolas had never put much store in the tale. The young prince believing that there were far more important things that were of concern to the kingdom. Greater threats than the story of a spirit that supposedly hated his family.


The pale haired ellon notched another arrow, as he and some of his father's guards took down the last of the spiders that they had been hunting. The giant creatures seemed to have been more active than usual, recently. The prince and his men out nearly every day fighting back the eight-legged monstrosities. An ear-splitting screech leaving the last spider as Legolas' arrow pierced its head. The scene finally growing silent. The ellon's brows furrowing, as he caught a glimpse of a lone pale figure move silently through the trees. Not seeming to notice or care about what was going on around them. Her long pale grey gown floating delicately behind her.

"We should return to the Halls, my prince..............." A voice came, Legolas turning to see one of his men. The prince quickly turning back to call out to the elleth that he had seen, only to find nothing was there.............."

"I.............yes............. Caundir. Why don't you and the others go back. I just want to check for something..............."

"But.............Prince Legolas..........your father's orders.............."

"I will be fine, Caundir. I will follow shortly." Legolas barked back. Sick of listening about his father's orders and his foolish beliefs that there was a ghost in the woods that would happily see an end to their kingdom. The guard nodding respectfully before leaving the prince's side. The pale haired ellon watching as his men reluctantly left him. The prince sure that he would hear all about this once he did return. Legolas merely shaking his head, before he ventured further into the woods.


Legolas crouched down and listened. He had been searching for the elleth for some time now, always feeling that she would just be around the next tree. Yet when he had got to the next tree, there had been nothing. He didn't know why he felt like he cared so much, other than the fact that no one should be in the woods without his father's permission. Especially not an elleth on her own. But he did. The prince standing up as he heard a soft noise. Jumping down silently from the large tree stump upon which he had come to rest.

"Suilad. Nin." Legolas called out. The prince hoping that his greeting would attract the elleths attention. The ellon venturing even further into the darkest part of his father's kingdom. The air around him thick and heavy as he ducked under the gnarled and broken branches. One turning into dust in his hand, as he reached up to push it out of his way. Legolas sure that despite all the time he had spent in the great woods, he had never been in this part before. The great webs of the spiders nowhere to be seen. As if the creatures themselves feared to venture into this dark heart. As if they knew something that he didn't.

"Nin híril!? My lady!?" The prince called out again, as a movement in the near distance suddenly catching his eye. The ellon finding himself breaking out into a sprint, as he made after the quickly moving figure that had caught his eye. The prince dodging and ducking stumps that seemed to suddenly come up to block his advance. Branches that appeared to reach out and try and grab him. Legolas shocked, as he found himself tumbling and rolling down a small ridge as it felt as though something had caught his ankle. His eyes growing wide, as he opened them to see a female looking down at him. An elleth more beautiful than any he had ever seen before. Her hair and gown softly floating around her form, as she smiled gently at him and offered him her hand. 

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