Dragon lover - Part 5 - Smaug x Reader

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(Y/n) was sure that this was the happiest that she had been..........ever. It was true that she loved her life, her work in her own world. That on the whole, she was pretty happy with her lot. But this.............walking through the halls of the Lonely Mountain with a dragon, or a humanoid version of one at least, by her side, was more than she had ever dreamed possible. The home of the Durin folk more glorious than she had ever seen it portrayed. More glorious than she could ever have imagined. Its colossal arches, towering columns and sweeping staircases hewn straight from the rock of the mountain itself, giving a hint to the abilities and craftmanship of the dwarves. And if this was what they could do with rock, she could only imagine how good they were as smiths. Yet if the golden objects and jewellery that strewed the floors were anything to go by, then their skills in that area must have been truly something to behold.

She and Smaug had been walking for some time now. She had no idea where in the mountain she could be, yet her escort certainly did. So, she would just let him continue to walk her through the seemingly never-ending expanse. I mean, it wasn't every day something like this happened, so (Y/n) was definitely not about to say no. That, and she wasn't about to give up on the opportunity of being with the handsome creature that was by her side.

To say that the dragon was fascinating, would be an understatement. He had already told her more about the dragons of Middle Earth than she was sure that even Tolkien couldn't have thought of. More about the world that lay beyond the halls of Erebor, than what she had read. The voice of the dragon deep and calm as they wound their way to their destination. It's warm, velvet like tone seeming to surround her. Making her feel safe. As if it was holding her in a protective embrace.

"Here we are." Smaug announced, as they suddenly stopped. (Y/n)'s brows furrowing for a moment before she looked around and saw where they stood. The breath catching in her throat, as she saw a hall that was greater, more elaborate and more beautiful than any other they had been through. And at its heart, was a stone throne. The throne of Thrór. The throne of  Thráin. The throne that would one day be the seat of Thorin Oakenshield, even if it were only for a short time. The thought of the deaths of her favourite dwarves. Of Thorin. Of Kili and Fili making tears come to her eyes, as Smaug slowly led her across the causeway that stopped as it came to the seat. The throne much different to how it had been shown in the movie. It even more dramatic and commanding than Peter Jackson had imagined. (Y/n) unable to do anything but stare up at the chair, as she and Smaug stopped before it. The dragon taking her hand and leading her up the small flight of steps.

"You should sit.............." The dragon hummed softly, as he slowly walked around the throne.

"What...........? Me........? No............I............I couldn't................" (Y/n) replied in disbelief, as her hand hesitantly reached out to touch the huge seat. The coldness of the rock, pulling the heat from her fingertips.

"And why not................?"

"Well............I'm not a dwarf to begin with................."

"So............? You would look better sat upon it than any dwarf ever has. A place as beautiful as this mountain deserves an equally beautiful lady to sit at its heart. A Queen under the Mountain............" Smaug interrupted. A hint of disdain in his tone at the mention of dwarves. The dragon stopping before her and smiling slightly, as he saw the blush on her cheeks.

"But........I'm no lady. No queen. I'm just.............just me............."

"But that is in your world. Here.........here, you could be just that. This is my mountain, and if you are to stay, then why not be its queen............?" Smaug again interrupted. Taking (Y/n)'s hand and helping her onto the cold rock. Her heart pounding in her chest, as she placed her hands on the arms of the throne. As she looked at the smiling Smaug.

(Y/n) knew that she would never be a queen. In truth, she had no desire to be. But to be on the throne that had been sat on by Thrór and Thráin. That would be sat on by Thorin, made her feel more a part of Middle-Earth. More a part of the world that she loved, than she had ever been. And to have her favourite character with her. To have Smaug before her, smiling softly, just made everything even more wonderful. His closeness giving her the most glorious feeling.

"See.............Erebor has never had a better monarch. (Y/n), the Queen under the Mountain." The handsome creature told her. (Y/n) not sure whether the fire drake was teasing her or not. But given his dislike of the dwarves, she had a feeling that he meant it. The dragon reaching out his hand and carefully caressing her cheek with his fingers.

"You are hungry................." Smaug chuckled deeply, as a sudden rumbling from (Y/n)'s stomach, broke the comfortable silence. An embarrassed blush coming to (Y/n)'s cheeks, as another, slightly louder growl came. Her stomach appearing to be replying for her.

(Y/n) hadn't realised up until this moment, that she hadn't eaten for some time. The wonders that surrounded her taking her mind off the thought of food. The fact that she was with Smaug, making her forget anything else to be truthful. But it would appear that her stomach hadn't forgotten and would not be ignored any longer.

"Yes........I............just a little." (Y/n) replied. Taking Smaug's hand and allowing him to help her to her feet.

"Then, the new queen shall have her fill." The dragon told her. The two leaving the throne room and making their way back out into the mountain. (Y/n) once again not sure where they were going, but happy to just be wherever the dragon was.   

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