Dragon Clan - Part 7 - Gandalf x Elrond x Reader

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Elves! It was nice to see that dwarves seemed to dislike more, than just her kind. Not that she had ever had any issues with the creatures, herself. It was true that she had fought against a few over the years, she had even fought with them on the odd occasion when they accepted her people's help; but she had never disliked them as much as Oakenshield and the rest of the dwarves seemed to. (Y/n) and the rest of the Company watching, as Gandalf stepped forward to speak to a dark- haired elf that had just made his way down a long flight of stairs. The dragon child taking the chance to look out over the splendour of the elven realm.

The valley of Imladris...........the last holy house east of the sea. It had to be one of the most beautiful sights that she had ever seen; the towering waterfalls, the elegance of the architecture, like nothing (Y/n) had ever seen before. She and Bilbo looking at one another and smiling; it obvious that he was as taken with Rivendell as she was, the pair ignoring the dwarves as they grumbled amongst themselves.

Suddenly a horn sounded, she and the others turning at the sound. Thorin calling for the Company to close ranks, as a contingent of horsemen rode towards them. (Y/n), along with the little hobbit, finding herself at the centre of the scrum, as they were surrounded by the elves on horseback. The last of her kind listening, as Gandalf spoke to one of the elves. A handsome, dark-haired ellon that the wizard called Lord Elrond. (Y/n) just able to make out what the two were speaking of, as she did her best to recall the Sindarin that she had learnt so long ago. The wizard and lord greeting one another as friends. The ellon saying that he and his men had been out hunting a pack of orcs that had come up from the south. That they had slain a number of them by the Hidden Pass.

"Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders........" Elrond continued, after embracing Gandalf.

"Something.......or someone, has drawn them near............"

"Ah, that may have been us." Gandalf replied, as he turned to look at the Company. Thorin stepping forward, as the eleven lord moved closer.

"Welcome, Thorin, son of Thráin............."

"I do not believe we have met." Thorin countered, it still obvious from his tone that he was not happy about where he and the others had ended up.

"You have you grandfather's bearing.......I knew Thrór, when he ruled under the Mountain............."

"Indeed.......he made no mention of you............" Thorin countered; the anger of the dwarves only seeming to grow as the Lord spoke in his own tongue. Tensions only seeming to subside, when Gandalf informed Glóin and the others, that they were in fact being offered food. A quick discussion occurring, before Glóin stated that the dark ellon could lead on.

"And what do we have here?" Elrond enquired, as (Y/n) went to move passed him. His fingers slowly pulling her large hood away from her head.

"How...........It cannot be............." The lord continued in disbelief, as he looked at her. His dark eyes taking in her features. Taking in her eyes and the scales that lined her skin.

"A dragon child...........I thought that you were all gone from this world........"

"I am the last of my kind, Lord Elrond. I am called (Y/n)............." (Y/n) explained, as she bowed slightly.

"(Y/n).............(Y/n)? I have heard of you. You were one that could truly speak to the dragons, that could make the beasts understand. You were the one that saved King Thranduil from the serpents of the north..............."

"I could not save him from being burned; but I was able to save his life, yes............"

"Then I understand why you would be wanted on this venture............."

"I wasn't wanted........well........to begin with. Gandalf found me, and talked me into accompanying Oakenshield and the others to the Lonely Mountain. I think that it is only right that we meet, Smaug and I; that the last of the dragon children and the last of the great fire drakes come face to face. Perhaps our lives are destined to end together............."

"No............." Elrond interrupted, as he took her hand; his brows furrowed slightly.

"You will not leave this world when Smaug the Golden takes his last breath. Your fate, and the fate of your kind lies within the Mountain that you travel to reclaim. It lies with the dwarves with whom you now travel.........Mother of the new Dragon Clan..............." The ellon continued. (Y/n) looking between the lord and the wizard by his side.

"Lord Elrond has the gift of foresight, (Y/n)............." Gandalf explained, as the ellon reluctantly let go of her hand.

"Yet, and not wanting to be rude to our host, he seems to fail to understand that in order for my line not to die, I would require a male of my kind.............and as I am the last..........."

"But it is not with one of your own kind, that you continue your line...........Now, why don't I show you more of Imladris.............." Elrond smiled, as he offered (Y/n) his arm. Gandalf chuckling to himself, as the half-elven lord lead the shocked looking dragon child, away. 

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings one shots and ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon