The apprentice - Part 4 - Thorin x Reader

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Thorin sighed as he looked at the great pile of parchment on his desk. As much as he was happy to be back in his home. To hear the great halls of Erebor once again ring to the sounds of dwarves talking, singing and working. Part of him missed the freedom of the Blue Mountain. Missed the danger and thrill of the quest. Fighting the orcs, warg, trolls and giant spiders, that seemed to appear from around every tree. His life now seeming to revolve around keeping good relations with the people of Dale and rebuilding what Smaug had destroyed when he had broken free of the Mountain. Thorin sure that even his dreams had been filled with all the things that he had to read and sign. Though in truth, he knew that he would not change it for the world. Yet a little something to distract him, would be welcome.

"And what has amused you?" Thorin enquired, as Balin made his way into the room. The elder dwarf chuckling to himself, as he brought more papers for the king to peruses.

"Gunri's daughter has finally found her way here, like he said she would. And she is every inch the child that he described. I swear that we should have had her with us during the battle. I believe that she would have taken on the whole of Azog's forces by herself, if someone would have told her that she couldn't. She is quite the most stubborn thing I have met. Told me that she would work her father's forge whether you or I liked it or not. So, it would appear, that soon you will have something to take your mind off all these. I sent her to her father's forge with Mistress Dava and Master Drog. Explained that when the forge was ready, that ya would watch her work." Balin replied, as he placed the parchments on Thorin's desk.

"(Y/n)..........(Y/n) is here? Why wasn't I told? I should have been told! I should go and pay my respects. Let her know that I am sorry for the death of Master Gunri." Thorin blurted out, as he jumped to his feet. The king straightening himself, before making his way to the door. Balin smiling to himself, as he followed behind his old friend.

Balin had been a little surprised that Thorin had so quickly agreed to the young mortal apprentice taking over forge, when Gunri had asked for his permission. But when he had seen the look in young king's eyes whenever Gunri had mentioned the woman, during their conversations after the old master had arrived back in Erebor. The advisor had realised that Thorin had agreed not just because he felt as though he owed the old master. But because he was in love with the apprentice. Balin knew that Thorin had never really had chance to find a wife. His time had been taken up with helping and safeguarding his people. With looking after Fili and Kili after their father had died. And then with the quest to retake the Mountain. But now, Erebor was theirs again. Their world slowly becoming as it had been before Azog and the dragon. And it was only right that Thorin's mind should finally let his heart turn to the idea of love, of marriage, and heirs. Yet Balin would never have thought that Thorin's eye would fall on a mortal. Though given what he had seen, Balin couldn't blame the younger dwarf for falling for the apprentices charms.

Thorin found himself almost running through the great halls. The king desperate the get to the forge of the old master. He knew that it was a little strange. In truth he had never actually met or spoken to the mortal. But he had seen her countless times when he had made his way to her father's forge in the Blue Mountains. He had seen her watching him from the shadows. Her smile lighting up the gloom of the otherwise dark smithy. The sight of her soot covered face, making his heart skip a beat. Thorin had been amazed by her work. Gunri proud to show the prince his child's latest accomplishments. To show him how delicate, and beautiful one of her blades could be. The work as graceful and light as any Elven blade, yet as sturdy and strong as any dwarven weapon that he had come across. The mortal apprentice's skills, rivalling even the greatest of her peers. On may occasions, he had asked Fili and Kili about her. Thorin knowing that the pair called the young mortal, friend. The duo regaling their uncle with countless tales of the young apprentices wild and impetuous nature when Gunri allowed her out from the forge. How she had been the reason that they had sometimes got in trouble. How they had practised their fighting with her. Her ability to wield one of her father's blades, impressing them both. And they had also spoke of her softer side. How she would be the first to help if someone needed assistance. How she had taken care of Gunri. And how she had loved the dwarves around her, as if they were her own kin. So now, Thorin couldn't wait to meet her. He couldn't wait to hear her. He couldn't wait to see if she could grow to love him, as much as he already loved her.


Dava and Drog helped (Y/n) to her father's forge. The mortal still feeling quite shaken at the thought of the king being the master that was to watch over her. Countless times she had found herself asking Gunri about the prince. Found herself asking Fili and Kili about their uncle. The two young dwarves often teasing her, saying that it sounded as though she were in love when she spoke of Thorin. Yet how could she be? She had never been given the opportunity to be closer to the king. To talk to him. Only ever able to watch him from the shadows, as her father had shown him her work. (Y/n) unable to stop herself from smiling, as she had seen the prince's large hand take the hilt of her latest blade. How he had seemed to smile himself, as he had fought the air. But it was impossible. It had always been impossible. Whether she liked it or not. Whether she admitted it or not. (Y/n) was a mortal, would always be a mortal. A lowly smith. And Thorin would always be the King under the Mountain.

"Do ya want us to come in with ya, (Y/n)?" Dava asked. Her voice bringing (Y/n) back from her thoughts. The mortal finally realising that she had managed to walk through the great halls and was now stood in front of a door.

" I........I think that I should do this alone. Gunri would have wanted it that way. And I need to light the fire. You should go. I'll come and see you again later, when I have finished all I need to do." (Y/n) replied. Turning to kiss the two elder dwarves. Smiling softly, as Dava pulled her husband with her. Her soft muttering that they should leave (Y/n) be, as Drog complained that he had wanted to see what Gunri had left her, making (Y/n) chuckle slightly.

Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) finally opened her hand. The large key that Master Balin had placed there, looking up at her. Its shape imprinted into the skin of her palm.

"I won't let you down, father. I promise." (Y/n) said quietly, as she placed the key in the lock. A heavy clunk ringing out as she turned the key. The heavy door slowly opening to reveal her new home.

Taking one of the flaming torches from the wall, (Y/n) cautiously walked inside. The apprentice breathing in the smell. Sure, that she could still sense the odour of fire and molten metal. Could still hear the sound of the hammer strike. The apprentice knowing that soon her father's forge would be warm and busy once again.

Placing the torch in the hook on the wall, (Y/n) surveyed the scene. Her eyes falling on an object that sat proudly atop the anvil that stood in the middle of the large space. The apprentice making her way over, realising as she stood before it, that it was Gunri's favourite hammer. A length of material clumsily knotted into a bow around the handle. (Y/n) unable to stop the tears from leaving her eyes, as she picked up the heavy tool. Holding it to her breast and swearing to her father, that the implement would be used to help her create only her best work.

"Mistress (Y/n)?!" A smooth deep voice came. (Y/n) almost dropping the hammer, as she turned around and came face to face with a king. 

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