Blacksmith - Part 1 - Thorin x Reader

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(Y/n) quickly made her way through the town, dodging all the others that milled around the marketplace. Doing her best to avoid the muddy puddles, the gaggles of geese and dirt that littered the cobbled streets. She didn't normally mind a little mess, helping in her mother's tavern always meant that she was a little dirty by the end of the day; but at this moment she couldn't get dirty. She wanted to look her very best. She wanted to look her best for him. For Thorin. The most handsome blacksmith in town.

He and many of the other dwarves would come to her family's establishment every night after had finished their daily work. Not minding spending a few of their hard-earned coins in the inn that had been started some time ago by one of their own. And it was here that her eye had fallen on him.

Her father, Grison, had once been a warrior that had called the far off Lonely Mountain home, just like Thorin, Master Dwalin, Master Balin and many others. And just like them, the dragon Smaug had caused him to leave his home. (Y/n) knowing that it was wrong, but in a little way she had always been glad that the fire drake had been attracted to the gold, for if he hadn't been, she would never have been born and would never have gotten the chance to meet Thorin.

Her father had decided that his skills as a warrior didn't lend themselves much to his new life, so with the gold that he had been able to bring with him during the escape from Erebor, he had established his inn, The Dwarf's Revenge, that welcomed both dwarf and men, or anyone else that was happy to put their hand in their purse for a drink. And there he had met her mother, the beautiful woman that had come for a job in the new establishment. Their match, creating (Y/n). Half, daughter of men and half of dwarves. Her different look attracting much attention from many a male. But the only one that she had ever been interested in, was the rather gruff blacksmith.

Grison had told his daughter stories when she had been little. Not only of their true home, where he promised to take her and her mother one day. But also, of Thorin. Of how he was really a prince. The heir to the Lonely Mountain, and that when the time came, the blacksmith would reclaim their home. But whatever the case, prince or blacksmith. Humble dwarf or would be king, none of that mattered to (Y/n). All that mattered was that she had lost her heart to him. Though even though she doubted that anything would come of it, it didn't mean that she didn't like to try and make a good impression on him.

As she got to the entrance of the shop, (Y/n) did her best to steady her nerves. Now that her father had passed to sit by the side of Aulë, her mother, Reya, had taken over the daily running of the tavern, and the errand that she had sent (Y/n) on, was to pay Thorin for some work that he had done around the inn. (Y/n) more than happy to do as she was bid, when she heard where she would have to be going.

With a deep breath, she pushed on the outer wooden door to the smithy. A broad smile pulling at the corners of her lips, as she heard the sounds of metal banging on metal. The heat of the furnace making its way through the shop, hitting her skin. Sure to cover the blush that would inevitably kiss her cheeks when she came face to face with the handsome blacksmith.

"Mistress (Y/n)............To what do we owe tha pleasure?" A cheery voice enquired. (Y/n) smiling as her eyes fell on the old dwarf.

"Oh, Master Balin. I have just come with a payment for Thorin from my mother. he here.............?" The young dwarrodam enquired, as she moved a little further into the shop, doing her best to see the dwarf she had come for, through the inner door.

Balin couldn't help but smile, as he watched the young female. He didn't need to be young to know how (Y/n) felt for Thorin. For it seemed to be obvious to everyone but the prince.

Her father had been a good friend of his. Of Dwalin, Thorin and many others. Grison a true and brave warrior in every sense of the word. So, when he had passed, the others had sworn to care for his wife and daughter. All of them watching as (Y/n) had grown into the most remarkable of creatures. Having only the best elements of her mother's people and those of her father. And though there were many dwarrodam that had teased her for her lack of whiskers, that had never stopped the eye of many a dwarf falling on the warrior's child. And despite the fact that Thorin didn't seem to notice that (Y/n) was in love with him, Balin had a feeling that his eye was as caught as all the others.

"Aye, of course he's here lass. Would you like me ta give him the payment..............."

"NO! Oh, I mean................I............I was hoping to see him myself. I.........was wanting to thank him for helping us................." (Y/n) interrupted. Balin doing his best to not chuckle as he caught the blush on her cheeks.

"That is only right, my dear. As ya can hear, he's just finishing up a job. I'm sure that he won't mind if ya go in and watch him until he's done............." Balin agreed. His smile growing, as (Y/n) rushed to him, throwing her arms around him and giving him a kiss on the cheek before she quietly pushed on the door that led into the actual smithy. Her heart pounding, as her eyes fell on the bare back of Thorin. The movement of his muscles with every strike of the hammer, almost hypnotic. The droplets of sweat that trickled over his skin, quite taking her breath away. (Y/n) nearly jumping out of her skin as she heard a gruff cough from the corner of the room. The blush that had begun with Master Balin, getting all the brighter as Dwalin suddenly appeared. His movement causing Thorin to drop his hammer and turn. The sight making her weak at the knees. 

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