Snow princess - Part 2 - Dwalin x Reader

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Dwalin once again pulled his heavy fur cloak around his shoulders. Grumbling at the cold, at the snow, at the fresh flakes that had just begun to fall from the sky. If this was any other dwarf, any other dwarrodam, he would probably let them on their way and just think how foolish they were; but this was not just some dwarf, not just some dwarrodam, this was Thorin's youngest sister. This was a princess of the mountain, and as such it was his duty to go and bring her back safely to their home.

Suddenly he huffed at himself, at the word 'duty'. Despite the fact that Thorin had asked his old friend to watch over (Y/n) when she returned to the mountain. Made that part of his role of the captain of the guard, Dwalin knew that going after her was not out of duty. Not because he had promised his friend and king that he would keep an ever watchful eye on the youngest princess. No, he was trudging through the mounds of snow, his face reddening with the cold and no longer able to feel his ears or his nose, because he couldn't allow any harm to come to (Y/n) for his own selfish reason. The reason being............that he loved her.

He knew that it might sound an amusing notion to others, particularly to the likes of Fili and Kili as they were their aunt's best friends, but he had realised that the princess had stolen his heart long before the quest to reclaim their home had begun. For even though he could fight orc and wargs. Even though he could face trolls and goblins. Even though he could wage war, ride in barrels down a rapidly flowing river and fly on the back of a giant eagle, telling (Y/n) that he cared, that he wished to court her. To have to stand before Thorin and ask for her hand, was a whole different matter.

If truth be told, the whole thing sounded a little ludicrous to even him at times. The thought that she, a beautiful dwarrodam, that was considered quite the prize for any dwarf, would accept him, a gruff, grumbly, scarred old warrior over the kings and princes that would undoubtedly begin to make their way to the Lonely Mountain now that they knew she was there, seemed an insane notion. But that didn't mean that he had given up hope. That didn't mean that one day he wouldn't say something to her, and hope that she might feel the same. That didn't mean that the beads that he always kept in his pockets, just in case, would ever be disposed of. But wanting to tell (Y/n) and actually telling her, were two very different things.

Dwalin had to admit that he wasn't as articulate as his older brother. He was a dwarf of action, not words, and even though he had been to Balin for advice, Dwalin could never quite put that advice into action. And it wasn't just down to the fact that whenever she smiled at him, he found himself turning into a lovesick young dwarf that couldn't get a word out; well that was what he was telling himself anyway. The real problem was that whenever he tried to get a moment alone with her, someone else seemed to interrupt, or should that be someone's. Those someone's usually being the princes who would happily whisk their aunt off to get up to all manner of mischief. Or Bofur that wished for her to see the latest toys that he had made. Bombur that wanted her to taste his newest dish. His cousin Óin, coming to speak to her about his brand new poultices that he had made from the flowers and herbs that grew around the mountain. Aulë..........even his own brother would take her away, giving him an apologetic look as he mumbled something about affairs that needed to be seen to. Dwalin letting out a heavy sigh, before blowing a snow flake that had just landed on the end of his red, frozen nose, away.

Of all the tracking that he had had to do over the years, this was not the hardest. It was true that the princess wasn't some great, large, heavy warrior like him, but even her light footsteps left distinctive marks in this white world. Dwalin finding himself chuckling, as he wondered what she was up to this time. His mind going back to the Blue Mountains, to memories that he had of (Y/n). She had always been into mischief. Dwalin convinced that that was where Fili and Kili got their natures from; the pair always following their aunt around when they were young. Always there when she would get up to no good. The princes her ever present sidekicks. The trio often standing, their heads lowered, as Dis and Thorin would reprimand them for their latest little adventure. The three covered in all manner of muck and mess. Dwalin suddenly letting out an amused snort, as he recalled the one time that (Y/n) had stood there with a bird's nest perched on her head, while the two princes closely resembled drowned rats.

Suddenly he stopped, his eyes surveying the vast expanse of snow. He knew that she was around here somewhere. He could feel it. He could smell the subtle floral scent of her in the air. The large dwarf opening his mouth to shout out her name, only to find a smaller hand placed over it. His eyes growing wide, as he felt warm breath on his neck and lips that ghosted over his ear.

"'ll scare them away............." A soft, delicate voice whispered. Dwalin turning his head to see the princess' face right next to his. His brows furrowing for a moment before his eyes followed her outstretched hand. Her finger pointing at a huge pure white stag and tiny doe that stood not far away.    

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