The Lonely One - Part 5 - Boromir x Reader

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Boromir made his way back to his rooms. The War of the Ring had been won. The one ring cast back into the fires from whence it had been forged. The whole of Gondor still celebrating the return of the king, and now the marriage of Aragorn and Arwen. And though he had been more than happy to join the others and congratulate the joyful couple, all it had done, was remind him of a certain elleth that lived so far away. An elleth that had no idea whether he was alive or dead. The look that his brother was giving a certain lady of Rohan, had not made things any easier either. Boromir's thoughts going back to the night that he and (Y/n) had spent together before he had taken Mithroc and gone to find the others. To the pair of them laying on the bed in each other's arms; talking about a future that neither was sure that they would have.

He had not been able to do anything but think about her since that day. About the little cottage set deep in the woods; about the breeze that would glide through the windows every morning. About the sound of the softly babbling brook that would help him drift to sleep; and the feel of (Y/n)'s hands against his skin, as she would change his bandages. He had promised that he would return to her; that they would be wed, and he had fought harder than he had ever fought, to make sure that he could keep that promise.

"Are you leaving..............?" A voice suddenly came. Boromir turning to see his brother standing in the doorway, watching him as he pushed some things into a bag.

"I have to. I made a promise............."

"(Y/n)..............." Faramir replied. The sound of the elleth's name making Boromir turn.

"Aragorn.......and Legolas told me about her. About the Lonely One. They said that it was because of her, that you were still alive; that you survived the arrows of the Uruk-hai. I have a great debt to pay her.........." The younger man continued, as he made his way further into the room. Boromir returning to his packing.

"Must you go so soon...............?"

"I made (Y/n) a promise. I have already left it too long..............."

"Will you be returning...............?" Faramir asked, as he took a seat on his brother's bed.

"I am not sure. I told her that if I survived, I wanted to bring her here to see Minas Tirith; to meet you. That we would do all the things..........but I doubt that you will miss me; I am sure that a certain shieldmaiden will keep you busy in my absence............" Boromir explained, chuckling slightly, as he looked to his younger brother. Patting Faramir on the shoulder, pleased to see that after so long of suffering his father's ire, his hatred; that his brother was finally happy. Sure, that Éowyn, would make him even happier.

"You saw..............?"

"I couldn't help but see. I am glad that you are smiling at last, brother. Now, I must go and find my happiness.............."

"You are leaving us..................?" Another voice came. The two sons of Denethor bowing, as Aragorn made his way into the room.

"You have duties here, Boromir. I have appointed you as the Captain of the King's Guard, and as such, I have need of you..........." Aragorn continued, doing his best to hide the smile that was fighting to make its way onto his lips. Boromir looking between the king and his brother.

"I...........I am aware of that, my king. But.........I made a promise. A promise that I can no longer wait to fulfil............"

"So, there is nothing I can do or say, that will convince you to stay..............?"

"No. I am afraid not..............."

"Then what about me...........? Can I convince you to stay..............?" A more feminine tone enquired. Boromir unable to believe his eyes, as there, into the doorway, moved (Y/n); smiling the smile that he had kept him going. That had pushed him to fight, when he thought he could fight no more. The elleth looking more beautiful than he had ever seen her. The long flowing gown and circlet that sat atop her brow, showing that she was every inch an elf. The elf that had captured his heart. The eldest son of Denethor dropping the items in his hand, as (Y/n) moved further into the room.

"You, owe me a horse............." She continued, as she moved to stand before him; her hand coming to rest gently on cheek.

"Hello, my love............" (Y/n) added, before she was pulled into Boromir's arms. Aragorn quietly making his way from the room, now that his job was done. Faramir quickly following, sure that his brother would introduce him to the beautiful elleth, once they had become reacquainted.

"How...........?" Boromir began, as he rested his forehead against hers. Unable to believe that his Lonely One was in her arms.

"Estel, he sent for me. And who am I to refuse a king. That, and as I said, you still have my Mithroc............." (Y/n) explained, as she combed her fingers through his hair.

"I have missed you. I have done nothing but think about you since I left..........."

"I have missed you too. Every day I prayed that you would survive; that I would see you again. That one morning, you would ride back into my life. Then I received word from Estel; he told me that you were alive and well, but sad. That he feared that his Captain of the King's Guard needed a healer, and as I was the best that he knew of.............."

"Marry me. Stay with me. I never want us to be apart again............."

"Yes. Yes, Boromir." (Y/n) answered. Tears making their way down her cheeks, as the captain took a ring from his pocket and placed it on her finger, before he placed his lips to hers. Promising himself that soon they would do all the things that he had promised; but for now, he was going to prove to the Lonely One, that she was never going to be lonely again. 

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