Smelly, ugly, half-wit -Part 5 - Dwalin x Reader

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That night, Dwalin had had to watch as others had gone after (Y/n). He had heard later, that they had had to talk her out of packing everything that she had with her, and just leaving them. The little female hobbit declaring that she didn't fear making her way back to the Shire, all alone. That she didn't care how long it took her. That she didn't care if she had to face orcs, wargs, trolls and anything else that came her way, by herself. That she would rather do that, than deal with Dwalin for one more moment. But that had been some time ago now. The days now seeming to drag not just for Dwalin, but for all the others, as (Y/n) grew quiet and sad. A smile only ever coming to her lips when she sat and spoke with her brother. Not even Bofur or the two princes, able to make her laugh.

Dwalin watched as (Y/n) sat next to Bilbo. Her older brother brushing his fingers through her hair, as she rested her head on his shoulder. The flicker of the fire illuminating her now sad features, as they spoke quietly. Dwalin had always complained that (Y/n) was never quiet. That no one could get a word in because the hobbit would never shut up. But now he would give anything to hear her speak again. He would give anything to listen to her, as she told the others her silly stories as they sat around the fire at night. To have her laughter ring out into the cool night air. But every time that he had tried to get close to her. To say something to her. A wall of dwarves seemed to surround her. And not even his growls that would normally send the rest scurrying, seemed to deter them.

"She still wants ta leave." Balin said. The old dwarf groaning at the pain in his knees, as he rested his weary bones next to his brother.

"Bilbo says that she won't. That she would never leave. That all she needs is a little time. But I don't know. She's a stubborn lass. Hardheaded. If I didn't know better, I would swear that she was part dwarf." Balin continued, as he looked over at the two hobbits. Bilbo somehow able to get a now rare smile out of his younger sibling. The pale haired dwarf, sure that they must be talking about their small home in the Shire, that was now so far away.

"Perhaps ya should go and say something to her. She told Thorin that she would take tha next watch. We step foot into the Mirkwood forest tomorrow. We all need ya both at ya best." The elder of Fundin's sons added. Patting his brother on the knee.

It was true to say, that it hadn't only been (Y/n) that had changed that night. Dwalin himself had grown even quieter and sullen than normal. And when he did talk, it was more of a bellow. Everything, even the tiniest little things, seeming to get on the large dwarf's last nerve. And Balin, just like all the others, was concerned for the pair.

"Can't. The others won't let me. Every time I get close, there's a wall a dwarves that shoots up between us." Dwalin huffed, as he continued to sharpen one of his axes.

"They just don't want tha lass ta leave. She reminds them of loved ones that they've left behind. Their sisters, their mothers. She reminds them of all, of what could be. Of sweethearts, wives and daughters. As much as we all stand behind Thorin. As much as we all want Erebor back. That little lass has proved ta be tha glue that holds us all together. And if she can enchant Smaug like she seems ta enchant everyone else, she might just prove ta be more than her weight in gold. But we have ta find a way ta make her smile again. Ta make her talk." Balin explained. Both sons of Fundin watching as Thorin made his way over to the hobbits. (Y/n) nodding, before kissing Bilbo on the cheek and rising to her feet. The younger Baggins disappearing into the darkness to take over the watch from Nori.

"Just think about it Dwalin. Just think about it." Balin said, before slowly getting up and making his way over to where Bilbo sat.

"Damn hobbit wouldn't listen then. What makes ya think she'll listen now?" Dwalin huffed to himself. Really not sure that talking to his hobbit would help with anything. Whether in fact she would actually listen to him if he did talk. But Balin was right. The forest of Mirkwood was not a safe place. It had been twisted and distorted by an evil magic. And all of them needed to be on their toes. So, if his head was too filled with (Y/n), goodness only knew what could happen.

"Fine! I'll go." Dwalin huffed again to himself. The large dwarf lowering his axe to the floor, before getting to his feet. And as casually as possible, made his way into the darkness, hoping that none of the others had noticed. Balin smiling subtly, as he watched his brother leave.


(Y/n) looked out over the darkness before her. She had a terrible feeling that she wouldn't see any danger until it was too late. But Thorin had asked if she would take the next watch, and she had agreed. The only thing now keeping her company, the tiny little fire that crackled softly in front of her.

Yet she was glad of the peace. Glad to be alone. She had found herself sad since the night with the orc and his mount. Her desire to laugh and talk, vanishing with the notion that Dwalin had only said thank you because Thorin and Balin had told him to. And no matter how many times the pair had told her that that wasn't the case, the idea had continued to gnaw at her insides, like a worm eating at the core of a rotten apple.

If it had been any of the others, she would have been able to brush it off. Forget all about it. Not give it a second thought. But the others weren't Dwalin. And she didn't love the others as she did her smelly, ugly, half-wit. And despite her talk to Bilbo about leaving and heading home, she knew that she couldn't leave. (Y/n) well aware that if she did, then she may never see Dwalin again. That perhaps something could happen to him on the road. That once the Lonely Mountain belonged to the Durin folk once more, he would never want to leave it. And the worst thing of all, was the notion he would find a nice dwarven lady to call his own.

"Ahem!" A gruff cough suddenly came. (Y/n) turning her attention from the darkness to the figure that was slowly making their way over to her. The heart beating a little quicker as she saw Dwalin's face.

"Ya mind if I join ya?" Dwalin questioned softly. The large warrior taking (Y/n)'s shrug as a good sign and making his way to sit next to her.

"I miss ya voice." Dwalin continued. (Y/n) giving out an amused snort at his comment.

"I miss tha silly songs ya sing when we're walking. Tha ones we all know by heart, now. Tha stories ya tell around tha fire. I miss ya laugh when Fili or Kili tell ya something funny." Dwalin added, as he moved a little closer to (Y/n). Finding himself smiling a little, as (Y/n) didn't move away.

" always said you hated those things. That my songs annoyed you. That my stories were foolish. That my laugh was too loud and would attract orcs. So, I know you don't mean it." (Y/n) replied softly. Dwalin sure that hearing her voice after all this time, was the most wonderful thing that he had ever heard.

"I lied..........." Dwalin replied.

"But......but why would you do that...........?"

"Because, because I'm a smelly half-wit..........."

"You forgot the ugly part. It would be that it was because you are a smelly, ugly, half-wit............"

"Oh, aye. Because I'm a smelly, ugly, half-wit that can't tell a lass that he loves her. That he has done since tha moment he caught her watching in Bag End. And that stupidly thought all that complaining, and huffing, would make ya go home, so that ya would be safe." Dwalin admitted. (Y/n) gasping slightly as she listened to his confession. Never believing that she would ever hear him say such a thing. Although she had always hoped.

" love me?" (Y/n) asked. The little hobbit wanting to make sure that she had not misheard the big dwarf.

"Aye, lass. I love ya. So, can ya forgive me?" Dwalin enquired. His hand reaching to brush some of her hair back behind her ear.

"Oh, Dwalin! You smelly, ugly, half-wit!" (Y/n) exclaimed, as she jumped into his arms.  

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