The ghost of Mirkwood - Part 2 - Legolas x Reader

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Hypnotic. There was no other word for it. The elleth before him, was hypnotic. The prince of Mirkwood finding himself lost in her eyes. Lost in her smile. Legolas slowly reaching up and taking the hand that she offered.

Her hand was cold, frozen in truth. Yet it was soft and inviting. The prince finding that he didn't want to let it go, as he finally found himself back on his own two feet. Legolas feeling his heart beat quicker, as the lady began to speak. Her soft tone caressing his ears like a lover's lips.

"You shouldn't be here. It is far too dangerous. Even the spiders fear stepping foot into this dark heart. This part of the woods will take you if it does not know you. Those that have been unfortunate enough to venture too far from the well trodden paths, that have gotten themselves lost in the maze of dead and dying trees have found that it was the last mistake they would make. The branches imprison them. They will consume the flesh of those poor unfortunate souls until there was nothing left but a pile of bones. I will not allow that to happen again." The elleth told him, before turning and pulling Legolas through the gnarled and distorted trees. The prince sure that he had seen the roots and branches move as he had passed.

"Wait..............." Legolas exclaimed, as he dug his heals into the deep dark dirt. The beautiful elf turning to look at him.

"There is no time to wait. They are already moving. They can sense that you are here. That you don't belong. The power of the necromancer is at its strongest here.....................I must get you out" The lady explained, before turning once again and continuing to pull the confused pale haired ellon through the tangle of low hanging vines, that felt as though they were pulling him backwards, as the pair pushed through them.

" do you know this. How are you here...............? If I shouldn't be here, then neither should you.........." Legolas tried to say, as the elleth picked up pace. Her form appearing simply to float over the roots that seemed to suddenly spring up from the ground, as if trying to knock him from his feet again. To catch his foot and bring him to the floor.

"I know all this for I have been here for as long as this dark heart has existed. Because I have seen it happen with my own eyes. And I am here because of the dark magic that controls this land. This part of the woods is here to protect keep me a prisoner. To keep me just close enough so I could still see what could have been. To punish me for denying him............." The elleth explained, never turning to look at the prince as she spoke. Just continuing to pull him along, further and further away from the darkness. Further away from the decaying trees. The lady only stopping when she got to a small clearing. The scene before the pair, much brighter than the one that they had left.

"Go across the clearing, then through the trees. Pass the dark creek and there you will find the path that you need." The elleth said, as she finally let go of Legolas' hand. The prince already missing the feel of her cool skin against his.

"Come with don't need to stay here...................." Legolas insisted, as he stepped out into the clearing. The exquisite elf in front of him pulling her hand away as he tried to take it. As he tried to pull her beyond the line of dark trees.

"I cannot, as much as I wish I could..........I cannot. I told you..............this part of the wood is here to protect keep me prisoner. would never allow me to leave. This is my punishment for love. For my hearts refusal to care for another. It is not that I fear for myself, it is that I fear for what would happen to the kingdom of Oropher if I were ever to try and leave this place................" She replied. Legolas' brows furrowing at the mention of his grandfather's name. Her hand reaching out to caress his cheek, as the prince moved back into the dark trees.

"You have a look of him............I can see it in your eyes. Your stubborn nature is all too familiar to me. Your desire to do what you believe is right, despite insurmountable odds that are against you. Despite things being beyond your control, is something that I also have seen in him. His bride must have been quite beautiful to have one such as you in his line." The elleth continued. Diamond like tears now making their way down her cheeks. Legolas moving a little closer. His own hand reaching up, so that he could carefully brush the tears from her face.

"You must must never come back. Never think of this again. Never try to find or follow me again. You do not belong in my world, as I do not belong in yours. It will not end well if you do...........The dark magic that holds me here, will never let me escape. So, prince..........promise that you will forget that all this happened. That you ever saw me.............."

"How can can I leave.................?"

"You must.............despite yourself, you must accept that there is nothing that you can do for me. That my fate was decided long ago and cannot be changed." She explained. Her eyes, as she stared deep into his, showing that she would take nothing but a promise from him.

"You have my word, my lady............." The prince replied. His heart beating quicker, as she leant in and kissed him on the cheek before gently coercing him back into the clearing. Legolas calling out, as the elleth turned to make her way back into the heart of the dark would.

"At least tell me your I know whom I have to forget..............." One word, a name drifting through the air as he watched her disappear. A name that made his heart and mind race. That brough forward all the stories that he had been told as a child.


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