Fairy - Part 7 - Lindir x Reader

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"What? Why would you want to do that? Rivendell is your home. You belong to it, as it belongs to you. You have been watching over this land since the beginning. Long before Lord Elrond built this realm. You can't leave............."

"Rivendell is no longer my home. I cannot stay here. The realm will survive without me. Lord Elrond does not require a fairy to protect this place. I must find somewhere else in this world. And perhaps if I help the dwarves, I can make Erebor my new home." The fairy interrupted, as she wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.

"(Y/n). You know that you cannot leave. Without its fairy, the land is never the same. It could survive with you as an elf. But if you leave.............."

"But I have no other choice. I really cannot stay. Not now. Not after what........ Please Gandalf. The company could use the magic of a fairy. They still have so far to go before they reach the mountain. You know that they still have many dangers to face, and given that, what better to have with them, than me." (Y/n) told the tall, grey wizard. The Ishtar mussing for a moment.

What was he to say? Whatever had happened between Lindir and (Y/n) had obviously hurt the little being. Hurt her to the point that she felt that she couldn't stay in the only place that she had ever really called home. Yet Gandalf knew that if he did allow her to travel with the company, the realm would begin to die. The water would dry up. The magic of a fairy. The power of a fairy, greater than anyone really knew. And Gandalf was well aware that (Y/n) knew that too. That deep down she would never, could never leave the land that she protected. That she loved. But until (Y/n) realised what her leaving would mean. Gandalf knew that there was only one thing that he could say.

"Very well, (Y/n). When the company leave Rivendell, you can accompany us." Gandalf replied. A little smile pulling at the corner of his lips, as the fairy wiped the tears from her eyes once again and smiled. The tiny being flittering up and placing a soft, feather like kiss to his cheek. The sprite thanking him profusely before quickly flying away, saying something about all the things that she had to do before she joined the dwarves on their journey.


Gandalf made his way back up through the ancient, beautiful buildings of the elven realm. Taking in the fully glory of Rivendell. He knew that he could not let (Y/n) leave. That if she did accompany him and the others, sooner or later all this beauty would disappear. That the plants and flowers would eventually wither and die. That the great waterfalls, would dry up. And even though the wizard knew that he should not interfere with what was happening between (Y/n) and Lindir. That he should not interfere in matters of a faeries heart. He knew that he had little choice. And if one thing could persuade her to stay, it would be Lindir.


Lindir sat at the window. A warm night zephyr blowing through his hair, as he thought about his earlier interaction with (Y/n). He knew that he had been harsh. That he had said things that he shouldn't have. That he hadn't actually meant it. And even though it was no excuse, he had done it because he felt hurt. He loved her and felt as though he was going to lose her. And now, given his foolishness, his pride and jealousy, it felt as though he really would. That if she listened to what he had told her, she just might follow with Gandalf and the dwarves.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" A voice came. The dark haired ellon jumping slightly at the comment. Lindir nodding respectfully, as he turned to see Gandalf make his way over to him. The old wizard taking a seat next to the ellon and pulling his pipe out from under his robes.

"You know, faeries are quite the most wonderful things." Gandalf continued, as he packed some weed into his pipe. Smiling a little, as the mention of the tiny beings made Lindir look at him.

"(Y/n) informed me earlier that you were fortunate enough to be able to see her. To speak with her. It is a rare gift to be able to do such a thing. Though here it would appear that there is more than one of you that has the ability......." The Ishtar added. Doing his best to hide his smile, as Lindir gave him a quizzical look.

"What.........what would make you say that..........?"

"Well......You see (Y/n) has just asked if she can join the company when we leave Rivendell, after earlier telling me that she wished to become an elf because she was in love with an ellon here. And there would only be one reason that a fairy would want to leave her home, and that was because her heart had been broken. And I know that you, Lindir, would never do such a thing. That if you had been lucky enough to have been given the love of a fairy, you would not betray it. You see, faeries were given the duty to watch over this world. To protect everything and anything within it. Yet no matter how strong their powers make them; their hearts are the most fragile of things. For once they give their heart to another, their heart will always belong to that other. No matter how much they try and fight it. And even if the other does not feel the same. It is their curse. That is why only those that deserve a faeries love, can see them. Can hear them. Only those who deserve a faeries love, can love them. Though it would appear that in this case, something has gone wrong. That the ellon that she loves, has denied her. And that is why she wishes to now leave." Gandalf explained. Watching as Lindir's eyes grew wide.

"She........(Y/n) wanted to be an elf? But how.............?"

"Yes. That was why she was speaking with me earlier. It is a rare thing for a fairy to do. To love another so much that she is willing to become something else. And on the other occasions that it has occurred, it ended badly. Yet she assured me that this time, all would be well. That her ellon was worth it. That he loved her, as much as she loved him. I was supposed to meet her so that we could transform her. But it would appear that something has gone wrong. That something happened between her and her ellon, to make her want to leave. All I hope is that whoever this elf is, he sees what he would be losing if he allowed her to go................" The wizard puffing slowly on his pipe, as Lindir looked at him in disbelief.

"(Y/n) wanted to become an elf, for me........? She loves me........?" Lindir asked, as he got to his feet. Gandalf replying with a slow nod. The wizard smiling to himself as Lindir raced away. The Ishtar having a feeling that it wouldn't be long before he had to return to the fairy circle. 

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings one shots and ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum