Fairy - Part 6 - Lindir x Reader

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Apologies for my absence, but life has a terrible habit of getting in the way sometimes. Anyway, I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday, and that you have an equally wonderful New Year. Hope that 2022 is better for everyone. Stay safe. 

Lindir wasn't sure what had transpired between Gandalf and (Y/n). But whatever it was, it had made the tiny sprite even happier than she normally would be. And her giddiness was so infectious that the ellon had forgotten about his concerns. Forgotten his worries. About the nagging dark thoughts at the back of his mind. Forgotten about trying to bring up the subject of why (Y/n) would need the Ishtar's assistance. Lindir instead drawn into the gardens to enjoy the scent of the flowers. Leaving Lord Elrond to deal with Gandalf and the rather rambunctious company of dwarves.

"I like dwarves." (Y/n) suddenly announced matter of factly, as Lindir took a seat on one of the stone benches.

"What? Why would you like dwarves? They are rude, smelly, belligerent........."

"That is all very true. But they are also funny and down to earth. And unlike elves, they know how to have fun. They drink and laugh. They dance and sing. They know how to have a good time." (Y/n) replied, as she took a seat on one of the blooming roses next to Lindir. Breathing in its heady aroma.

"But......but........I know how to have fun..........." Lindir rebutted. His mind now solely focused on his previous concerns. His worries that (Y/n) had decided to leave him and follow after Gandalf and the company. That she cared for the Ishtar. Could care for the dwarves more than he thought she did for him. His brows furrowing, as (Y/n) began to giggle.

"I was not saying that you don't. It is just that elves are much more subdued in their fun than dwarves or even mortal men. It is just that sometimes I don't think that most elves even smile from one century to the next. Which is such a shame, as you are undoubtedly some of the most beautiful creatures in the whole of Middle Earth. I have spent enough time around elves to know what their version of fun is. And if I did not like or appreciate it, I would not have chosen to spend so many millennia with them. It is simply that occasionally I wish that elves could be more like dwarves. That they could throw caution to the wind and be a little wild. That they could feel free to laugh out loud. That sometimes I would like to see what it was to spend time with the rude, smelly and belligerent creatures." (Y/n) explained innocently, as she brushed her hand over a delicate, velvet like petal of the rose. Determined that when she became an elf, that she would still remember what it was to have fun. The joys she felt, as she danced with the butterflies, or flew through the water reeds with the dragonflies. That she would show Lindir how to love life as the faeries did. To take delight in the smallest and most humble of things. That she would show him how to love like a fairy.

"But we are not dwarves. And I for one do not wish to be a dwarf." Lindir huffed, as he suddenly rose to his feet.

"Perhaps you should go and be with Gandalf and the dwarves that you seem to be so fond of. It appears obvious now that my company. The company of an elf is not good enough for a fairy. Perhaps I am not good enough for a fairy. Not good enough for you. Perhaps I have been seeing things in the wrong way all this time." Lindir continued angrily, as he turned and walked away. The ellon ignoring the pleas of his shocked fairy. Ignoring the teary tone in her voice. The sound of crying, as he made his way back to his chambers. The dark haired ellon fighting back the tears that wanted to fall. Lindir sure that this was for the best. That that had been (Y/n)'s way of somehow breaking it to him that she would rather be with others than him. That when the dwarves left Rivendell, which sooner or later they undoubtedly would. That she would be going with them. Lindir not wanting his heart to break anymore than it already had done.


Gandalf had been waiting for some time for (Y/n) to appear. Sat in the exact spot that she had told him to wait when the company of dwarves had settled down for the night. Yet despite calling for her three times. The tiny sprite had failed to appear. The wizard beginning to worry about what could have happened between their earlier conversation and now. He had seen Lindir make his way through the gardens earlier, without a sign of the fairy. But he had not been too concerned. For despite what elves, dwarves, men, hobbits and even the Ishtar might think, the world around them was not controlled and cared for by their kinds. It was not kings and man of power that kept kingdoms and realms from falling. It was the faeries. Their magic more powerful than any really knew. Their lives dedicated to their little parts of the world. (Y/n)'s life dedicated to watching over and caring for Rivendell and all its inhabitants. So, it had not been a flight of fancy to presume that (Y/n) had been off doing what she had to do. But what had been strange, was the look in Lindir's eye. The glisten of a tear in at the corner of his dark orbs. And now that there was no sign of (Y/n), the wizard couldn't help but wonder whether something had transpired between the pair. Whether (Y/n) had told the ellon of her intentions, and he had shunned her. The Ishtar now realising that if that was the case, then there would be only one place that (Y/n) could be. The fairy circle. Yet where that could be in the realm, not even the great wizard could tell. But he knew that there were those that did.

Slowly, Gandalf held out his hand. The wizard smiling broadly, as a single firefly landed on his outstretched palm. The Ishtar whispering softly to the tiny creature, before it flew up to join its fellows in the night sky. Gandalf following behind them, as they flitted down one of the many paths in the elvish realm.


(Y/n) sat in the middle of the circle. Her cheeks and dress strained by tears. She had no idea what she had done wrong. No clue of how she had upset her ellon. But she had come to think that perhaps his outburst had been Lindir's way of telling her that he didn't care for her. That perhaps he had managed to hear the conversation between herself and Gandalf. That he had not wanted anything to do with the notion of her becoming an elf. And that it was perhaps she that had been reading everything wrong all this time. She knew that she should have gone to meet Gandalf. That she should have explained why she no longer wanted to be an elf. But how could she? She had been a fool. Wanting to change herself for someone that obviously had never cared for her, as much as she had cared for him. (Y/n) knowing that the wizard had thought it was not the best of ideas when she had suggested it. That she had been stubborn like all faeries could be, when it came to love. When it came to giving others their hearts. Yet what was she to do now? How could she remain in the place that she had always called home now that it was clear that Lindir didn't care. How could she look at him every day? How could she not let her heart break a little more with every passing moment, knowing that he was always there...........

"(Y/n)?" A voice asked. The sudden sound of her name making the fairy start. Her eyes flying up to see the concerned face of the Ishtar.

"What is it little one?" Gandalf continued, as he took a seat on a large rock next to the circle. His lips pursed in his usual style, as he looked down at the teary sprite.

"I er..........I don't need to change anymore. I know that you thought that it was a bad idea. And you were right. I am a fairy, and what I should remain. Nothing more, nothing less. Though I would ask one thing of you, my old friend." (Y/n) replied. Her teary eyes looking into the soft and warm orbs of the wizard.

"Anything. You know that.............."

"When you, the little one and the dwarves leave here. Take me with you."

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