Rivals - Part 4 - Haldir x Reader

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(Y/n) held up her weapon, blocking the strike of the sword that the odious creature in front of her, held. The orc smiling; baring his teeth and spitting, as he glared at her. His grin quickly faltering though, as the female Marchwarden brought up her dagger, and thrust it into its guts. It (Y/n)'s turn to smile, as black blood began to spill from its mouth; the Marchwarden drawing back her head before quickly bringing it forward and smashing her forehead onto the orc's nose. The vile creature making a pleasing gurgling sound, before slipping backwards; (Y/n)'s blade appearing from the orc's form, it, and her hand, drenched in black blood.

Before all this, the day had been very much like any other, since (Y/n) and Haldir had left Lothlórien. The pair had risen, eaten a little before packing their belongings and climbing back onto their horses; all this done in silence, before they had continued on their way to Imladris. Yet today had taken a slight twist; the two Marchwardens finding themselves come upon by a mass of orcs. (Y/n) and Haldir outnumbered, ten, twenty to one. But neither of them had had any intention of just allowing the detestable beings, an easy kill. The two looking at one another and nodding, before drawing their blades and rushing at the enemy. The two elves cutting and stabbing at the surrounding orcs. The beings of evil growling and roaring as they had clashed with the ellon and elleth. Yet as much as the odds had been against them; as much as a victory had seemed unlikely, here they were, the bodies of their enemies surrounding (Y/n). The elleth taking a few deep breaths, before she turned her gaze to the side; expecting to see Haldir standing there, yet he was not there. (Y/n) feeling her heart beat at a pace, as she jumped over the fallen orcs; her eyes scanning the battlefield for the ellon. Sure, that she would be sick, as she finally spied his form, slumped on the ground. Her feet moving quicker than they had ever moved before, as she made her way to his side. A relieved sigh leaving her lips, as she heard him let out a groan. (Y/n) dropping to her knees and looking at him.

"Lying down on the job I see........." (Y/n) chuckled, as Haldir looked up at her. The ellon groaning a little, as he propped himself up on an elbow. (Y/n)'s eyes widening, as his ripped sleeve fell away, and she saw the blood seeping from an injury to his upper arm.

"You're hurt.........." The elleth said, as she carefully took his arm. Hesitantly ghosting her fingers over the deep, jagged cut. Haldir looking at her expression, as she continued to examine him. The look of concern, coupled with something else, causing the Marchwarden of the northern borders, to furrow his brow a little.

"I would appear that I am not the only one..........." Haldir replied, as he did his best to sit up, before touching the bleeding cut above (Y/n)'s right eye. The two looking at one another for a moment, as Haldir's hand continued to linger. A sigh leaving his lips, as the beautiful elleth finally moved away.

"It is nothing. I have had far worse; but this.......this will need to be taken care of. I have no desire to have to nurse you the rest of the way to Imladris, because it has become infected. You are just fortunate enough that I brought some medicinal supplies with me in Calroc's saddlebags." (Y/n) said, as she got to her feet. Haldir's brows furrowing once again. The ellon not sure how she would get the supplies given that both horses had bolted thanks to the orc attack.

"But........how............?" Haldir began. His question interrupted as his counterpart gave a loud, long whistle. A smile coming to her lips, as they both heard approaching hooves. A pale horse whinnying happily, as it came though the trees and stopped before the elleth.

"Again, you underestimate me, Haldir." (Y/n) chuckled, as she patted Calroc on the neck before making her way to the bags that sat across the gelding's croup.

"Now, let me look at that arm." The southern borders Marchwarden added, as she pulled her supplies out from the bag, and made her way back over to the ellon.


"There, that should do........." (Y/n) finally hummed, as she looked at the neatly bandaged arm.

"I have never claimed to be a healer, but if there is one thing I know, it is how to deal with such cuts........" She added, admiring her handy work and recalling all the times that she had had to deal with such injuries of her own, before getting to her feet and putting the supplies back in her bag.

"Well, now that is done. I think that perhaps we should put as much distance between us and here, as we possibly can. The odour of these rotten orcs is making me feel quite sick." The elleth reaching out her hand to help Haldir from the floor. The male Marchwarden looking between her face and hand, before accepting the offer. (Y/n) pulling to his feet; the pair standing face to face. The two feeling the desperate urge to say something to the other; to say that they were glad that the injuries were not more serious. That they were glad that they had prevailed and not lost one another; but neither knew where to start. The two choosing instead to say nothing. (Y/n) taking a couple of steps backwards, before swinging herself up onto Calroc's saddle, and looked down at Haldir.

"Now, as your horse does not appear to have been as well trained as my dearest Calroc, it would seem obvious that you have two choices, Marchwarden of the northern borders. Either, you run the rest of the way to Imladris........or........." (Y/n) holding out her arm.

"You ride with me............" The two looking at one another again. Haldir doing his best to conceal the smile that pulled at the corner of his lips, as he saw the mirth in (Y/n)'s eyes. The ellon letting out a heavy sigh, before clasping her arm and letting her help him up onto the back of the saddle. The elleth looking over her shoulder and giving Haldir a smile.

"Hold tight. I wouldn't want to lose you....................." 

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