Stay with me - Bofur x Reader

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I know I mention Thorin as being alive in this story, but that is only because as I have always said, the Durin's will never die in my stories. I love them all far too much to allow that to happen. So, I hope that you will forgive that and enjoy.

Bofur sat back and looked at his work. The toy maker having to admit that he had never been prouder of anything he had made before. That nothing he had ever made, had been as important. It had taken him a long time. Each little part carved out from memory, from the brief look that he had had of the cosy home. Everything from the steps that led up to the round, green door, to the plant pots that lay beneath the little round windows, had been picked out expertly from a single block of wood. Bofur hoping that this little gift, along with the beads that he had craved, would encourage her to stay in the Mountain. To stay with him.

(Y/n) Baggins. Bofur had first met her when he, along with most of the rest of the company, had fallen through the front door of Bag End. She and her brother staring wide eyed at the group as well as Gandalf. Neither Baggins over the sudden arrival of the rather gruff Dwalin, and the sweeter Balin. Not over the entrance of the two princes, or Kili wiping his boots on their mother's glory box. Yet as he had moved and looked up, Bofur had seen the smile that the beautiful little female was giving him. The toy maker feeling his heart begin to pound violently as she had offered him her hand and introduced herself. Bofur bowing deeply. The only thing separating the pair, the annoyed cough from her brother.

For the rest of the evening, he had been unable to keep his eyes from her. (Y/n) chuckling as the crockery had flown around the dining room. Clapping along as the dwarves had sung. Bofur not sure whether to be pleased or concerned when the younger Baggins had instantly agreed to join the quest. Not seeming to fear what might lay ahead, or the thought of a fire breathing dragon. Not fearing the notion of the words "funeral arrangements" or "lacerations, evisceration, and incineration", or Bofur himself telling the hobbits that Smaug could melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye. Yet either way, it had meant that he had been able to get to know the beautiful little hobbit better. That she had been able to get to know him. Bofur sure that he had never met anyone like her in his life. That he had never met anyone smarter, sweeter, kinder, or stronger than (Y/n) was. That he had never loved anyone or anything like he had come to love her. The little female surprising not only him, but also the rest of the company, as she had fought alongside them, not just on their journey, but also to defend the home that they had just reclaimed. The hobbit never far from his side, as they fought against the forces of the great white orc.

Yet now, and despite the fact that she had seemed to fit in perfectly with life in Erebor. To enjoy being with him, the rest of the Company, and the dwarves that seemed to return to their ancestral home, in droves day after day. Bofur had heard Bilbo begin to talk about going back to the Shire. Talk about it being high time that he returned to Bag End. The toy maker fearing that (Y/n) would want to join him. That she too would want to see the Hobbit hole that had been in their family for generations. To once again see the rolling hills of the Shire. And even though he wanted that for her. Even though he wanted her to be happy. More than anything, he wanted her to be happy with him. He wanted her to always call the great halls of Erebor, home. To always stay with him and agree to be his wife. So, he had hatched a plan. Getting to work straight away. Doing his best to bring a little of the Shire to the Mountain. To bring her family home, to her. The replica of Bag End now looking at him. The courting beads sat in a little box to its side. Bofur hoping that the gifts would show her how much she meant to him. How much he wanted her to stay. The toy maker slowly getting to his feet and placing the carving in the prettiest box that he had been able to find. Tying the bright ribbon around it that Bombur had been able to procure from somewhere. Bofur closing the little box with the courting beads in it, before placing it in his pocket and then making his way out of his little workshop.


(Y/n) sighed, as she sat in the rooms that she and her brother shared. Bilbo had been talking about going back to the Shire again. She could understand why her brother wanted to do it. A part of her missed it too. Part of her missed the lush, green rolling hills. Missed the spring flowers and the sight of the newborn animals playing in the fields. Part of her missed Bag End, the only real home that she had ever known. Yet the bigger part wanted to stay. She, her brother and the others, had fought so hard to get the Mountain back for the dwarves. She and her brother had faced the last of the great fire drake, and she wanted to see how Erebor would come back to life. But most of all, she wanted to stay because of Bofur. She wanted to stay with the sweetest, funniest and kindest dwarf that she could ever hope to meet. The Hobbit sure that she had been in love with him, from the moment that he had fallen through her front door. Sure, that she didn't want to do anything but stay with him.

"The door is open you silly thing............." (Y/n) called out, as she heard a knock at the door. Getting to her feet as another knock came.

"Bilbo, what..................oh!" She began. Stopping, as instead of seeing her brother, she saw Bofur. A large box in his hands and a nervous look on his face.

"Oh, Bofur............I'm so sorry. I thought that you were Bilbo. Please.........please come in..............." The Hobbit continued. Smiling broadly as the dwarf made his way into the room and she closed the door.

"What do you have there? Have you been making something special for Thorin.........?" (Y/n) enquired cheerily, as she looked at the box that Bofur had just placed on the table.

"I have been making something special, aye. But it ain't fa Thorin. Its fa you." Bofur replied. A soft tinge of pink kissing his cheeks as (Y/n) looked up at him.

"For me? Really..................?"

"Aye, lass. Fa you." Bofur replied. His heart beating like the wings of a hummingbird, as she pulled on the ribbon and opened the box. Her eyes growing wide, as she took the carving out and looked at it.

"Bofur.............." She gasped in disbelief, as she looked at the copy of her old home. The Hobbit sure that he had done everything perfectly. That she could tell the differences in the plants and flowers that had been around the front of Bag End. (Y/n) feeling tears come to her eyes, as she looked between the beautiful creation and its equally beautiful creator.

"It.............its wonderful, Bofur. It...........its perfect. But why...............?"

"I thought if I brough Bag End ta you, ya wouldn't want ta leave with ya brother. Because I don't want ya ta leave (Y/n).............."

" don't...............?"

"No, lass. I want ya ta stay here. I want ya ta stay with me." Bofur told her, as he fumbled in his pocket and pulled out the little box. Opening it so that he could show her the two beads.

"I was hopin that ya would agree ta stay. That..........ya would agree ta marry me." The dwarf continued. Bofur sure that his heart was going to burst from his chest, as (Y/n) threw herself into his arms and kissed him on the lips. The dwarf not needing her to say anything, as she held him tight. Not needing to say any more as he held her tighter. Bofur sure that his little gift had worked, and his little hobbit would be with him for the rest of their days.  

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