The ghost of Mirkwood - Part 6 - Legolas x Thranduil x Reader

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The king glided out into the clearing, as his son lowered his bow. Thranduil finding himself slightly amused by the look of confusion and amazement that had just appeared on Legolas' face. It was true that he had been angered by what his son had done. How, despite all the stories they had been told; despite his own orders, Legolas had somehow found the ghost of the woods. He had spoken to her. He had made plans to meet her, once again. And Thranduil had had every intention of placing a guard at the door of his son's rooms; of stopping Legolas from going to his rendezvous. Preventing him from possibly making the situation any worse. But as he had thought about what Legolas had said, he had to concede that perhaps he had a point. That even though his son had met the spirit that it was said wished for nothing more than to see the end of his kingdom, the end of their line; Mirkwood had not fallen down around his ears, and he and Legolas were still alive. The king deciding that perhaps he himself, should meet this ghost of Taur-e-Ndaedelos. The spirit of the elleth, that his own father may have loved. Thranduil silently following after his son, as he made his way through the halls, to the small clearing in the woods.


"I have come to meet this spirit that you spoke so highly of. Is she here.............?" Thranduil stated, as he looked between his son, and the dark wood that lay just across the way. His eyes widening, as he saw an eerie glow slowly appear from behind one of the dead, black trees. The king unable to stop himself from covering the distance between where Legolas stood, and the edge of the tree line. The usual cold and calm king of the woodland realm, feeling his heart begin to race, as he saw the face of an elleth.

"Legolas...............? Who..............?"

"(Y/n)........this is my father..............." The prince explained, as he came to join Thranduil. The elleth cautiously taking a few steps closer to the handsome pair.

"You are Thranduil...........? The son of Oropher............" The elleth said, as she looked up at the tall, elegant ellon. Thranduil's heart beating even quicker, as the ghostly elleth suddenly smiled.

"Of course, you are. I can see him in both of you. In your eyes..........both as handsome as he was..........." (Y/n) continued, as she slowly reached out her hands, in hopes that she could touch the faces of the two ellons; yet as her arms moved out beyond the edge of the black trees, they turned into smoke. The cursed elleth pulling them back and holding them to her chest.

Part of what she had told the pale haired prince the night before, was true; that looking at him, and now his father, just seemed to make it all worse. That their faces reminded her of just how long she had been imprisoned in the dead wood; of all that she had lost, and all that could have been. They reminded her that the ellon that she had loved so much, had married another; that he had had a life without her, a life that should have been theirs. But most, it reminded her that Oropher was long gone from this world. But how could she send them away now? How could she, now that she had met them; now that she had been able to look into their eyes and see the ellon that she had been about to wed..............

"(Y/n)..............?" Legolas said quietly, as he moved forward; the prince concerned that he could see tears slowly making their way down her flawless cheeks.

"I am well, Legolas............" She replied, quickly brushing the salty droplets from her skin, as she looked back to the two ellons.

"It is an honour to meet you, my king..............." (Y/n) continued, before curtsying deeply.

Thranduil watched her, as she slowly rose. He could now understand why his son had wanted to come and meet her, again. He could understand, if what Legolas had said was true, why his father had loved her. The elleth, one of the most exquisite that he had ever lay eyes on. Yet he was not about to be lured in by her beauty; not about to fall under her spell. The words of the stories that had been told of the ghost of Mirkwood for so long, still filling his mind. The king not about to let even this perfect creature, bring about the end of his reign.

"My son has informed me that you saved him...............?" Thranduil finally asked, as the ghostly lady took a seat on the large rock and gave Legolas a smile.

"I could not let one so handsome perish, as so many have before. The powers of the necromancer have cursed so much of what used to be the Greenwood; but this........this part is the darkest. A prison created just for me. Created to keep me just far enough away from my old life, so I could still capture glimpses of it. Further punishment for my refusal to join, to give myself to that wicked being. Everything in this part of the wood, was created to destroy; to take anything that is alive, anything that is beautiful............and kill it. Not even the spiders that infest the rest of the wood, dare come into this dark heart. The only thing not touched, my body, that lies, lifeless, on a marble bed, at its centre. It and I never to be reunited. But given that the only ellon that I ever loved, is gone, perhaps it is better that it should stay that way..............."

"You should not say that. I have promised that I will help you in any way that I can. That you are no longer alone............." Legolas interjected. The prince still not sure how he was going to help; but he had promised not only (Y/n), but himself that he would do all he could.

"I know, and I believe that your grandfather would be proud of you for that, Legolas. But perhaps it is Oropher that we should speak of, at this moment. Perhaps I should tell your father, the truth behind all the stories that he has been told. About what he and Oropher truly meant to one another............." (Y/n) replied. Smiling as even the king nodded in agreement. Thranduil and Legolas taking a seat and listening intently, as the spectre began to tell them of the world before they were born; about the journey over the Blue Mountains, about settling in the woods, and about the love that she and the King of the Greenwood, had shared. 

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