The beautiful orc - Part 2 - Fili x Reader

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There in front of them was a pack of wargs and their riders. The vile smelling, odious orcs and their mounts, appearing to be circling a much smaller figure. Fili feeling the anger grow inside of him, as he realised that the figure was that of a female. The pale haired prince able to tell, even from that distance, that the clothes that covered her body, had been torn. That the flesh beneath, was bloodied and bruised. Her long hair sticking to her face, as a steady flow of crimson came from a wound on her head. Fili gripping at the hilt of his sword, as he heard the orcs call out to her; threatening to do all manner of unspeakable things to the trembling creature.

"Where are you going...........?" Kili asked, grabbing his older brother's wrist and pulling him back down, as Fili began to get to his feet.

"Where do you think...........? We can't leave her down there, all alone. They are going to kill her, or worse.............."

"What are you two doing........?" A rather annoyed voice then interupted. The two princes turning to see their uncle and the rest of the Company looking down at them.

"There are orcs and their mounts..............."

"Orcs................?" Dwalin growled, interrupting Fili as he tried to explain. The large dwarf gripping tightly to the handle of his axe.

"Yes.........and a girl................"

"A girl.............?" This time Bofur interrupted. He and the rest of the group looking at one another before dropping to their bellies and crawled up to the top of the little hill, so that they could see what Fili was talking about.

"I was just about to go and help her................."

"We have no time for this............If the orcs don't know that we are here, we should leave. That, and no one can be spared to look after her............"

"But we can't just leave her to die, uncle.............." Fili insisted, as he looked at Thorin in disbelief. Not believing that his uncle could really be that cold. Not believing that he would happily just allow this poor young woman, to be torn apart by orcs and wargs.

"She is a daughter of men, let them help her.............."

"Do you see any men around here? We are her only hope. And if you won't help her, I will do it alone................" The blonde prince quickly pointed out. Fili not giving his uncle a chance to protest any further, as he jumped to his feet, pulled his sword from its sheath, and raced towards the orcs. Kili looking up at his uncle for a second, before going after his brother. The rest of the Company, even Dwalin, quickly following. Leaving Thorin to grit his teeth for a moment, before he too joined the fight that was already waging.


Fili dropped to his knees, by the side of the prone female, as Dwalin and Glóin finished off the last orc. The entire group of the dark beings, now laying dead in the grass. Carefully, the prince moved the hair away from her face; his uncle had been right, she was a daughter of men, so what she was doing all on her own, far from the lands of her people, at the mercy of orcs, he didn't know. But he was sure of one thing; that no matter how many pretty girls he had seen, this one, despite being dirty, and covered in blood, was without a shadow of a doubt, the most beautiful that he had ever laid eyes on.

"How is she.............?" Óin asked, as he came to join Fili. The prince looking up, to see that Kili and Bilbo were also there.

"I..........I don't know. I think.........I think that she's still breathing..........."

"Maybe I should take a look......?" Óin continued, as he got to his knees and placed his ear trumpet to his side. Fili reluctantly letting go of the girl and allowing the older dwarf to look her over.

"I'm sure that she'll be alright; she's in good hands.........." Bilbo did his best to assure, as he saw the look of concern on Fili's face.

"Bilbo's right.........I am sure that she will be fine............" Kili agreed. The young prince looking to the hobbit. Neither sure that they believed what they were saying. Only knowing that Fili seemed to need to hear it.

Fili didn't know why this one girl seemed to matter to him so much, but she did. Perhaps it was because, just like them, she was a long way from home; that her loved ones, just like theirs, had no idea whether she was alive or dead. The prince praying to Aulë, that he would watch over the girl. That he would let her live, and then he could get to know her.

"She's in a fair old state............." Óin finally said, as he finished looking the girl over.

"But will she live..............?"


"WILL SHE LIVE?" Fili shouted, as he picked up the trumpet and placed it back in Óin's ear.

"Oh yes, she'll live.............." Óin replied, as he struggled back to his feet. That all Fili needed to hear, the prince placing his arms underneath her, before taking her up into his chest.

"What do you think you're doing..............?"

"I am taking her with us..............."

"I told you, we don't................."

"I will watch over her, uncle. I will take responsibility for her. We can't just leave her here; she has to come with us until we can at least find somewhere safe for her to stay..........." Fili told his uncle. Once more giving Thorin no chance to argue with him, as he made his way past him. The prince carefully making his way back to where the Company had originally been sat. The girl held firmly in his arms. 

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