Dragon Lover - Part 2 - Smaug x Reader

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(Y/n) looked for a safe way down. Although where the floor actually was, she really couldn't tell. The mountain of gold just seeming to go on forever. Yet she knew that she couldn't stay where she was, because if her brain was giving her such a wonderful dream then she wanted to see what else her ever so slightly obsessed imagination, had come up with. Wanted to see if a certain hobbit or company of dwarves were just around the corner.

"Ok, smartass. How do we get down from here?" (Y/n) scoffed at herself, crossing her arms, and hoping that any moment her dream would fashion a suitable way to descend the ever shifting mountain of precious metal.

"Bilbo would probably have just slide down. Stumbled across the Arkenstone and then come face to face with........with." (Y/n) mumbled to herself. Suddenly realising that she had forgotten the most important thing. That being that if the Lonely Mountain was not filled with Durin's folk, wasn't filled with the sound of dwarves, then that could only mean one thing. That under the great mound of gold, was an even greater dragon. A dragon that she had somehow forgotten about. A dragon that could be anywhere under the sea of gold. A dragon that could currently be watching her every move.

"Ok, (Y/n). Last time I checked; I wasn't immune to dragon's fire. So, it may pay to get your ass to somewhere safe. Though where safe might be if Smaug gets a sniff of you, I don't know." (Y/n) continued, now more concerned with finding a way off the mighty dragons sleeping place than ever before. Hoping her wonderful dream didn't turn into some terrible nightmare. And that her imagination didn't have Smaug turn her into a crispy critter.

"And what might you be?" A deep voice suddenly grumbled. (Y/n) finding herself unable to move as she heard the mountain of gold move. The coins and jewels tumbling away from around her, as a hot gust of air envelop her.

"You are most certainly not an elf. And not ugly enough to be a dwarf. You look like a mortal, yet I have never smelt one like you before. So, I ask again, what are you?" The voice continued, deeper and gruffer than it had originally been. (Y/n) getting a sense that if she didn't answer, then she might find that her dream was over quicker than she wanted it to be.

"I er.........." (Y/n) began. Gulping as she tried to steady her nerves. Her every instinct telling her to run, yet her curiosity was making her stay. Her need to see her dragon, greater than her desire for flight.

"I am.........well I suppose I am mortal. Yet I am not from Middle earth." (Y/n) managed to reply, as she finally turned around. Her eyes growing wide as she saw the face of the magnificent beast. The creature that Peter Jackson had created, paling into insignificance when compared to the form that was currently eyeing her.

It seemed insane to say, but the dragon was beautiful. Handsome. She couldn't see what still lay underneath the gold, yet what she could see, was quite exquisite. Each scale shining and shimmering against the glint of gold. Against the dull light of the many torches that scattered the great chamber. The dragon's eyes dancing with their very own fire. A fire that was fiercer than any other she had seen.

"Not of Middle earth? Then where are you from, and how did you get here? Answer me! If you think you can steal from me. If Oakenshield has sent you..........." Smaug began. (Y/n) falling down as the great dragon pulled the rest of its body from under the mountain of precious metal. The winged beast raising itself to its full height. (Y/n) sure that he would have been able to shadow the sun itself if they had been out from the gloom of the Lonely Mountain.

"No......no......I.........I haven't come to steal from you, oh mighty Smaug. Greatest of the fire drakes. Fearsome destroyer of Dale. Terror of the Durin folk and mortal men. I........in truth I have absolutely no idea how I got here. I just woke and here I was. I come from.......well, I come from earth. Just earth. And, I have never met Thorin, or any other dwarf, or elf or any other race of this world for that matter." (Y/n) tried to explain. Knowing that she must sound as she had lost her mind. Her thoughts filled with the interaction between Bilbo and the dragon in the film that had made her fall asleep as she watched. Finding herself scurrying backwards as Smaug moved his head to get a better look at the intruder. (Y/n) sure that the heat from his mere closeness would burn her up at any moment.

"Give me one good reason why I should not engulf you in my flame. One reason why I should believe that you are not a thief or are helping those wretched dwarves." Smaug grumbled. (Y/n) shielding herself as another huff of heated air surrounded her. The thick smell of sulphur making her cough.

"I.......I don't know if I have a good reason. I woke and thought I was in a dream. A wonderous vision of a world I love. I didn't expect to disturb your slumber. I was just going to explore the Lonely Mountain until I woke. It was foolish of me to not think that you wouldn't be here. That you would not sense my presence. In truth.......well in truth, the reason I think that I am here is because of you. Because........because I.......I have always loved you the most. Even as a young child, the tales of you. Of your power and ferocity, made me believe that anything was possible. That I too could take on the might of armies, and win. The last of the fire drakes of Middle earth. The greatest of his kind, making me feel not so alone." (Y/n) confessed. Finding herself fighting back the tears as she thought back to all the hard times in her life when disappearing into Tolkien's world had given her the strength to fight on. When the thought of the great Smaug had made her smile when nothing else could.

(Y/n) could feel her heart beat violently in her chest as she waited for the dragon to engulf her in his flames. Yet as she looked up at him, the mighty beast seemed to muse. As if he was mulling over her words. The dragon seeming to be interested by what she had said.

"Tell me more, little one. Of what you have heard of me. And if I like what I hear, I may let you remain here until you wake." Smaug suddenly said. The huge dragon settling back into his bed of gold. (Y/n) not sure what to think as his great head came to a rest by her side. His eye watching her as she thought of what else she could say. Yet knowing that if this wasn't a dream. That somehow there was another explanation for what was happening to her, then the only thing that she could do was try and explain everything to the great dragon as best she could. How she knew him from books and movies. How she had wanted to be a dragon too when she was a little girl, so that she could curl up under the gold with him. About despite how she also loved elves, mortal men, dwarves and hobbits, there was not a single one that compared to her dragon. And all she could do was hope that Smaug would, if not believe her, at least find her entraining enough to not burn her to a crisp.  

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