The apprentice - Part 8 - Thorin x Reader

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Don't get me wrong, I love all the Durin boys, how could you not? But I have to admit that I lost my heart completely to Thorin. He is my absolute favourite. So, I hope that you will forgive me for gushing over the gorgeous hunk of a dwarf.

How could a male look as beautiful as he did? Thorin seemed to be glowing. His eyes sparkling like diamonds in the flicker of the many candles that littered the large room. When she had seen him in the past, she had known that he was beautiful. But now, now she realised that calling the king beautiful, calling him handsome, was doing him a disservice. He looked regal, yet not scarily so. He was well groomed, and well dressed. A slight contrast to when they had been in the Blue Mountains. (Y/n) always laughing to herself when she had spied the prince. His hair always tangled and knotted. His clothes resembling those of any other dwarf that called the Mountains home. His shirt sleeves always rolled up to just past the elbow, revealing his well defined forearms. Forearms that (Y/n) was sure were as tough and strong as any dwarven blade. The mortal smith believing that even if the prince hadn't had come across his oaken shield, the white orc would still not have been able to beat him.

(Y/n) was sure that her heart was beating faster than it should. That she had quite forgotten how to breath. Her knees feeling weak, as all of a sudden, the king smiled. A full, real, genuine smile that seemed to spread from ear to ear. A smile that made her want to rush into his arms and tell him how she felt for him. How she had always felt for him.


How could a mortal female, any female, look as beautiful as she did? (Y/n) seemed to be glowing. Her eyes sparkling like diamonds in the flicker of the many candles that littered his large room. When Thorin had seen her in the shadows of her father's forge, he had known that she was beautiful. But now, now he realised that calling the mortal smith beautiful. That calling her exquisite, was doing her a terrible disservice. She looked perfect. Every inch like a lady that would not look out of place sat on a throne with a crown on her head. She was well groomed, and the gown that she wore, a gown Thorin was sure actually belonged to his sister, appeared as thought it had been made just for (Y/n). The soft silken material clinging to her every curve. The whole look in complete contrast to when they had been in the Blue Mountains. Thorin always chuckling to himself when he had spied the apprentice. Her hair always tangled and knotted. Her face always covered in smut and dirt. Her worn clothes, resembling those of any male dwarf that called the Mountains home. Her shirt sleeves always rolled up to just past the elbow, revealing her strong forearms that had developed from swinging a heavy hammer for hours every day. Forearms that Thorin was sure were as tough and strong as the anvil upon which she shaped her work.

Thorin was convinced that his heart was beating faster than it should. That even when he had fought orcs, trolls, wargs and Azog, his heart had never raced as quickly. That he had quite forgotten how to breath. His knees feeling weak, as all of a sudden, the apprentice smiled. A full, real, yet shy smile that seemed to light up the room. A smile that made Thorin want to take her into his arms and tell her how he felt for her. How he had always felt for her.


Balin couldn't help but smile and shake his head, as he watched the apprentice and the king just stand and stare at one another. Like two lovesick fools, that were lost in one another presence. The rest of the world fading into nothingness, as all that existed were the two of them. Again, the old dwarf had to admit that he could quite see why his friend and king had lost his heart. Gunri's daughter had looked beautiful when he had met her earlier. But now, now she looked as though she was born to be a queen. And more precisely, a queen under the mountain.

"Mistress (Y/n)." The dwarven lord said quietly. The sound of her name finally shaking the mortal from her thoughts.

"Would ya like ta come in, lass?" Balin continued with a smile. Gesturing for her to enter the room, rather than simply stand in the doorway. (Y/n) curtsying respectfully before making her way into the king's apartments.

"Thorin. Mistress (Y/n). I will leave you two alone." The king's advisor added. Shaking his head once again, as he watched the apprentice make her way over to the son of Thráin. Thorin's smile never leaving his lips, as he reached down and took (Y/n)'s hand. Balin deciding that now was the time to take his leave.

"Mistress (Y/n)." Thorin began, as he brought the mortal's hand up. His rough, weathered lips gently kissing her knuckles. The pink hue that had creeped up onto her cheeks, making the king's mind race.

"You look beautiful." Thorin continued. The king not quite sure how he had managed to say anything, as he found himself lost in the apprentice's eyes.

"My king. And you look......look, so.......beautiful too." (Y/n) replied. The mortal knowing that she must sound so foolish. Yet not caring, as she lost herself in the two deep blue glistening pools, that Thorin called eyes.

Thorin couldn't help but chuckle slightly. He had been called many things in the past. Proud, brave, stubborn. But never once had he been called beautiful. Yet from (Y/n) he liked how it sounded. He liked how she actually seemed to mean it. The king under the mountain sure that he would be happy for her to call him beautiful, whenever she liked.

"I......I mean....... excuse me, sire. I meant that you look.........perfect." (Y/n) corrected. Her hand reaching up, as if it had a mind of its own. Her finger's gently brushing back some of his long brown locks behind his ear, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Thorin found his eyes closing, as he felt the touch of her skin against his cheek. The roughness of her palms, taking nothing away from the thrill that rushed through his body. The king finding himself nuzzling his face into her hand, as it rested gently against his beard. Thorin moving so that he could stand closer. So that he could.................

"Thorin, my sweet one!" A shrill, high pitched voice called out. The sound prompting the apprentice to move quickly away from the king. Thorin's heart dropping, as there in the doorway stood lady Ilde. The female dwarf glaring at the apprentice, as she made her way into the room.

Ever since the dwarven lady had got back to the Lonely Mountain, she had been doing all she could to ingratiate herself with Thorin. Everyone knowing that she desired to be the queen. That she was the type to do whatever she had to do to get what she wanted. And despite how many times Thorin had tried to let her know that he really wasn't interested. Ilde was not the type to take no for an answer. And after hearing that Gunri's little mortal had managed to get to the mountain, the lady knew that she would have to stop anything that may go on between the pair. That she would have to prevent the smith from taking what was hers.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't know that anyone was here." Ilde apologised. The insincerity oozing from her every pore, as she pushed passed (Y/n), took Thorin's arm, and dragged him to her side.

"Do you not remember how you promised that you would take me for a walk this evening, my love. I am sure that the little smith here, would not want you to break your promise to your lady." Ilde hummed. Trying to be as sweet as possible. The look of hatred in her eyes, as she glared at (Y/n), giving the lady's true nature away.

"Of course not. If the king had promised to take you for a walk, then he should do just that, my lady." (Y/n) replied, as she curtsied politely.

"Your majesty. If you will excuse me. I have my father's forge to attend to, and a sword to make." (Y/n) continued, as she curtsied once again and headed for the door. Thorin's heart dropping as he watched her disappear.

"I have always found that mortal to be the ugliest of things. Not a single whisker to be seen. She could never be a lady. Never the kind of thing that a noble dwarf could want." Ilde huffed disdainfully, before she pulled Thorin out of his rooms. Her mindless chatter not even being heard by the king as they made their way through the great halls. His thoughts only filled with the look in (Y/n)'s eyes. 

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