Fairy - Part 9 - Lindir x Reader

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Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back into this. But I hope that you enjoy the final part of this tale.

"(Y/n)...............?" Lindir asked in utter disbelief, as out from behind the trees appeared not a tiny sprite, but a tall, beautiful, and elegant elleth. An elleth like none Lindir had seen before. An elleth with a large pair of glass like wings that protruded from between her shoulder blades. Her flowing gown, as colourful as the flowers that she loved so much. It seemingly made up of the petals of those flowers. The dark haired ellon feeling his heart jump, as she came further into the light. As her exquisite countenance moved from out of the shadows. A soft breeze blowing her hair across her flawless skin.


"How.........how is this possible? Gandalf told me that you needed his help to become an elf. That was why you wanted to speak with him. That it would take the magic of both of you to create the spell. But Mithrandir claims to not have seen you. To not know where you were............"

"And he hasn't. He didn't. No one has seen me. And I in turn have wanted to see no one. I had asked if Gandalf would allow me to join, he and the company when they left Rivendell. I didn't want to remain here when I realised that you did not love me, as I love you. He said I could, to merely appease me, I know. But it gave me time to think. Gave me time to realise that despite everything that has transpired between the two of us, I could never leave my beautiful home. It gave me time to hope that, if you did not care for me, then your ability to see me. To speak with me, would finally leave you. The memory of me fading. Yet when I woke this morning, I found myself like this. The great father, apparently having deemed that this is how I should be now..............." The sprite tried to explain through the tears, as she looked down at herself. A little part of her hoping that this was all a dream. A dream that she would wake up from, to find herself back as she was.

"(Y/n)..........I.........." Lindir began. His heart breaking a little as he moved towards his beauteous fairy, only to have her back away. To shy away from his touch. A heavy sigh leaving his lips, as he realised how much his words had hurt her. The ellon settling himself on a large rock. Hoping that he could explain why he had said what he had said. That he could make up for it. And make her see that he wanted and needed her, more than he had desired anything in his life.

"I am sorry............I should never have said those things to you. I should never have been angry with you. I should never have told you to leave with the dwarves. Never have said that you preferred their company to mine. That I had seen things, felt things for you, that were not in fact true. For how I feel for you, is the truest thing that I have ever felt. Is the most wonderful thing that I have ever experienced in my life. You have shown me a love, that I never believed I would be lucky enough to have. Your desire to change so that you could be with me, the greatest thing that any creature could do for another. And I feared losing that, feared losing you so much, that I pushed you away. I hurt the most precious thing in my life. And I regret it. All I can hope, is that you can forgive me. That you could still........still love me. That you might still want to spend the rest of your days with me............" Lindir explain. His heart heavy, as he slowly turned his gaze from the creature before him. (Y/n) wiping the tears from her cheeks, before hesitantly taking a few steps towards him.

"Do you really mean that, Lindir? Do you really mean that you.........that you love me? That your heart belongs to me, as much as mine belongs to you? Because if you do. If what you say is the truth. Then.........I believe that I could forgive you. That I could love you for the rest of my days. That I would happily surrender the life of a fairy, for that of an elf. And as long as you are by my side, I would never regret it." The new elleth told him, as she moved to stand before him. As she carefully crouched before his seated form. Her hands taking a gentle hold of his face, as finally looked up at her. His lips kissing her palm.

"I love you (Y/n). With all my heart. From the first moment we spoke that night, so long ago. I knew that I would always love you. Be mine.........." Lindir said, as he got to his feet and pulled a nodding (Y/n) into his arms. The two basking in the others glory. Neither wanting to let go.

"Perhaps now, we should introduce me to everyone else. It is only right that we explain to others, to Lord Elrond, what I am. And with Gandalf's help, I know that we will be able to make them understand." (Y/n) hummed softly, as she placed her forehead against Lindir's. The ellon's turn to nod in agreement. Happy that finally he could show everyone else in Rivendell the beautiful fairy that he loved. The beautiful fairy that could now be his.

"But promise me one thing." (Y/n) added. Happily taking Lindir's arm. The two making their way back up the ancient path to the great buildings of Rivendell.

"Anything................." Lindir agreed.

"If on the odd occasion I act like a dwarf, or a fairy...........you will still love me." (Y/n) chuckled. Lindir stopping and turning to look at her.

"Only if you show me how to do it too." Lindir replied. Chuckling softly, as she kissed him on the nose.

"You have my word, my love............."  

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