Snow princess - Part 1 - Dwalin x Reader

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Now this just popped into my mind, and it's a little weird because currently it is 32 degrees Centigrade (nearly 90 Fahrenheit) at 11 in the morning where I live; but perhaps I am craving a little cold. Hope you enjoy 😊

(Y/n) raced through the towering halls of Erebor; ignoring the confused looks from the dwarves that had already returned to their home. She knew that her brother, her sister would say that it was unseemly for a princess to be doing this, but she didn't care. There was snow outside. Snow that had fallen all night and now covered the land around the Lonely Mountain in a thick blanket of sparkling pure white; and she wanted to see it. To be the first to step foot into the drifts. The first to see the wonders of the beautiful world outside.

Snow wasn't usually of interest to most dwarves, other than it gave them something else to grumble about. The grumbles being that it just made things seem all the more difficult. That it made the route between the mountain and Dale further down the slope, more difficult to traverse. And no matter how well they wrapped themselves up they cold would still nip at them. But (Y/n) wasn't most dwarves and had always loved it. She found it magical. Found it wonderful. Sure, that it made everything, even the most mundane of things, seem otherworldly. A giddy excitement taking over her as she ignored the calls of the guards on post, and made her way out into the cold, crisp morning air. The breath taken from her, as she was greeted by the scene.


Dwalin grumbled, pulling the heavy fur tighter around his shoulders. It had been snowing all night. The world beyond his post now covered in white. Normally he relished in his new role as captain of the guard. The dwarf in charge of protecting their home. But at this moment he was beginning to rethink it, especially as he felt as though the cold had cut him right to the bone, and his nose was about to drop off. And even though fires had been lit all night. Even though he was wrapped up in multiple layers, the chill was making him grumpier than normal. And that wasn't good for anyone. The large dwarf grumbling to himself once more, as he heard some commotion from the gates below. Dwalin rolling his eyes as he wondered what was going on now.

Slowly he got up and peered over the battlements, his eyes widening as he saw a figure run out from the mountain and into the snow. The warrior watching as the form stood there for a moment, before making its way further into the vast, pale scape.

With a sigh, the warrior picked up one of his axes. He knew that he was going to have to go out into the drifts now. He knew that he was going to have to go and retrieve her, because he knew if he didn't, Thorin wouldn't be happy. That, and he had to make sure that she was safe, for his own sake.

"Captain Dwalin....................." A younger dwarf panted as raced up to him before continuing.

"The princess......................."

"Aye lad............I saw..................."

"She just rushed past. We called out but............."

"Aye...................." Dwalin huffed in reply, as he made his way down to the huge gates. The other guards rushing around as the captain made his way over. The entrance to the mountains slowly being opened, before a gust of frosty air almost pushed even the large dwarf over. The large warrior slinging his awe over his shoulder, before venturing out into the snowy scene.


(Y/n) stopped, hiding herself behind one of the trees, whose canopy of branches hung heavily with snow. The eyes of the princess watching, as two pale rabbits bounced into view. A smile kissing her lips, as she leant up against the trunk and let out a soft sigh.

It was so good to be free. To be out of the confines of the Mountain. It was true that she loved Erebor, loved being home; but with Thorin now being King, her duties, and the ones of Dis had taken precedence over anything else. The princess' doing all they could to aid their brother in his new reign. To welcome back and give assistance to the constant flow of returning kith and kin. But today, as a new, fresh fall of snow began to slowly drift down from the sky, today was for her.

With a soft giggle, (Y/n) watched the two little creatures bounce away. The princess choosing to follow their foot falls, hoping that they might lead her to some other wonder. Some more magic. The youngest of the three children of Thráin, ignoring the cold that nipped at her nose and toes, as she carefully and as quietly as she could, trudged through the wintery scene.

She couldn't help but let her thoughts wander, as she did the same. Her mind going to one thing in particular, or should that be, one dwarf in particular. Her brother's captain of the guard. (Y/n) had always liked the gruff warrior. There was something about him, and along with his brother, they had always been of great help to not only Thorin but also, she and Dis too. And even though there were a number of years difference in their ages, that had never stopped the younger princess from hoping that one day the gruff warrior would ask if he could court her. But as it was, Dwalin had never seemed to notice how she would look at him. How she would smile whenever he was close. How she had been so delighted to see him again, as she and Dis had finally arrived back at the Mountain. In fact, if truth be told, now that they were back at their home, Dwalin never seemed to notice her much at all; the princess finding that that was a more painful notion than she could ever have thought. But..............(Y/n) shaking the thoughts from her mind, as she continued to follow the marks of the rabbits, now was not the time to focus on sad things. Now was the time to enjoy her freedom, and the snow. 

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings one shots and ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora