Moondance - Part 5 - Thorin x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way further up to the mountain. The four dwarves some way behind her. But that didn't mean that she couldn't still hear them. Her kind had always had keen senses. Her hearing, eyesight and sense of smell, better than even any elf could ever hope for. The skin changer chuckling to herself, as she listened to Dwalin grumble. As she heard the two young princes continue to theorise about what and who she really was. The only one that didn't speak, the king.

But despite his lack of conversation, she was sure that he was wondering that too. Wondering what she was. The King under the Mountain already having told the others. Told the Master that not for one second did he believe that she was a daughter of men. That not for one moment would he think that she was an elf, or even half-elf. But now was not quite the right time to reveal what she was. It wasn't the thing to do, just turn around and become a wolf in front of unsuspecting creatures. (Y/n) sure that Master Dwalin in particular wouldn't take kindly to it. The skin changer having no desire injury any one because she was having to defend herself............

Defend had been so long since she had had to do anything but defend herself, to protect herself from those that might wish her harm. To kill the orcs or be killed by them like the rest of her kind. There was a little of her mind that could still remember happier times. Could remember her home, remember the place that her people had lived. Could remember her family, her pack. But all that was so far away now, and so long ago. Her home reduced to little more than ashes by the creatures of the dark. Her people enslaved, tortured and killed.

"So? Where is this beast then...............?" A gruff voice came. (Y/n) shaking the haunting memories from her mind, as she turned to look at the dwarves. Dwalin having decided that he wasn't going another step until the young female gave them something.

"Who is the tracker here, Master Dwalin? You cannot rush these things. I must follow the signs. Look for the clues. The creature that you seek isn't a fool. It has lived this long. Survived all that it has been through, by being careful. By being smarter than all the creatures that might wish to harm it. Covering its tracks. And knowing where to go to not be seen. How to do what needs to be done to keep living....................."

"You talk about it like its more than an animal............" Kili remarked, as he dropped himself onto the grass and looked out over the scene. The city of Dale far below, dominating the view.

"Sounds like she respects tha thing more like." Dwalin huffed. The large dwarf taking his seat on one of the boulders that seemed to sprout up out of the ground.

"I do respect it, Master Dwalin. And it is more than an animal, prince Kili. This is no warg. No simple beast.................."

"Then what is it...............?" Another voice enquired. The skin changer turning to see the king step forward. The question, the first words that he had uttered in quite some time.

"I believe that it is something special, your majesty. Something that not many know still exist............."

"What..............?" Kili interrupted excitedly, as he jumped back to his feet and made his way to join his uncle.

"I believe that we are looking for a skin changer..........."

"Pah! We met a skin changer. Ain't nothin special about that." Dwalin scoffed, as he tried to get more comfortable on his rock.

"Nothing special............!? Nothing special........!? Do you know what a privilege it is to meet a skin changer. To meet a Northman like Beorn? To meet the great bear himself. No, no you don't because you have no idea what it is to be the last of your kind. No idea! And even though Azog the Defiler has killed more dwarves than you would care to remember, that is nothing to what that creature did to the skin changers. What he did to the Northmen and the Moon children................."

"Moon children.........? What are they..............?" Thorin asked. His voice soft and low. The king stepping between the beautiful, yet irate tracker and his old friend. It obvious that (Y/n) had taken Dwalin's words as quite the insult. Thorin sure that if he didn't do something, the pair would come to blows. The King under the Mountain having a feeling that if they did, Dwalin this time might come off second best.

"The Moon children were the other skin changers in this world. Just like the Northmen, they were hunted by Azog and his orc. Just like the Northmen they were enslaved and killed for sport. And just like the Northmen, there is only one left in Middle Earth. But unlike Beorn and his people, the Moon children did not become bears, they became wolves. Great wolves that protected the land. And that..........that is what you are dealing with here. A creature that knows what it has to do to survive................."

"How do you know so much about this............How do you know Beorn?" Thorin continued, as he took a step closer to her. The king finding himself even more intrigued by the female than he was before. Her eyes seeming to swirl and change colour, as she looked at him.

"As I said at the meeting. I have done many things in my life. I have seen my fair share of the good and bad creatures that walk this world. I have hunted and been hunted in turn by them. I have walked this earth from one side to the other and met all manner of races. All manner of peoples. I have met Beorn. Have the honour of knowing him. The privilege to know many things. And that is how I know so much about this." (Y/n) explained, before turning away from the eyes of the dwarves, as she did her best to control the beast that was beginning to rage inside her. The beast that wished to make itself known. To be free of the form in which it had been forced to stay for some time.

"Now. Do you want to find the creature or not..............?" She continued, as she did her best to steady her breathing.

"I don't think that there is any need, is there? I believe that we have already found her................" Thorin replied. (Y/n) feeling a hand placed on her shoulder. 

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